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Surely she had mistaken. They were not moving to England. this was some sort of prank to tease Viola and her longing towards afternoon tea. Both Scott and Viola just stared at her, while her face transformed into a frustrated frown.
"But mom..." Scott began. "No, Scott, don't start - I'm sure your sister is doing her jumping jacks of joy right about now." Their mother said and stormed past them and towards their living room.
"That's not fair, Malinda." Scott said. He always referred to their mothers name, when she had crossed a line with him. And it was especially when it revolved around Viola.

"We have two days to pack down this entire house, I have to contact schools in England an-" Malinda began, but Viola interrupted.

"I think that's being taken care of automatically. I think Hogwarts already knows and that our acceptance letters are on their way." Viola said, mostly to herself and had the hardest time hiding her genuine excitement. Scott looked at her and knew what she was thinking. He hid his smile from their mother. Both Viola and Scott were thrilled about the move - they both hated America, but their mother - that was a different story. Malinda Raywood was a single mother of two teenage children and she had been a single mother ever since Scott showed his first sign of magic. Both the siblings knew that it wasn't sentimental value that kept their mother in America, but it was the hope that her husband would come back. That one day, he would walk into the house, grab Malinda and kiss her like he had never kissed before.
But both Viola and Scott knew that it was never going to happen, but they loved their mother too much to bring it up.

"Can you two just... go for a walk, please? I would really like to be alone for a little while. Please?" Malinda asked and looked at her two children. Viola noticed her eyes glistering with tears, threatening to roll down her rosey cheeks. Viola and Scott nodded and rose from their seats, before walking out the door.

As the chilly, but lukewarm wind hit Viola's face, she raised her hands in the air and opened her mouth to exhaust a cheer. "We're going to Hogwarts, Scottie! Hogwarts!" She said joyfully and Scott couldn't help himself but chuckle. "Hogwash, Vi, Hogwash." he teased and winked at her, which only caused Viola to brush him away with a hand gesture.

"Do you mind that much?" Viola asked her brother and directed her path towards the swingset on the playground in front of them. She turned around and sat down on one of the two swings, and swung herself lazy back and forth. Scott stood in front of her and shrugged slightly.

"No, not really. The transfiguration class on Hogwarts is one of the best in the world, so no. I'm more concerned ab-" He said and placed himself of the wing beside his little sister.

"Mother?" Viola interrupted and Scott nodded slowly. "She'll be fine. This is going to be good for her." she said and looked down at her feet, trying to build up the courage to say what had been some unspoken truth between the siblings for years at that point. Then she took a deep breath and looked back at her brother.

"Now, she'll have to forget about dad and she won't hope for his return anymore - maybe she'll move on and hopefully she will find someone." She said and then gulped, thinking about her next words. All she knew was that Scott could remember their dad perfectly, but Viola only had very faint memories of him. Scott was vulnerable on the matter of their dad, because he remembered his presence and then his total absence. It was simply harder for him than it was for her. Their dad was just a piece of worthless shit to Viola. She hated him for doing what he did to their mother and she hated him for leaving Scott and her behind. But Scott didn't just hate him. He missed him.

"We just have to live with the fact that dad isn't coming back." Viola said and Scott sighed and cleared his throat. That was the cue to change the subject. "So Hogwarts, huh? Excited?" Scott asked and Viola shot him a smile. "Very excited. Did you know that Harry Potter is currently at Hogwarts on his 4th year?" She said and picked up a stick from the ground and started drawing circles on the ground.

Invitation Only ~ Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now