Michael Loves Sam?

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Sam woke up to 8 new messages from Michael. She didn't want to open them because she was still mad. Sam hopped in the shower and put on a new outfit. She picked out a pair of black leggings and a red oversized button-up shirt. She hated the fact that now she looks like Michael but it's Sam's favorite outfit so she left it on.Sam run downstairs to greet her parents.

"Hi mom!" Sam run up to her all happy and hugged her.
"Hey honey!" Karen hugged Sam.
"Where's dad?" Sam looked at the sofa where he used to sit in the mornings.
"He hasn't come home since yesterday...he's probably high again." Karen said while finishing up the pancakes.
"Oh ok. Tell dad that I love him! I'll go for a walk." Sam said while kissing mom on the cheek, "Love you mom!".
"Love you too honey! And be careful!" Karen waved at Sam.

Sam put on her black VANS and run outside. She saw that Michael was driving out of the garage so she turned away and started walking. Sam slightly tilted her head to see what's going on behind her and saw that Michael was driving her way. Sam started running. Sam heard that Michael was getting closer so she turned around and run back. She realized that Michael wasn't following her...he was driving to Lisa's house. Sam started tearing up and sprinted to the Jackson's house. When she got to the door, Katherine opened the door and saw the crying Sam.

"Oh? What happened my child?" Katherine was worried about Sam.
"Nothing! I'll talk to you about it later. Is TJ at home?" Sam asked while still crying.
"No...he and his brothers went to his house." Katherine pointed to the left.
"Thanks! I'll talk to you later!" Sam run to the end of the road.

At the end she saw TJ's, Taryll's and Taj's cars. Sam run to the house and rung the bell while still crying. The one to open was Taryll.

"Sam? What happened?" he hugged Sam.
"It's about M-M-Michael!" Sam was sniffing and crying on Taryll's shoulder.
"Oh! Yeah, TJ told me about her." he said while breaking the hug, "Come in and feel like at home." Taryll gestured Sam to come in.
"Sam? Why are you here?" Taj comes downstairs.
"I came to talk to TJ about Michael and Lisa. But I think you guys already know too." Sam wiped her tears with her hand.
"Lisa still doesn't chill? What did she do today?" Taj laughed.
"I just saw Michael pulling up in her driveway. And he says that he hates her...what a lier! How can he even li-" Sam was bawling her eyes out and mumbling but got cut off.
"Michael? But he's sleeping upstairs!" Taryll raised one eyebrow.
"W-what?" Sam asked.
"Yeah, he got really drunk yesterday because TJ told him everything that you told him and Michael got hurt because he hurt YOU!" Taj said explained while pointing to upstairs.
"B-but was driving his car just now?" Sam looked at Taj and Taryll.
"TJ's car run out of gas so he borrowed Michael's. He drove to Lisa's house to talk about yesterday. He looked pissed, hope he doesn't do anything to her." Taj said while putting on water to boil.

Sam took out her phone and saw that TJ had messaged her too. She opened the messages.


T "Hey Sam! I saw you run of crying. I'm sorry to make you cry! 🙏"

T "It was just me. My car run out of gas so I borrowed Michael's."

T "I'm at Lisa's house to talk bout the lie. 😡"

Sam closed the conversation. She saw the unread messages from Michael. She thought about it and opened them.


M "Saaaaaam! I'm sorry about what happened today!"

M "Nothing that Lisa told you was true!"

M "Answr me Sammmmm!!! 😔"

M "Ssssaaaaaaem!!¿?!"

M "Samantha!!! I swr to God dat I do t  hve anthin whith Lisa!!"

M "I wikk tak to her! She wilk regrt tat she sad that!"

M "I swer I hav nothnk to do whit her! I don t love her..."

M "I only lobe youuuuuuuuu~ 🍺❤️❤️❤️💋💔 😔"

Sam was shocked to read the last message. Her jaw dropped. Taj saw that and walked over to Sam and sit next to her at the coach.

"What is it? Someone sent you a nude or something? Hahaha" Taj laughed and  took a sip of his coffee.
"No..." Sam showed him the messages.
"Damn...so that's why he kept saying "I love you" in his sleep. Hehehehe" Taj laughed.
"He did? I....I'm confused." Sam looked at Taj.
"What's there to be confused about? He clearly loves you! Be happy, wasn't it something that you wanted?" Taj took a sip of his coffee and patted Sam on the head.
"I'm not sure. I love him, yes...but I'm not allowed to love him that way yet!" Sam looked at her lap.
"Why not?" Taj looked at Sam.
"Because I-I'm still underage!" Sam looked at Taj.
"But you're almost 18. You don't have to remind him of the messages and wait for your birthday to confess. I'm sure he won't change his feelings that fast!" Taj patted Sam's head again and went back to the kitchen.
"Yes but what if he does? And....what if I do?" Sam looked back down.
"Only the future will tell! If you're scared that you will lose feelings for each other, then tell him now!" Taj shrugged.
"What? No!" yelled.
"Shush! Michael's sleeping." Taj shushed Sam.
"Sorry! I can't do that!" Sam stood up and went to the kitchen.
"Why not? You don't have to be together with him now. You can just confess your feelings and keep the dating for later." Taj recommended.
"That's true...but I'm scared that he just said that because he was drunk. What if he doesn't love me?" Sam turned around and looked out of the window.
"There's only one way to find out. Go talk to him!" Taj points to a door of the room where Michael is.
"What? I can't go in there!" Sam looked at Taj with a surprise on her face.
"Yes you can..." Taj pushed Sam all the way up the stairs to the room.
"What do I tell him?" Sam turned to Taj.
"The truth!" Taj patted Sam's shoulder and walked back downstairs.

Sam opened the door and saw Michael still sleeping. She thought about closing the door and walking away but she would never talk to him about this anymore. Sam walked in and closed the door behind her.

To be continued...

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