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Instead of the things Fred had longed for in his mind to do with Viola, he found himself enjoying her company much more than he had expected. They had shared one kiss that evening and the rest of the time, they were wrapped under a blanket and just talking through the night. They covered most of it. Viola's time at Ilvermorny and how much she hated it there. Fred's childhood where he and George were torturing their younger brother, Ron and their older brother, Percy. Viola had almost choked on her pumpkin juice when Fred had told her how Ron had gotten his fear from spiders from. That he and George had transformed his teddy into a big spider. And her laugh was sweet music to his ears. And it just made him stare at her in admiration.

"What?" Viola asked when she had noticed his gaze at her. "Nothing." Fred simply said, still smiling, but then crept his hand onto her leg and led it up to her thigh, all the while he inched his head closer to Viola's and slowly she parted her lips lightly and closed her eyes. But Fred smirked and stopped right as their lips barely touched. Then his grip on her thigh tightened and he could her Viola's breathing becoming heavier and heavier. "You want me to kiss you?" Fred whispered against her lips and Viola nodded slowly, almost immediately. His smirk grew and just as their lips brushed against each other, instead of kissing her, Fred gently bit her lower lip. Apparently this was just the right thing to do.

Viola started panting and in a matter of nano seconds, she was straddling him, her hands on each side of his neck and she crashed her lips on his. Fred's hands traveled from her thigh to her waist and in the process, slightly pulling up her sweater a little bit, so he felt her soft and warm skin under his touch. She kept kissing him and then she smirked against his lips.

"You don't get to tease me, Fred Weasley." She whispered. Fred let out a light chuckle as their lips were touching, but not kissing. "I'll be the one to decide that." He whispered back, feeling her panting and damp breath against his mouth. "Don't be a smart ass." She said back and then she bit his lower lip, just like he had done seconds ago. This time, she had him wrapped around her little finger, and his grip around her tightened, urging her closer, wanting her closer. But just as he was about to press his lips on hers again, she changed her tactic, which caught Fred completely off guard.

Viola moved her lips from his and started to press her soft lips against his jawline. Fred leaned his head back, closed his eyes, his mouth slightly parted and enjoyed every electric sensation her lips lift on his skin. She parted her mouth and letting just the tip of her tongue touch his skin and trailed it down his jawline to his neck and down to his collarbone. He let out a deep sigh when Viola pressed her soft lips against his collarbone and sucked lightly on his skin.

But just as he was about to make the next move, she pulled back, placed a quick - too quick - kiss on his lips and removed herself from his lap with the biggest smirk painted on her face. Fred just looked at her disbelief. Okay, Viola 1.. Fred 0, he thought to himself as he crossed his legs to hide the situation in his pants, letting out a frustrated sigh. Viola didn't address what just happened and neither did he. She rested her head against his shoulder, and he rested his head against hers, both looking silently at the sky. But it was not an awkward silence, nor uncomfortable. Quite the opposite. It was a nice silence. Like they had some sort of joint understanding of each other, that not everything needed to be spoken of.


Viola felt chilly. And her back hurt. She opened her eyes and saw a bright blue sky. Her headrest was rather hard and she found out that she was resting her head in Fred's lap.

"Shit, Fred! Wake up!" Viola shouted and sat up in one quick movement. Fred opened his eyes, having slept sitting. "Wha.. What's happening?" He said, rather sleepy. "What time is it?" Viola asked in panic. He rubbed his eyes and then looked at his wristwatch. The his eyes opened wide. "Bloody hell! It's almost 10.30, we're so late!" He said and rose to his feet immediately. Viola stood up as well. "We have to get to Transfiguration quickly!" she said and started running towards the door. Fred followed her.

"McGonagall is gonna kill us." He said as they rushed through the halls, making their way to Transfiguration class. "She'll kill us dead." Viola agreed and groaned. In a matter of 10 minutes they reached the class and as Viola was about to grab the door, Fred grabbed her arm.

"Fuck, Viola, we can't go in together, it's going to be obvious." Fred said and scratched his head. Viola groaned again and her facial impression turned into panic. "Should we just skip?" She asked him and looked up at him.
"Even though the thought of skipping class with you sounds more appealing than sleep right now, we can't. You should go in first." He said and gestured towards the door. Viola shook her head rapidly. "No no no no, you'll go first." She said and bit her lip. Fred looked at her out of the corner of his eye. "Stop biting your lip." He said firmly, but with a hint of desire. She let go of her lip and sighed. "Okay, please go first, I need to gather courage, please?" She pleaded him. Fred sighed, and then slowly nodded. "Wait five minutes, okay?" Viola nodded in agreement and then Fred pushed the door open and entered the class.

Viola paced back and forth, counting the seconds up to five minutes and when the time finally was up, she took a deep breath and pushed the door open. When she entered the class, every set of eyes were shot in her direction. She blushed heavily when the whispering started, a horrifying realization hit her. She was still wearing Fred's sweater! Her eyes immediately found Fred's and his look revealed that he was thinking the exact same thing as her. George were looking at his twin, then at Viola, then back at Fred and repeated the ritual about 3 times, before his face transformed into a big exclamation mark. He knew! Viola quickly found her seat and thanked every lord that McGonagall was not in the classroom. Maybe she had gone out to find her and Fred.

"Where the hell have you been?" Jamie whispered to Viola and she blushed even heavier. "We fell asleep." She whispered back and started reading over Jamie's shoulder. "Thank Merlin that McGonagall isn't here." She sighed. But Jamie's face just turned into sad gaze. "She is here."

And right on cue, McGonagall transformed herself back into herself from the cat sitting on her desk. Viola knew she was in trouble. But McGonagall didn't walk towards her. But Fred instead. She could hear very faint what they were whispering about.

"Mr. Weasley, you are late." She whispered firmly. "I'm sorry, professor. Slept in - won't happen again." Fred pleaded to his Head of house and McGonagall sighed. "It better not." And then she turned her direction to Viola. She closed her eyes, preparing herself for what was going to go down. Everybody had stopped what they were doing and followed McGonagall's movement.

"Miss Raywood. This class started an hour ago." McGonagall whispered and her lips were as tight as ever. She was furious. "I'm sorry, professor, I wasn't feeling well this morning." Viola quickly said, trying to hide the big 'F' on the sweater with her arms nervously crossed in front of it. McGonagall raised her eyebrow. She had, without a doubt, noticed the sweater, when Viola walked into the classroom. She leaned down to lower her whisper, so only Viola could hear.

"If that ever happens again, I will not hesitate to punish you and Mr. Weasley with a a severity of the most serious matter." She whispered and Viola closed her eyes in shame. "Yes, professor."

As Viola tried to focus on the lesson, she could hear Fred and George whispering together, George trying to get Fred to admit where he had been. He had obviously not returned to their dormitory last night. She turned her head slightly and could just about see George and Fred in a heated discussion.

"George, let it go, will you?" Fred whispered annoyed and tried to scratch down notes for the lesson. "No, I won't!" George snapped back. He shot a look towards Viola, looking her up and down, then looked back at Fred, then back at Viola and then it hit him. His mouth dropped in shock. "You didn't!" He whispered. "Didn't what?"

"You and... You! And Viola?"

"Shut up, will you?"

"She's wearing your sweater!"

Great. Just great. Now George knew. Viola blushed heavily and tore her gaze away from the twins, while she could hear Fred frustrated whispering back to George, saying that he had to shut up about it and that he would tell him about it later that day. Viola groaned and frowned. She just knew which direction this would lead. Right back to Scott. And Fred would be dead meat.

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