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The grounds at Hogwarts was just like they had left them. It was breezy in that cold March night when the group of Viola's loved ones began to travel towards the Forbidden Forest.

"What a walk! We should've just apparated." George exclaimed from somewhere behind Fred.

"Ugh, I really do have to repeat myself over and over again! You can't apparate in and out of Hogwarts!" Hermione said with a tired, but agitated voice.

"Blimey, George should know better than to question anything about Hogwarts near Hermione." Ron said with a chuckle. He was walking beside Fred and Harry, but Fred hardly acknowledged whatever happened behind him. All he had going in his head was to find that damned stone, because that was the only hope he had as to find Viola. Harry was doing his best to retrace his steps from back when he traveled into the forest to meet his supposed demise.

"I just don't understand something. What could Rodolphus possibly gain from that stone? If it's to speak with Bellatrix, then why? Out of love? Grief?" Harry asked and looked at Fred who looked back at him.

"I would've done the same thing. If Viola had... I mean, I wouldn't kidnap someone to get what I want, but if I could speak with her again... I would give anything to get that chance." Fred answered and his eyes went down to the ground in front of him. "Where did you go next?"

"Honestly Fred, I'm not entirely sure where I dropped it, but I have three possible options." Harry said and gave Fred an apologetic look.

"What are those options?"

"Right here at the edge of the forest, when I summoned my parents, Sirius and Lupin, when I noticed Yaxley in the forest or the place where... Voldemort tried to kill me."

"Let's start here." Fred said and stopped. Everyone else stopped the second he did and looked at him anxiously. "All right, listen. We are looking for that damn stone, and Harry says that he has three spots it might be at. Here is one of them. Spread out and search."

"The stone is a small black stone with a triangular symbol with a circle and a line." Harry added, and then everyone mumbled the spell 'Lumos' and a crowd of lightened wand tips emerged. Fred turned around and directed his eyes at the ground.

"Why don't we try the summoning spell?" George suggested after a good 10 minutes of searching.

"I don't know where I dropped it, and it won't work on such a powerful magical object." Harry answered and got up from searching stance. "Fred, it would be much faster if we divide into teams. We leave some here to search, go to the next spot and leave some there and then you and I can go to the last spot."

"That's not a bad idea. Lee, Scott, Neville, Luna and Charlie- you stay here" Fred said and those he mentioned nodded and then the rest of them began following Harry into the forest.

Once they had walked a good while, Harry stopped the rest of the group.

"I met a couple of death eaters here and followed them back to Voldemort's hideout." Harry said and looked around. Fred looked at the rest of the group and thought for a moment.

"Bill, Perce, Ron, Hermione and Malfoy - you stay and look here. The rest of us will meet you back here in one hour." Fred said and the group nodded. All except Malfoy.

"With all due respect, I would like to come with you and Potter." Malfoy said politely and gave Fred a studying look. Fred sighed, but agreed and off the three of them went. Harry kept looking down on the ground, searching hard for the stone. He was walking a few meters ahead of Fred.

"Hey, Weasley?" Malfoy suddenly said as he rushed up to Fred's side. Fred gave him a quick glance, but then his eyes fell down on the ground in search. "I just wanted to say that I'm sorry for what's going on with Viola."

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