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He pulled away instantly like she was on fire. He couldn't believe what she had just said. Tell Scott? Was she insane? Fred took a deep breath when he noticed the slight hint of hurt on Viola's face.

"We can't, Vi. Not yet." Fred said and walked over and seated himself on an empty table. He saw Viola crossing her arms slowly, not looking at him. He knew that he owed her an explanation as to why he was like this.

"Vi, you don't understand. Scott had the talk with George and I after only one week of you guys being here at Hogwarts." Fred began and tried to catch her eyes with his - pleading her to understand. "He made it perfectly clear to stay away from you - from this." he added and gestured his hand back and forth to signal that he mean what they were doing with each other.

"It's not his decision." Viola quietly said and stepped towards Fred. He rose from his seating position and reached out to greet her and wrapped his arms around her. "I know it's not... But I do understand him." Fred said and kissed the top of Viola's head. She looked at him in confusion.

"I have a baby sister, Vi. If I knew that she was running around with someone with... My kind of reputation, I would react just like him." Viola didn't say anything. She sighed and pulled away from Fred to take a seat on the table, previously occupied by Fred. He turned around and walked as close to her as he could get, placed his hand on her cheek and lifted her face up so she faced him. "I still don't know what this is." Fred said and her eyes started to fluster. "But what I do know is that I don't want it to end."

Fred placed his hand gently on Viola's legs and slowly parted them. She didn't stop him and then he took the last step so he stood between her legs and pulled her in for another hug. She didn't reciprocate it at first, but after a few seconds, she slowly snaked her arms around his waist and the she looked up at him with that look in her eye that was begging him to kiss her. Not wanting to make her wait, Fred pressed his lips against hers and she responded almost immediately with parting her lips slightly, allowing him access to her mouth.

The kiss was taking an interesting turn as she moaned softly against his mouth - something she hadn't done before and it was driving Fred crazy. To make it even better, Viola wrapped her legs around his hips and tightened them, so he was urged even closer to her. He felt it tighten in his pants and without thinking, he gently urged her down in a lying position on the table and then crawled on top of her. She didn't stop him and had still her legs wrapped around his hips. Fred started to test the waters by letting his hands travel around her body. When she still wasn't stopping him, even letting her own hands explore his body, he gently slid his hand under her shirt and felt her soft and warm skin against his touch. It tickled in his fingertips to let his hand glide down to her pants, but he wasn't going to make that move. Not until he was absolutely certain that Viola was ready. She had never admitted it to him, but Fred just knew that she was still a virgin and this had to happen on her account. Not his.


This was the farthest they had gotten so far, and when Viola felt that amazing electric sensation by his touch on her bare skin, she couldn't help but letting a quiet moan escape her lips, currently occupied by Fred's lips. Her hands started traveling down his back and then tucked his shirt by it's bottom, starting to impatiently pulling it off him. It was the iconic dark grey shirt sweatshirt over his white and buttoned up shirt. Fred helped her easily get rid of the grey sweater and then Viola started unbuttoning his white shirt. When she was finished, she let her hands touch his stomach. It was surprisingly muscular. Well, it did make sense that he was sporty, since he played that much quidditch. She slightly gasped, when she felt Fred's big hand tighten on her chest. But it wasn't unpleasant. Quite the opposite. Both her hands traveled up to his broad shoulders, and dug her nails gently into his skin. She couldn't help it, she did it by nature and she could feel Fred's smirk under their kiss.

Invitation Only ~ Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now