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She woke up alone. Viola opened her eyes slowly and was met with the sight of a cloudy sky from the skylight. She reached out to her left and noticed the empty spot beside her. With confusion, she sat up and looked around. Fred was nowhere to be seen. A deep sigh of scaled Viola's lips when she finally threw her legs out of bed and got up. Damn, she was incredibly sore.

"Good thing, I'm off until next week." She mumbled to herself as she walked over to her closet to pull out her robe. She threw it over her shoulders and closed it before she walked out of the bedroom. A faint murmur came from downstairs and as soon as Viola walked down the stairs, she saw Fred sitting on the couch in front of the TV. He was watching muggle news.

He was only wearing his pajama pants. He wasn't wearing a shirt and Viola could see the scratches on his back, she left the night before. His hair was messy and wild, just how she liked it.
With quiet steps, she walked over to the couch and placed her hands on his shoulders as she bent over and placed a kiss on his cheek.

"Good morning, handsome." She purred in his ear and Fred turned his head and gave her a smile.

"Morning, gorgeous." He said and they kissed briefly.

"What time is it?" Viola asked.

"Almost 10. I didn't want to wake you."

Viola smiled and gave him a kiss once more. Fred returned her kiss and in a swift movement, he had his arm around her and urged her down. Laughing, Viola let him and fell down onto the couch in Fred's arms. She got comfortable and snuggled into his chest.

"What's going on in the world?" Viola asked as she turned her head and looked at the TV.

"Argh, not really anything too exciting. There's a storm coming tonight, they say." He answered and placed a kiss on the side of her head.

"Ugh, I hate storms." Viola complained. "But that means a night in, cuddling with you, watching bad horror movies, I'll make something delicious for us?"

"Sounds like heaven to me, but Vi... I need to talk to you about something." Fred said quietly and immediately Viola felt a knot tighten in her chest.

"About what?" She asked and looked up at him. He bit his lower lip.

"Well, uh... The thing is that George and I have gotten to opportunity to expand Weasley's Wizard Wheezes and open more shops." He began and she could feel him tugging her tighter.

"Well, that's fantastic, isn't it?" She said as a question, because she couldn't quite add up why he was so tense about it.

"It is! It's completely amazing, but the thing is..." He took a deep breath and cupped her cheek and stroked it with his thumb. "...It's in America. Boston and then maybe New York too. Which means that George and I will have to go to America for a little while."

"When?" Viola asked and the knot in her chest tightened further.

"In 2 weeks time is everything goes as planned."

"For how long?"

"A few weeks, maybe a month."

"A month?!" Viola yelped and pulled away to get a clear look at Fred. "How long have you known about this?"

"About 2 weeks."

"2 weeks?" Viola yelled and stood up from Fred's lap. Her mouth was open and she looked at him, completely baffled. "You've known about this for 2 weeks and you're only just telling me this now?"

"Look, I'm sorry, I didn't want to ruin the big move and I know things have been stressed lately with work and the new house and all-"

"No, Fred! This isn't about me being stressed, this is about you not wanting me react this way!"

Invitation Only ~ Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now