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TW: Cussing, Crying, sad Anne, it's okay, you'll see, Araleyn.

REQUESTED BY: aweb1122

Today is supposed to be a happy day.

She was supposed to be showered in affection, and given what she wanted.

This year there was only one thing that she wanted, and she couldn't have it.

Catherine was in Spain, had been for 2 months now, and wasn't coming back any time soon. Anne would have to wait at least another month before she'd maybe see her again.

Happy Birthday Anne.

All she could get was a phone call, and she'd already gotten that.

Catherine apologized over and over again about not being there, and Anne told her that it was okay she'd survive.

Anne groaned, tired just from anticipating how terrible her day was about to be.

When she looked in the mirror she forced a smile to cross her face. Once she was satisfied that it looked real, she walked downstairs and was met with the smell of pancakes.

"Hey birthday girl!" Jane said with a smile.


"So I'm making pancakes, and bacon, and eggs, and sausage. Pretty much everything, and you can have one cup of coffee today alright? One."

Anne pulled a smile out of an invisible hat and walked over to the pot. After she poured herself a cup of that glorious black liquid and sneaked some sugar in as well.

Maybe that would make her happy.

She went along with them, painting a smile (or at least a smirk) on her face to keep them satisfied with her 'happiness'. Until around noon when Jane asked where she wanted to go, or if she wanted to stay in.

"Hmm -" on one hand she really didn't feel like going out, but on the other hand it would be weird if she didn't " - let's go to the zoo."

Kat let out a cheer, while Anna and Jane mentally prepared themselves for chaos.

Cathy just stared blankly, unresponsive, and probably dreading how many people she was gonna have to be pleasant with.

As they walked around, looking at tigers, kangaroo's, a lynx (that one was cool, and it even got Anne to smile), and many others (it was a zoo, there were a lot of animals there. Learn the definition), Anne couldn't help but notice how many couples were there.

It felt like salt in the wound.

It felt a like a lot of fucking salt.

Suddenly it was a lot harder to smile and laugh, suddenly she couldn't keep the urge to burst into tears down, suddenly all she wanted to do was go home and sob for a solid 3 hours, suddenly she missed Catherine a whole lot, suddenly she wasn't in the mood to wander around aimlessly watching animals do boring things.

Suddenly she knew that faking happiness was a lot harder than she thought it would be.

Anne felt tears begin streaming down her face, and no matter how many times she wiped them away they reappeared not even a second later.

How horrifying.

To be walking around a zoo, sobbing.

She could never come back after this extremely embarrassing moment.

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