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December rolled into January and it was just as tense as the many months prior. They felt cramped at Muriel's and the twins were pressed about not being able to go into work.

Private moments with Fred was even harder to come by because more members of the Order had to stay at the house as well. Kingsley had taken residence in the house as well. His presence was wildly comforting and he and Viola grew quite close. He had a way of bringing her comfort that was hard to explain. They often sat in the kitchen, just talking over tea. Kingsley had noticed the ring in her finger and Viola had told him all about Fred and he had promised to keep it to himself. No one else had found out. Maybe Molly had, but she didn't say anything about it and that was a relief.

They were still on lockdown when Muriel came screaming down the stairs one day. Viola was making afternoon tea in the kitchen when she hears the commotion and ran out to meet the distressed into the dining room.

"Boggart in the attic!" She screamed and ran into her room and slammed the door shut. Viola bit her lip as she looked around for any sign of life around the house. She had never mastered a boggart before. She could never make whatever appeared laughable.

But as she took a deep breath, she built up her courage and walked carefully and with dread up the stairs. Once she got to the attic, she lifted the trap door and crawled up the ladder. She heard rummaging from a wooden cradle at the right corner of the attic. Viola slowly pulled out her wand from her pocket and was holding it with shaking hands. A beam of blue light shot out of the top of her wand and the cradle flew open. Out of it crawled Fred and George.

For a split second she felt relief. She thought the twins was playing a prank on Muriel. That was until both twins smiled a cruel smile.

"Do you really think you're anything special?" George asked and Viola's eyes widened with fear. "You are nothing but a slick and disgusting snake."

"Stop, you don't mean that." Viola said, her voice shaking badly and so did her hand holding her wand. Both twins started laughing a cold and joyless laughter.

"I was only with you because you looked fit." Fred said coldly. "I never loved you." He said and they laughed again. "Neither of us really do." George added.

Viola's eyes started blistering with tears. "Ri-ridikullus!" She stuttered, but the twins didn't vanish. They merely kept laughing.

"Run away. Neither of us want you in our family. You will never be a Weasley."

"Stop! Stop, stop, stop!" Viola screamed and held both her hands to her eras to block out the twins' mocking laughter.


Fred took the ring off his finger and let it drop to the floor. "My promise meant nothing." He said. "I loathe you, Viola. You disgust me."

"You are just some ugly, horrible and easy bimbo that spreads your legs for anyone." George added.


Poof. Scott now joined the twins. The three of them were mocking her.

"You are the disappointment in the family. You got sorted into Slytherin. Dad would've preferred me. And so does mom." Scott said and smiled coldly. "Scott, no..." Viola whimpered.

"You never achieved anything." Scott added.

"Vi, what..."

"Sooner or later... You are going to disappoint us ALL OVER AGAIN!" Scott shouted and Viola let out a horrific scream in agony. Their laughter kept ringing in her ears, filling up her entire body.

Invitation Only ~ Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now