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Viola was in a state of panic. This was bad if she got caught in another common room. With firewhiskey in her hand. But she was frozen in place. She turned to Fred. "I'll be expelled!" She shouted, but Fred looked around, his hand still grabbing her hand. "Follow me." He said and started to lead her up a set of stairs and then into a door. Viola was met with a circular room with 5 beds. "No, I can't be up here. Scott will kill me if he sees me here." Viola said and pulled her arm away. "He won't see you up here, we don't share dormitory - I'm a 6th year and he's 7th."

"Oh." Viola only managed to say. "My bed is over there, hide behind it." Fred said and pointed to the bed to the right. Viola did as he said and Fred disappeared down to the common room again. When Viola reached the bed, she didn't really feel like hiding behind it. No, she felt like lying on it. She felt like resting her eyes for just... 5 minutes. So she placed herself on Fred's bed and curled up and just... rested her eyes.


Viola woke up with a raging headache and she knew immediately that she was not where she was supposed to be. But then she opened her eyes to be met by a thick, dark red curtain. And then she noticed the heavy breathing beside her. She turned her head and saw Fred Weasley sleeping beside her. Viola took her hand and traced it down to between her legs. A sigh of relief escaped her lips when she felt her underwear being where they were supposed to be. But then she noticed that she was only wearing her underwear. Knickers and her bra. And then she looked at Fred again. He was shirtless. Shear panic shot through Viola's body as she feared the worst. She feared that she had crossed a line with Fred. Her breathing started to become more rapid and she just stared into the ceiling. But she was thankful that Fred had pulled the curtain so they were shielded from anyone else.

"Relax, Vi." Fred whispered and Viola looked at him immediately. "Nothing happened." He added and gave out a big yawn. "Then why am I in my underwear?" she asked, also in a whisper.

"Because you looked really uncomfortable lying there with that dress on." Fred explained and closed his eyes again. "And why are you only wearing your underwear then?" Viola asked him suspiciously and Fred opened his eyes again. "I always sleep like this. I'm not going to change that because you decided to crash my bed, love."

Viola sighed and closed her eyes. "I'm in so much trouble." She whispered - mostly to herself. "Like I said before, rather wisely - relax, Vi." Fred said and then he wrapped his arm around her and clutched her into him, cuddling her. "Let's just sleep a bit more. It is Saturday after all." He whispered into her ear and shivers ran down her spine by the sound of his raspy morning voice.
"Right, okay." Viola agreed and allowed herself to cuddle into Fred's chest. What surprised her, though, was the sound of Fred's heart beating rapidly as if it was about to burst out of his chest. She smiled to herself as she rested her head on his chest to listen to the beautiful sound of his heart beating.

A few hours later, Viola woke up alone. Fred had left the bed and she found herself not knowing what to do exactly. She reached down and tried to find her dress with her fingers. she found it quickly and sat up. She pulled the dress over her head, but then a thought struck her. It would be rather suspicious if she came walking down the halls wearing party wear. And she had a long walk from the Gryffindor tower to the dungeons. She bit her lip and thought long and hard about whether she should do it or not. But then she decided to do it. She reached down to Fred's open trunk and grabbed a sweater of his. A emerald green sweater with the letter "F" knitted in the front. That'd have to do, she thought and pulled the sweater over her head.

"Ugh, my head." She complained quietly when she rose to her feet and began the journey downstairs from Fred's dormitory. To her absolute dismay, she saw none other but her brother at the bottom of the stairs, arms crossed, looking furious as all hell.

Invitation Only ~ Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now