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The rest of Easter holiday went without drama. Most of the time, they played quidditch on a field about a mile away from the Burrows. Viola was given the honor of playing the part as chaser and she was horrible at it. She truly sucked at playing quidditch and that meant that she provided the laughs. Not that she felt humiliated. It was fun and she laughed with them whenever Viola had done something stupid. It made her long to watch quidditch and she hated that because of the tournament, there was no quidditch that year. She didn't know that Harry was a seeker for Gryffindor's team, only that Fred and George were beaters. And suddenly her 7th and last year at Hogwarts couldn't come quick enough. She longed to watch the twins and Harry play.

Over the Easter holiday, Viola grow very close to Harry, but mostly to Ginny. Even though she was 3 years younger, it didn't matter. She was tough, fun and very likeable. It wasn't that big of a surprise, considering who her brothers were. Viola had thought she would spend most days, casting stolen looks at Fred and long for him to drag her out somewhere private so they could share a private moment. But that didn't happen much. Only about 3 times had they dared to kiss each other that whole holiday, but that was only when they were sure that no one could see them or hear them. But for some reason... Viola didn't think about it that much. She was having so much fun at the Burrows that her longing for Fred could be satisfied just by being in the same room as him and the others and all of them having a great time together.

As it turned out, Mrs. Weasley hadn't taken much liking to Viola and she suspected it was because of her place in Slytherin. Viola felt a stone drop on her heart every time she thought of it, because she liked Mrs. Weasley. She was extraordinary. Viola had done all in her power to change her mind about her, so every night, Viola volunteered to help her make dinner, whenever she spoke about something that needed to be done, Viola volunteered. But little difference did it make.


Soon - way to soon - it was time to return to Hogwarts. They traveled back the same way they traveled in. By Floo powder. Before their departure, Mrs. Weasley hugged everyone goodbye, even Viola and then they all, in turns, stepped into the fireplace and ended up in McGonagall's office again.

"Good afternoon, Miss Raywood. You should go back to your house and unpack before dinner." McGonagall said and Viola nodded, but lingered a bit as the Weasley's and Harry exited the office.

"Miss Raywood?" McGonagall asked when she noticed that Viola had stayed behind.

"Professor, there's something I want to get off my chest." Viola said and awkwardly looked down at the floor. McGonagall looked up at her with a curious face and put her quill down to get Viola full attention. "It's just... I think the Sorting hat placed me in the wrong house. I don't belong in Slytherin." She said and looked up at the Head of Gryffindor house, whose face changed from curious to some sort of compassionate understanding look.

"Miss Raywood, there are a lot of students like you that feel like they don't belong. But you must keep in mind that the Sorting hat doesn't make a just make a decision based on who you are at the time it's placed on your head. It sees your full potential, what you could become one day." She said and gestured at the chair in front of her desk. Viola took the hint and seated herself on said chair.

"But, professor... I am not cunning, I am not obsessed with bloodlines and I'm not interested in any form of dark magic." Viola said and started to pick a loose nail on her pinky finger. McGonagall sighed. "Not all Slytherins are dark wizards. 13 years ago, out old Potions master retired and he was Head of Slytherin as well, and he is a very kind and loving man." She said and leaned back in her chair. Viola sighed.

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