Dear Future Husband

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TW: Rape, Underage, and Swearing

Her first life had been a complete and utter disaster. As the rest of the queens could attest.

Katherine always thought she was going to lead a miserable life with a husband. And in the first life that had been true.


Henry Mannox.

She was young and impressionable. She genuinely thought that he'd cared for her.

How wrong she'd been.

'Please, I love you. If you really love me, you'll do this with me.'

Katherine learned that when someone says 'if you really love me', they don't love you.


Francis Dhereham

She was young, but she certainly wasn't 13. It was sad that was something to be noted. He'd been handsome and reserved. She'd thought that she could make him love her.

How wrong she'd been.

'Stop talking and bend over. I'm not in the mood to talk right now.'

Katherine learned that sometimes people were exactly as they seemed.


Henry Tudor

She was 17 when she married him. At first he was kind and paid her attention, he managed to convince her that he loved her.

How wrong she'd been.

'You think I love you? Ha. Now get on the bed. I need an heir.'

Katherine learned that some people were as terrible as they looked.


Thomas Culpepper

She was married to Henry when she met him. He'd been kind, and hadn't asked for anything other than her thoughts. He'd been her friend.

How wrong she'd been.

'I want you. So I'm gonna get you. No matter what stands in my way.'

Katherine learned that some people were liars. And only wanted you for your body.


All these experiences combined taught Katherine something else.

That your head being forcibly removed from your body fucking sucks .



That threw Katherine for a loop.

Which was unsurprising considering Katherine was stupid her whole life.

(Even though she barely even had a life to begin with.)


Anna of Cleves

Katherine was 22. It felt nice to grow old enough to not be a teenager. Anna was nice. She'd known her in her old life. She'd been nice then too. When Anna told her that she had a crush on her, Katherine's heart sunk. She'd thought Anna was going to be like everyone else.

How wrong she'd been.

'Hey liebling come cuddle with me, I'm watching Mean Girls and people are being rude about it. So I need affection ASAP'

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