
298 11 5

TW: Drugs, Depression, Suicidal Thoughts, Cussing, Minor Aramour, Parrlyn

I can't handle these pressures

All I can say is, this stress hurts

Things are supposed to get better

I just need to put myself first

Everything burns, all the time. There's no relief from the pain, no end to the sorrow.

Even after finally escaping his wrath, escaping the prison of her home, and finding comfort in the one person she thought she could never have.

Anne still wants to die.

She sees that girl in the hallways, her crutch gone but the haunted look in her eyes remains. She's heard rumours that the other week she was in the hospital again, after almost bleeding out on her bathroom floor from cutting too much.

Jane, that was her name, Anne felt like she used to know her when she was younger, like they were close. But she has no memory of such a thing, only a feeling.

Cathy turned the corner and immediately brightened at the sight of Anne standing there in all her glory, looking incredibly depressed.

Ah, to be in highschool.

Anne has wanted to be with Cathy for so long she had forgotten one very important thing. What would happen when she finally was with Cathy, their relationship went full force with Cathy having to practically nurse Anne back to health after her ordeal.

Anne was having enough trouble taking care of herself, and now she had to take care of someone else, who was admittedly doing better and easier to please.

I'm always trying my hardest

Not to pick myself apart, this

Energy's killing my vibes now

Sometimes I just wanna drown out

Anne pushes herself to smile at the sight of her amazing girlfriend, because she was amazing, and that was the truth, Anne was just being selfish.

The moment she put a smile up her mind set to work on making her feel terrible.

'She knows your faking it'

'You're a terrible girlfriend, you can't even smile when you see her.'

Anne noted that her mind was great at it's job, she immediately felt terrible and her smile faltered for just a second before she forced it back up again to kiss Cathy.

Cathy nuzzled Anne's nose with her own, smiling giddily at her, delighted to be able to kiss her for some unknown reason.

Anne really couldn't understand why Cathy wanted to be with her so much, she was just a deadbeat with an abusive father and enough issues to share with her entire grade.

Before Anne knew it her mind had spiralled to drowning, how did it get there is anybody's guess because the last Anne knew she was pondering why Cathy loved her so much.

Very confusing jump, but she decides depression is at fault for ruining everything.

All of the thoughts in my mind, too much

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