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Sam, Tatiana and Michael walked downstairs. As they went back into the dining room, they saw everyone was gone except Joe and Katherine.

"Where is everyone?" Sam asked.
"Packing..." Joe answered.
"Why? Are they going somewhere?" Tatiana asked.
"Didn't you tell them, Michael?" Katherine asked.
"Tell us what?" Sam looked at Michael.
"Uuuh... We're moving out." Michael looked down.
"What. Why?" Sam was shocked.
"We got a message from Sony and we have things to do." Michael explained.
"But what about the tour?" Sam asked.
"I'm sorry, but it got canceled." Michael looked at Sam.
"B-b-but will you be back on my birthday?" Sam asked almost tearing up.
"I'm sorry Sam, but we probably won't meet for at least two years." Michael said in a deep voice.
"T-t-two years?" Sam started crying.

Tatiana patted Sam's shoulder and Sam's head. Sam started to run out of breath. Michael hugged Sam tightly and gave her a kiss on her head which managed to calm her down a little bit.

"I'm sorry Sam! I swear I will message you whenever I'll have a time." Michael smiled.
"No! You will get a rest when you have time." Sam smiled still crying.
"I'll have time for that too!" Michael patted Sam's head.
"Are all of you going away?" Sam looked at his feet.
"No Janet, Latoya, Brandi and 3T are staying here...and of course my parents." Michael answered.
"At least I won't be 100% alone!" Sam looked at Joe and Katherine.
"But you were never alone! You have your parents and brothers. And we will still be there for you even at the other side of the world!" Michael smiled and hugged Sam again.
"When are you going away?" Sam asked.
"Tomorrow morning. The plane leaves at 8am" Michael explains.
"Well then...go to sleep now and take a good rest! I'll get going now." Tatiana hugged Michael, "See you later, Sam!" Tatiana hugged Sam and walked away.
"I'll go to bed now...we may not meet in the morning!" Michael sadly said.
"Yeah! Goodnight!" Sam smiled.

Michael patted Sam's head and went upstairs to his room. Sam sighed and walked over to the coffee machine. She made herself a cup of coffee and sat down in front of Joe and Katherine.

"You will miss him, huh?" Joe asked.
"I'll miss everyone...especially Michael." Sam took a sip of her coffee and put her head on her arms.
"I'm sorry, but they can't do anything about it!" Katherine explained.
"Yeah I know! I just hope I will meet them at least once in those two years." Sam sighed.
"You surely will!" Joe patted Sam's hand.

Sam was sitting in the kitchen and drinking coffee alone after Joe and Katherine went to bed. Sam decided to write Michael a note because she knew that she won't meet him in the morning, because she always sleeps till at least 1pm.

The note :

  "Hey Applehead! I decided to write you a letter because I know for a fact that I will be sleeping when all of you leave. I just want you all to be safe while being away. And please don't get in trouble, I won't be able to help you.

  Also...even tho I won't be able to meet anyone for at least two years, I hope you will text and call me. And don't be mean to Randy, he matters too!
Also I will try to take care of your sisters and help your parents. Since all of you will be away, I think I could help them a little bit.
You can call me and text me at any time of the day. I don't promise you that I will answer because you know me...I sleep like a bear. You can also send me letters. And if you are closer to home, please visit me at least once because I won't live without not meeting any of you for over a year.
  I know I'm talking about all of you right now but you already know that uuuh...I'm gonna miss you the most. And if I get depressed one day, it's all your and your brother's fault.
Take care and have a great time performing and at work!


Sam took the note that she just wrote and run upstairs. She quietly walked into Michael's room. She saw that everything has been packed up. Sam started to cry again. She was holding her hand in front of her mouth so she doesn't make any crying noise and wake up Michael. She put the note on one of Michael's suitcases. When she put it down, Sam accidentally made a noise when she removed her hand. She turned around and saw Michael had woken up.

"I-I'm sorry, Michael! *sniff* I didn't mean to wake you up." Sam apologized while sniffing.
"Are you crying?" Michael asked Sam.
"No, no!" Sam smiled and sniffed.
"I can see you have tears rolling down your face." Michael said and yawned.
"It's because I rubbed them too hard." Sam tried to kide her sadness with a lie and a smile.
"Don't lie to me Sam! Come here!" Michael grabbed Sam's hand and pulled her to sit next to him on his bed, "Oh my God! Why are you so cold?" Michael was worried and asked Sam.
"I-I was sitting outside on the porch and writing you a note. I had to rewrite it a multiple times, so I was there for at least an hour and a half." Sam said and looked at Michael.
"Crazy girl! You're gonna get sick like this. And why were you writing it outside?" Michael put a blanket over Sam's shoulders.
"I started to write it in the kitchen but a teardrop fall on the note and ruined it, so I decided to write it outside so the wind dries them when they form." Sam made a fake smile with tears still falling.
"Don't cry! Is it because of us leaving?" Michael asked.
"Y-yes!" Sam shook her head and looked away because she began to cry again.

Michael saw Sam crying again and pulled on her arm. That made Sam fall into his bed next to him. Michael rolled Sam on her side facing him and used his arm as a pillow.

"You don't have to cry! Those years will pass by really quickly that you won't even realize that you will meet us again!" Michael hugged Sam.
"B-but I don't want you to leave! What will I do without seeing you almost everyday?" Sam started to cry harder.
"Shush, shush, shush!" Michael put his hand on Sam's head, "Just live like you didn't before you met us. You almost two weeks ago?" Michael said pulling up the blanket.
"But it's hard *sniff* since I have finally met you. And knowing that your parents like next to us and none of you will be there, it's just heartbreaking." Sam put her hand around Michael.
"You have to be strong. I believe in you and you will get through this. And we will call you whenever we have time, so we will talk pretty often. And you know where 3T are living, you can ask the. To give you one of my shirts that I left there and put it on your pillow." Michael tried to comfort Sam.
"Hahaha I'm not a creep that will sleep with their idol's clothes!" Sam laughed.
"That's not creepy in my opinion! Just do it! I can guarantee you that it will help you a lot!" Michael smiled.
"Okay! Go to bed now, I will go and let you sleep!" Sam said trying to turn around.
"You're sleeping here tonight!" Michael rolled Sam over again.
"W-w-what?" Sam was surprised.
"You're sleeping here, because I know that you will cry alone in your room. So I'm here to comfort you." Michael said hugging Sam tight.

Sam started to blush and was warm after being outside for an hour. She did indeed start to cry but Michael was playing with her hair and cuddling with her till both of them fall asleep.

To be continued...

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