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Scott sighed and closed the door behind him to Viola's room and then crossed his arms. He turned his gaze to meet his sister's and only then noticed her eyes glistered with tears and the damp trails of tears streaming down your cheeks.

"You told Fred and George about what happened with Spencer." She said and then gulped only to see Scott's face starting to form a look of panic and guilt. "That was not yours to tell and why on earth would you even tell them to begin with?"

Scott took a deep breath, visibly gathering courage to explain himself. "Because both Fred and George were about to place a bet on which of them could get close to you first and you don't know what I know about them."

"What is it that you think you know?"

"I don't think. Alicia told me about how they hide around every corner with the girl of the week and..." He gulped and closed his eyes. "Do things.".

"So?" Viola asked and had finally gotten her voice and tears under control. She raised her eyebrow at her brother.

"So? I don't want you to be a girl of the week!"

"That is not your call, Scott!" Viola shouted and quickly rose from the bed. She walked over and poked Scott hard in his chest. "If I want to be the girl of the week, or girl of the month, girl of the year or even girl of the day, then It's my decision!" She said and poked him every time she uttered the word 'girl'. "You don't trust them, bloody hell - you don't even fucking trust me and we have been always been close! And you still haven't explained why you would tell them about Spencer? Nothing fucking happened!"

"Nothing happened? Vi, he gathered an audience at the quidditch pitch and casted a Confundus on you to make you drop your clothes!" Scott said and grabbed Viola's shoulders.

"Yes, he did and it affected me deeply, but don't you think that I would've like to be at Hogwarts without people knowing that damn thing?" She said and crossed her arms. "And do you, honestly, believe that Fred and George could be capable of doing such things? Sure they have their conquests, sure they brag about it, but have you ever heard them talk about girls in a demeaning way? Or ever gotten the hint or clue that they would ever force someone to do something like that against their will?!"

Scott's face changed the second, Viola mentioned it. He was thinking hard, she could clearly see it. She had hit right on the spot and she knew that he had nothing to add. He knew she was right, it was obvious. "Vi... I'm sorry." Scott finally said after a few seconds of silence.

"It's all right, but you owe Fred and George an apology too. For thinking such things about them." Viola said and released her arms to place her hand on Scott's arm. "You may know them better than me at this point..." She said, lying through her teeth. "But they don't strike me as the type of guys who would take advantage of girls. They have a little sister."

Scott sighed and pulled Viola into a tight hug. She returned his hug and rested her head against his chest. This was the exact same way that Fred was hugging her a few minutes earlier. And it was just as comforting. Nothing and no one could comfort her like Scott. "Speaking of their family." Scott began and pulled away to look at Viola, but still hand his arms around her. "Mrs. Weasley arrived - let's go meet her, yeah?".


When Viola and Scott arrived down at the kitchen, she could see all the Weasley siblings and Harry gathered around a small and chubby woman who were hugging them in turns. Viola finally got to see Mrs. Weasley's face and it was a face of pure kindness. She smiled slightly when she saw her hugging her children like she hadn't seen them in years.

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