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Time went by, and everything was good for a while. Viola was happy. Her and Fred were in a good place, she had DA to look forward to, and her and George had grown even closer ever since she helped him get the Ravenclaw girl, he had been casually seeing for a while. Now he and Cathrine Rosswine were inseparable which drove Fred crazy. George kept reminding him about his and Viola's relationship, especially in the beginning and that always made Fred shut up.


During one of the DA meetings, Harry instructed everyone on how to produce a patronus charm. Viola smirked as she already knew how to do that. When she uttered the spell, the beautiful winged Granian horse jumped out from her wand and everyone's eyes followed it with awe.

"Brilliant, Vi!" Harry shouted excitedly across the room and rushed over to her as the winged horse galloped around the other students and accidentally knocked George over.

"I've known how to produce one for 2 years." Viola told Harry as he happily looked at her.

"Mine is a..." Harry began, but Viola interrupted. "A stag. Yeah, I know." She said and winked at him. "Have you forgotten I used to be your biggest fan?" She chuckled.

"Oh, right." Harry said and then clapped her shoulder in acknowledgement. Then he turned around and instructed the others to continue trying.

"What did you think of?" Harry asked in a low voice, only meant for Viola to hear.

"Sirius. When he gave me this." She said and pulled out the locket from inside her shirt. Harry's smile grew and he blinked, clearly a bit emotional.

"Go, guide the others." Viola said and gestured towards the lot and Harry nodded and did just so.

Unfortunately that night turned out to be the worst night at Hogwarts. A squeaky house elf had apparatus into the room and in panic told them that Umbridge was coming. And that she knew what was going on.

Fred rushed over and grabbed Viola, before he sprinted away, his hand firmly wrapped around hers. "Fred! Slow down!" She said as he kept running and running. But he didnt answer.

Not until they reached the crypt, with a miracle, not running into any authority figure. Fred panted heavily as he rested his body against the wall, rapidly trying to catch his breath.

"Why did you run down here?" Viola asked in panic. "You should've just run up to your tower!"

"I couldn't let her catch you in there." Fred panted and placed his hand on his side, painfully grimacing. "I don't care if I'm caught, I really couldn't care less and if we get caught down here, then I'm the one in trouble."

Viola looked at him in disbelief. "You don't care if you get caught? Fred, we only have a few months left!" She said and looked at him. He just shrugged in response.

"Fred, what's going on? You and George have been shitting all over the rules lately." She said and narrowed her eyes.

"We just want to go out with a bang." Fred merely answered, suggesting that she should leave the topic and not dig any further.

"Students are questioned, fed Veritaserum, basic human needs are forbidden, I can't play quidditch. There's nothing good about this place anymore." Fred said when Viola crossed her arms strictly.

"Nothing?" She said, her voice shaking and slightly cracking. Fred's eyes shot wide open and rose from the wall.

"Vi, no, I didn't mean it like that." He said, his voice sounding shook of his own words. But the damage was done. His words were echoing in her head, painfully repeating over and over.

Invitation Only ~ Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now