Finally Going Home.

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Fast forward to Thursday.

It's the day of Michael's and his brother's show. Michael is feeling fresh as a pickle. He had some time to practice since he and Sam were the only ones in their room while others were out. Sam did meet up with Scott and Bruno once. She gave them an early Christmas gift. It was a VIP ticket to their concert. Kevin called Sam and he was crying from excitement. Since it's almost Christmas, the guys had to perform some Christmas songs as well. They planed to play their own and some from other artists. Everyone woke up early and went to the hall. Sam was sitting in the first row. She was really tired so she wasn't able to cheer for them much. Soon people began to pile up to the show. Sam and the guys were in the backstage.

"I can't wait to go home!" Sam sighed.
"You hate us that bad?" Marlon looked down.
"Of course not!" Sam run up to him and gave him a hug, "I just miss your sisters and nephews and your parents of course." Sam smiled.
"What about your brothers?" Tito asked.
"Who?" Sam raised an eyebrow.
"We have to go now! You're coming?" Michael asked.
"Yeah!" Sam nodded and with them.

Sam ran down to the bodyguards. She saw Luke so she asked him to throw her to the other side. Since there weren't any people at that side yet, he quickly raised her up and put her on the other side. She kept talking with Luke until more people got in. Then he stepped back and was professional and serious. The show started shortly after.

The show was amazing. Michael and the guys looked awesome as always. Scott, Kevin and Bruno enjoyed it as well. The only thing that bothered her, was that the fans kept yelling in her ear instead of yelling straight ahead. The kept showing Luke where the fans were that have fainted. The bodyguards were choosing a couple of fans to go on the stage to hug the guys. Sam pointed at herself and shook her head because she didn't want to go up. Instead she pointed at the little girl next to her. Everyone was sad when the show ended. They had to wait for the next tour or travel to the other locations to see them. After all of the fans started going away, Scott, Bruno and Kevin had to go home early, so they didn't have time to meet the guys backstage. Luke grabbed Sam and pulled her to the other side. Sam ran to the backstage and there she met the guys.

"Guys! There was a huge problem with the show!!!" Sam put on a serious face and put her hands on her sides.
"What? I hope it's not something tragic." Randy pouted.
"Weeelllll~" Sam put her arm around Randy's shoulders.
"Oh no! I hope nobody got disappointed!" Michael sat down and put his face in his hands.
"What did we do wrong?" Jackie stepped closer to Sam.
"I'm just kidding! It was great!" Sam laughed, "You could have let more fans to go on stage though!" Sam patted Randy's shoulder.
"I hate you!" everyone sighed in sync.
"I know you don't!" Sam smiled.
"I got scared!" Randy sighed.
"Sorry, kid!" Sam pinched his cheeks.
"Kid? I'm as old as you!" Randy pouted.
"Still!" Sam smiled and walked over to Michael.
"I hate you! I got disappointed in myself. You know I'm a perfectionist!" Michael hit Sam in the shoulder.
"Michael hits woman!" Sam shouted.
"Boooooo~" everyone showed a upside-down thumbs-up.
"Really?" he laughs.
"Yeah! Ugh, I want to go home! What's even today's date?" Sam rested against Michael.
"I want to go home too!" he rested his head against hers, "I think it's 17th." he answered.
"Get dressed, guys! The vans just arrived." Luke said loudly.

Michael got up. The guys went in the changing room and got back in the clothes that they arrived in. They packed their costumes in a suitcase and run down to the van. The bodyguards threw them in the trunk. Everyone got in their vans and went to the hotel to get the rest of their stuff. Then it was finally time to go to the airport. The plane was already waiting for them.

"Finally!" Sam sighed as soon as she got in her seat.
"You know that it has been only 17 days, right?" Jackie laughed.
"I know! I just miss your nephews, they haven't texted nor called me."
"Probably got a girlfriend and are busy now." Jackie laughed.
"Yeah!" Sam sighed and nodded.
"You're jealous that they might have a girlfriend?" Tito looked at her.
"Of course not! I'll be happy if they do get one." Sam smiled, "I just hope they are okay." she looked down.
"Why wouldn't they be?" Tito shrugged.
"I don't know! They usually came to my house and woke me up just to say hey and then left, now they haven't even texted me a single message." Sam looked out of the window.
"I'm sure they're busy with music." Michael patted her head.
"Maybe!" Sam shrugged and got a message, "Oh?" Sam looked at her phone.
"What?" Tito smiled.
"Tito...Did you really just texted them to text me?" Sam face-palmed.
"What? No!" he looked away.
"All of them said that you messaged them!" Sam laughed.
"So they're as dumb as their uncle!" he looked at Michael.
"Ey! I'm smart enough now." he smiled.

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