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A celebration was promised and a celebration they got.

As soon as they all arrived back at the Burrow, everyone helped to fetch belongings from diverse safe houses, and to get the house in shape for celebration. As soon as all belongings were gathered, the men went out to raise a tent like they had on Bill and Fleur's wedding.

As soon as the men went outside, Molly turned to all the women and started off with giving each of them a warm hug.

"Now, for the room situation - Fleur, you and Bill will not be staying over, right?" She asked and Fleur shook her head. "No, but we will be back in the morning." Fleur replies and Molly nodded.

"Right so, Hermione, Ginny and Viola - do you mind sharing rooms?" Molly asked and the three girls shared warm smiles in between them, indicating that they had no problem with that.

"Ron and Harry will be in Ron's room and Fred and George in their old room. Oh, my, we better set up a tent for anyone who wishes to stay the night." Molly said and aounded slightly stressed.

"Molly, we will figure that out, but now is not the time for stressing about such things." Viola calmly said.

"Oh, you're right, I'm just being silly. Now girls, will you help me prepare a feast?" She asked and they all agreed.

Hermione and Viola started flipping their wands to order vegetables to be cut up neatly while Molly went out to find the finest roast she could find.

"I can't believe it's actually over." Hermione said as her carrot flew into the air and cut itself into neat slices and then swayed down in a pot.

"I can. I never once doubted you three." Viola answered and Hermione smiled warmly at her.

"Once we're done with the vegetables, we should get cleaned up. This is a night for true celebration and we should look out finest, don't you think?" Ginny asked from the other side of the kitchen. Both girls and Fleur agreed upon that statement.

"Oh, we should all do each other's makeup and 'air!" Fleur suggested and the girls chuckled at her.

"Right, my vegetables are done, so I'll go take the first shower." Viola said after having finished her last carrot. Then she walked over to her trunk to get her bathroom supplies, before she slipped up the stairs to the bathroom.

Once she closed the door behind her, she leaned against it for a moment and closed her eyes. It was over. It was truly over. The biggest of sighs escaped her lips and it was pure relief. It was like she had been inhaling all the dark times for years and now she had exhaled it all.

She turned on the water and waited for it to get warm enough for her to skip under as soon as she dropped her filthy clothes.

As she stood under the rinsing water, she could see dirt and blood running down her body and down the drain. This shower was much needed. She could feel the horrors of the past years rinsing away along with the dirt and blood. She was getting clean in more ways than one.

Her thoughts were interrupted by the bathroom door opening.

"Oop, sorry!"

"Fred, is that you?"


"Yea, come in." Viola said and pulled the shower curtain aside just enough to see Fred entering the bathroom.

"Get the tent set up?" She asked and smiled at him. Fred started to take his clothes off as if it was the most normal thing in the world.

"Yeah, it's all set up. Dad and the others are gathering up camping tents for those who want to stay over. A lot are coming to celebrate, even most of the professors." Fred told her and as soon as he was fully naked, he snuck under the running water and stood in front of Viola. She wrapped her arms around his neck and he wrapped his around her waist.

Invitation Only ~ Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now