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The cold and hard wind made her hair fly around her head and she stood still. She stood in darkness and looked out beyond the water. She fiddled with the locket on her chest.

"I'm here, dad." She spoke quietly. "I made it."

The whispers of her father's voice inside her head had increased in the last couple of days.

"The fjords of Denmark. The very top of the country."

And here she stood. 6 months after the death of her father, Viola Raywood-Black now stood at the very top of Denmark. It was just as he had told her. A long sand path, water just up to her knees. The black cloak that was wrapped around her flew around her, so she looked like a ghoulish figure, a shadow of death waiting for a victim.

No one had found her. She was close to be found by George Weasley the day she appeared in Diagon Alley to withdraw her money and buy the necessities.
But just as George had moved to get a closer look on the familiar silhouette, she turned to enter Knockturn Alley. She had just about dodged him.

But she had been successful in her ambition to not be found by anyone.

Her looks had changed during those 6 months. Her hair was now red. This was a decision she made because a part of her longed for Fred. But it was a small part and she believed that it would satisfaction enough to dye her hair the very same color as his.
She was thinner and she had dark circles around her eyes. She had gotten a deep scar over her left eye from when she stumbled upon a heard of wild hippogriffs. But since her healing abilities was just about as bad as her mood, she could do little about it.

The clothes that used to fit her perfectly was now hanging baggy around her body. The amount of weight she had lost had taken a toll on her. Sometimes she felt dizzy if she overdid herself. But food was hard to come by, when she didn't have any muggle money, nor did she dare to walk into magical shops to buy. So she was left to be creative when it came to cooking. That very night, she had managed to catch herself a hare, and had done as best as she could with it.

But her journey would soon come to an end. She had done what she needed to do. She went back to her hometown in America and watched the new owners in her old house make themselves comfortable. She had gone to Egypt after having all those stories Bill had told her, in her memories.

Now it was time to return back to England and begin some sort of life. But it wouldn't be what it had been. She wouldn't return to the Weasley's. she would return to Grimmauld Place after having learned that the Burrows had now taken over as headquarters.

She didn't exactly condone dark magic, but she didn't have loyalty towards the light side any longer. She just didn't care. She cared about Harry, but she couldn't bear to look at him.

She had promised him that they would all be together and he would get a real family. But she didn't keep her word. How could she? Sirius was gone and how could she ensure him a good life only being a couple of years older? She had no solid ground, nor had she wanted it. But now, she wanted to return to England. Denmark was the last thing on her list, she needed to do. She needed to do this for her dad. For Sirius.

After a long and deep sigh, Viola turned around and watched the water play around her legs. She knew it was in the middle of the night and it was when she would apparate. By this time, there would be no chance of the twins being in their shop.

Then she apparated away.


The street was cold and somewhat empty. Diagon Alley. Viola quickly hid against a wall as she looked the street up and down. To make sure she could pass unnoticed. She would have to walk past Weasley's Wizard Wheezes to get to Knockturn Alley. To her pleasure, the shop was dark and seemed empty. Then she started walking down the street, the hood covering most of her face and her long and red hair swaying in motion with her movements.

Invitation Only ~ Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now