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*** WARNING ***
Adult and mature content will be displayed in this episode


The day seemed to pass in a slow pace. Viola kept looking at her watch almost every 15 minutes to check how closer she was to 9 o'clock and when it slowly crept closer, she stood in her dormitory, trying to figure out what to wear for an event like this. Spending the night with Fred again. They hadn't shared a night since that night they accidentally fell asleep in the Astronomy Tower. Not even at the Burrows had Fred snuck into her bed. It was probably because they could get caught so easily.

What Viola was most worried about was Scott. She hated lying to him, but keeping the thing with her and Fred seemed to be at it's utmost importance, though their secret was hanging on by a thread. Lately Viola had noticed Hermione study her and Fred's behavior when they were around each other and she had that certain look in her eye that told Viola that she knew. But they also shared some unspoken agreement that she had to keep it a secret.

Satisfied with her looks, Viola turned her pace towards the exit of the common room and slowly snuck her way up to the 7th floor. As she was getting closer to the portrait of the Fat Lady, she could hear voices. Fred being one of them. And the other...?

"Why won't you tell me what you're doing out here?" A female voice asked, and it had this gentle tone to it, that made Viola's neck hair rise. It was Angelina Johnson. The girl Fred had taken to the Yule Ball. And she was clearly flirting with him. Viola quickly his behind a statue as she listened in.

"I'm waiting for... someone." Fred said and completely ignored the signals that Angelina was sending him. Viola smirked to herself as she watched them in the dark corner. "Why don't we just find a dark corner for ourselves?" Angelina asked and started moving towards Fred. She was caressing his arm with her hand and Viola felt rage starting to boil up in her body. She felt like putting Angelina in her place right at that moment, and she decided to do just so.

She emerged from her hiding spot and cleared her throat and Angelina turned around. Viola's eyes met Fred's and he didn't seem to mind one bit that she interrupted them. He smirked at her and Viola reciprocated the smirk with her own. "Run along, little Slytherin." Angelina said, brushing her off, and that made Viola raise her eyebrow at her.

"I was waiting for her." Fred said harshly and a flush of pride and joy flushed through Viola as she saw the the face on Angelina. She stepped back immediately and Viola walked over to Fred. He put his arm around her and mumbled the password to the Fat Lady and they walked into the common room. As soon as they entered, Fred let go of her. A sudden strike of realization hit her. They had just acted like a couple in front of Angelina.

"Fred, we just outed ourselves to Angelina." Viola whispered to him as they made their way up to his dormitory. "Don't worry, Vi. Scott knows that Angelina has been driving me nuts, so I'll just say that you helped me get rid of her, yeah?" He whispered back and held the door open for her as she slit into the dormitory. It was the same as it had been 6 months prior. George and Lee's bed were messy, but Fred had cleaned up around his.

"So what now?" Viola asked and felt very small all of a sudden. Fred walked over to his bed and started to put the pillows in place to make it comfortable for both of them.

"Well, George has got a cover for me. I have a dreadful headache and went to bed early and will therefor sleep in and arrive late for breakfast tomorrow morning." He said and leaned up against the wall by his bed. Viola couldn't help but let a chuckle escape her lips. "Got it all figured out, huh? What a schemer, you are." She said and stepped towards him.

Invitation Only ~ Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now