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The time before the third and final task went by in a blur. Everybody whispered and betted on who would win the tournament. Viola found herself not caring about who would win, but she worried more about Harry getting out in one piece. Since their time at the Burrows, Viola had grown close to not only the twins, but also Ron, Hermione and Harry. Hermione always wanted to know everything about Ilvermorny, whereas to Harry was more interested in Viola's increasing visits to the Gryffindor common room. Whenever the topic came to conversation, Viola stiffened and Fred always looked at her. She knew that he still didn't want anyone to know, but she was beginning to grow impatient. They had started to get into small fights more and more often. Something she hated, but Fred had started to irritate her. She began feeling like a dirty secret to him, and it was showing on her behavior towards him. Since the night in Fred's bed where they had taken that step further, nothing else had happened between them, other than occasional fights followed by making up, but leaving Viola just as frustrated.

Viola had a feeling that not only George and Jamie knew what was going on. Draco Malfoy had begun dropping subtle hints that he knew what was going on. But she could not, by the life of her, figure out how. In her mind, she thought they had been sneaky and careful. It had been 2 weeks since the last time, her and Fred had met up. The tension was growing as the third task came closer. Only 2 weeks until the final task and a trip to Hogsmeade was coming up. Jamie couldn't go, because he had scored himself a detention with professor Moody. Viola groaned when he told her, because she really wanted to go, but didn't feel like going with Fred. She knew that George and probably Lee as well, would tag along. And she did not feel like dealing with the three of them pulling pranks and jokes and talk about their business. As she was telling Jamie about that, she heard a slight cough behind her.
She turned around and saw Malfoy.

"I can keep you company in Hogsmeade tomorrow." He said and shrugged lightly, like he didn't really care about how she would respond. She was about to scoff at him, turning him down in the most brutal way, but then a thought struck her. An uninvited, yet tempting thought. This could maybe be the thing that would tip Fred over the edge. Hanging around Draco Malfoy, starting to spend some alone time with him could make Fred jealous enough to actually do something about the thing between them. So Viola's mouth cornered in a smile and then said: "You know what? Let's do it, but you better make it worth my while, Malfoy, because my NEWTs are killing me and I really need that trip to take my mind off it."

Malfoy chuckled lightly. "I'll do my very best. Meet you outside the gates at 10?" He asked and crossed his arms, wearing a crooked smile on his face. She nodded and gave him a discrete thumbs up. Then he turned around and walked up to his dormitory.

"What the actual fuck, Vi? Draco Malfoy? Seriously?" Jamie asked in disbelief when he had made sure that Malfoy couldn't hear him. Viola simply shrugged and opened her book once again. "Why not?" She just asked and started to read her book. Jamie just shook his head and turned his attention to his homework.


The next morning, Viola got up in good time to get a good breakfast, before the trip to Hogsmeade. She seated herself alone at the Slytherin table and ignored the looks she got from her Gryffindor friends. They were probably wondering why she didn't spend breakfast with them before the trip, they would go on together. But she didn't look at them and just enjoyed her breakfast like nothing was bothering her.

About 30 minutes later, she exited the gates to the castle and saw Malfoy standing with a quite impressive posture, hands in his pocket, and nonchalantly looking in the direction of the little village. He was wearing the most casual outfit, she had ever seen on him. Despite him being a good 2 years younger than her, he didn't look like it. He could easily go as someone older than he was. Maybe her own age. And probably for the first time, he didn't look like that spoiled pure blood, he was said to be. Viola let out a deep sigh before she walked over to him.

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