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TW: Cussing, Araleyn, Clevemour, Parrward, this took all day, chaos, 3,000 words of chaos, *flashback to Airplanes and Love part 4*, Araleyn focused, i tried to make it even, but eh, got lazy, Anne is dumb and gets herself into endless amounts of trouble, and drags Catherine along with her.

Is it a mood that Catherine had no idea what house she would be sorted in due to her disaster of a personality mixing pot?


Is she in any mood to be told her personality is a fucking rainbow?


So while she waits in the large group of people that somehow have already split up into cliques, she hums to herself.

Mostly Rhianna, because Rhianna is amazing and you can fight her on that.

Eventually they are allowed into the great hall.

When they enter Catherine's brain goes, 'this isn't a great hall, this is a fucking amazing hall'

The hat, as it turns out is very snarky, and if it was a person Catherine would definitely be interested in being it's friend.

It goes silent when it lands on her head.

"Very difficult, hmm, not Gryffindor, no, not Hufflepuff, can't seem to decide between Slytherin or Ravenclaw, we'll just do mine mo."

Literally what.

That is not how she wants her school experience to be decided.


God fucking dammit.


Anne watches as horror dawns on the girls face when the hat decides to play a children's game to decide what house she's going to.

Anne finds this wildly amusing.

She's humming an Ava Max song, one of many, and apparently she's the only artist Anne's brain can come up with while waiting so Anne just hums the same songs on repeat until someone tells her to shut up.

It doesn't even take a second before the hat shouts -



Jane already knows where she's going to be placed.

It isn't that difficult to decipher with her personality shining through almost constantly.

She watches as the first girl to go up, gets her house through a game. The girl is clearly not happy about the decision or how it's made, but gets up all the same. A few minutes later her cousin walks up and it takes a solid .5 seconds for her to be sent to Slytherin.

Jane hums quietly to herself, she isn't entirely sure where she heard the song, but it's quiet.

When she walks up she sees the hat make a face that says, this is obvious.



Anna walks confidently through the crowd.

Even after watching the disaster that was the first girl (who looked like she wanted to throw a fit after being sorted), her best friend, and then someone who she felt like she should know but didn't most likely due to her not really paying attention.

Her confidence doesn't go unnoticed, and she has a feeling of where she'll be going.

Anna doesn't hesitate to bite back when someone tells her to shove off, and she can tell that she's earned the crowd's respect in a matter of minutes.

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