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I realise that it's been quite a while between chapter 89 and chapter 90 and for those who doesn't remember the plot all that well, here's a quick recap:

After the battle of Hogwarts, the young wizards now find them having to deal with the world after the war. For the first time in years, there's no imminent danger. Or so they think.
After having suffered a great personal loss, Fred and Viola are left to pick up the pieces. But the calm is only a short pleasure. Viola's world is turned upside down by several threatening letters. The purpose of these letters? To isolate her as much as possible until they strike.
An elaborate plan, mastered by the late Bellatrix Lestrange's husband, Rodolphus.
He manages to cause enough friction in Fred and Viola's relationship that he lures her into his captivity. For nearly 2 months, Viola is forced to enter Harry Potter's mind to find the location of the resurrection stone.
Fred's sense of reason is clouded by his own sorrow and heartbreak and it's George who sets a plan in motion to bring Viola home.

Together, the group tricks Rodolphus Lestrange and his werewolf companion, Carson Batt, into giving Viola and another captive, Lucius Malfoy back.

Back home, Viola now realised that she doesn't want to waste any time and her and Fred gets married a few months after. And they have other plans in mind. A family of their own, but that was a difficult task and with no luck for a year, they finally conceive and now they must prepare for the arrival of their child.
Meanwhile, the drama seems to rise with the arrival of one from Viola's past - Spencer Simmons. The man who once took advantage of her.


Bliss, bliss, bliss. That's how Viola preferred to describe her life as it was. But it was not all bliss in Fred's world. His happiness was paused sometimes by his heavy conscience. He was keeping secrets from her and it took a toll.

His eyes kept lingering on the new letter from MACUSA. His heart was filled with dread by the written words.

"Well? What does it say?" George asked from across the desk in their office.

"It says they're coming here. The whole circus." Fred said with a long and exhausted sigh. "The boardmembers, I mean."

"Here? To England? Why?"

"They want to see and witness the original shop and make sure we make no funny business... basically." Fred said and got up from his chair to grab two glasses and the bottle beside them. He poured both himself and George a glass.

"Does it really say that?" George asked with a weird look and grabbed the letter.

"Not directly, but I suppose that 'We wish to get confirmation on your records of the establishment of the shop' means 'we want to make sure you aren't doing something fishy" Fred said and handed the glass to George. They both took a sip.

"But Fred, this is good news, what gets you down like this?" George then asked and let go of the letter to take a sip of his glass.

"The whole lot! The whole fucking board is coming here and that includes that asshole. And I should and have to host a dinner party, which includes bringing him into my home. Over my dead body. I can't do that to Viola."

"Who says you have to host a dinner party?" George scoffed and leaned back in his chair as Fred dumped down in his.

"See, this is my problem! I'm damned if I do and I'm damned if I don't." Fred exclaimed and closed his eyes in frustration.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2022 ⏰

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