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All of the 4 champions had completed the first task. Scott had invited Viola to a party at the Gryffindor's common room. He was simply going to sneak her in and for the first time in a very long time, she was looking forward to something. She was going to mingle tonight, going to make friends. She was going to have fun, she decided. They were celebrating Harry, this was Harry's night and even though Harry had no clue who she was, she wanted to celebrate him more than Cedric.

Before she was going to sneak out of the common room, Viola had taken a final look in the mirror and was finally satisfied with how she looked. She sighed and bit her lower lip as she was quite nervous to sneak into another common room. She wore a bright red dress of some sort. She had no clue what to call it. It was a dress, but then it wasn't really as there were shorts underneath and the 'skirt' hung so loose over her legs that they were exposed all the time. But she liked it. It looked good.


Scott and Viola had agreed to meet on the 7th floor outside the portrait of the Fat Lady whom the twins had tricked into diving into a whole barrel of old wine. When Viola arrived, she had to choke a laugh when she saw the poor lady having a bad case of the hiccups that when Scott said the password, she didn't notice Viola sneaking in behind him.

"Whoa." Viola said and looked around the common room. It looked so much more cozier than hers. It was bright and red and the mood was so high that it immediately infected Viola with a that big smile of hers that always made Scott so happy. Her smile revealed both her upper teeth and lower teeth. And it went from ear to ear. "There's that famous Vi-smile that I know and love." Scott said and hugged his sister. "I think I know what's been bothering me, Scotty." Viola said as she hugged her brother back. He looked at her, listening.

"I don't think I belong in Slytherin. This is more my style instead of eternal gloom and doom down at the dungeons." She sighed and took another look around the common room. Music played, students dancing. Scott sighed. "That doesn't surprise me that you feel that way. I've spoken to Katie about that, in fact, but she said that there's no way that you can switch houses." He said in a doomy tone of voice and Viola's heart started dropping. "The hat placed you in Slytherin for a reason and maybe the reason with you being that you are so damn ambitious." Viola smiled a faint, but genuine smile. "Maybe you're right. I can just sneak in here now and then."

"Who's sneaking in where? I hope it's the girls dormitories." A voice chuckled behind them. Viola turned around and saw George with a big smile painted on his face. Viola smiled back at him. "Where's your other half?" She asked and searched the room for the twin. George sheepishly scratched his neck and chuckled. "Over there, torturing Angelina." He said and pointed towards the far corner of the room.

There he was indeed and she could faintly hear him complain about not having a date to the Yule Ball while Angelina Johnson casted whistfully looks his direction. Fred seemed to be fully aware of it and took advantage of the situation. Viola shook her head and smiled ever so faintly. She wasn't exactly a big fan of him toying with girls like that, but she had to admit - the looks on Angelina's frustrated face was worth it.
And then Fred looked up and caught Viola's glance. They maintained eye contact and then he smirked at her. Viola smirked back and that only caused Fred to wink.

"Excuse me." Scott interrupted, having witnessed the whole exchange. "What?" Viola asked and tore her gaze away from Fred and to her brother. "Don't think I don't know what's going on here."

Viola simply shrugged and smiled innocently. "I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about." she said and pranced over to the table filled with drinks. She remembered her promise to herself. Mingle. And she panned her gaze around the room and Harry caught her attention. She turned her course towards him and walked over to him.

Invitation Only ~ Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now