Michael Is Home

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They quickly drove to the hospital probably breaking every rule. As they got to the hospital and they explained everything to nurse and doctor, Sam got rushed to the emergency room. They put her in coma, cust in case she wakes up or faints in a test that is painful. They did a lot of tests on her because they didn't find anything that could have caused her to be in that situation, not even fasting could that seriously impact her immune system and her body. After a while they found that there was something strange in her body.

"What's wrong with her?" TJ stood up as soon as one of the doctors came out.
"Yes... Somebody tried to poison her." the doctor signs.
"Poison? Who could be that evil? And when?" Diana is shocked.
"Maybe it was Lisa...while Sam went after me?" Elizabeth asked.
"You think so?" Tatiana asked.
"I'm pretty sure. While we were talking, she said that she wants her as far away from Michael and the Jacksons as possible." Elizabeth explains.
"That fucking bitch will regret her birth!!!" TJ rolled up his sleeves and was ready to run out of the hospital.
"TJ! Not now!" Eddie and Taj were holding him back.
"Michael asked me to take care of her while he's away. Now that bitch almost killed Sam, how can I not go and fight her or someone else?" TJ screamed angrily.
"TJ! Calm down! The doctors will take care of Sam!" Elizabeth patted TJ's head.
"And what if they won't? She put a freaking poison in Sam's water!" TJ looks at Liz with watery eyes.
"They will! Don't worry!" Liz hugged TJ.
"What is she dies?" TJ murmured.
"Come on bro! Don't say that! " Taryll hit TJ on the back.

Everyone sat outside the emergency room stressed and anxious. When the doctors got Sam to her room, she was still in coma even though she had to be awake by now. TJ was scared and worried about Sam, he took his phone and texted Michael to get to the hospital as soon as possible. After a couple of hours, Sam finally started to wake up.

"Where am I?" Sam asked quietly.
"You're in the hospital." Taj explained.
"You were so weak, you almost lost your consciousness while we took you out of bed." Taryll smiled sadly.
"But what really happened to me?" Sam asked, "I was feeling just fine before." Sam looked at the boys.
Taj and TJ made an eye contact, "You hadn't ate in a long time. They put you on system, it's feeding you." TJ explained petting Sam's head.
"Where's the others?" They went home, they will come visit you later.
"Guess who's here to visit you?" Taryll smirked.
"Who?" Sam looked him.
"It's Michael." TJ smiled.
"Oh! I thought you were serious!" Sam sighed.

"Michael, come in!!!" Taj yelled.
"Real funny guys! He is-" Sam was cut off by Michael walking in, "-here?" Sam thought she's hallucinating so she started hitting her head.
"Sam! How are you?" Michael walked towards Sam and 3T went out into the hall.
"..." Sam didn't answer him, she just kept hitting her head.
"Sam! Stop hitting yourself!" Michael held her arm.
"Hold on! I'm hallucinating again. It will go away after few seconds." Sam closed her eyes and started shaking her head.
"Sam, stop! It's me, Michael!" Michael held her head.
"No, guys! Stop joking around!" Sam kept her eyes shut but a tear drop rolled down her cheek on to Michael's hand.
"Samantha! Open your eyes!" Michael bent over Sam's bed so he can face her.
"W-why are you here? Are you supposed to be on tour?" Sam looked at him with watery eyes.
"TJ texted me that you're in the hospital so I rushed over." Michael petted Sam's head.
"Well you can go back now!" Sam looked away biting her lip.
"Why?" Michael backed away.
"Well, you will go away anyway, so you better go while I let you before my health gets worse..." Sam started crying.
"I won't be leaving without you." Michael smiled and took Sam's hand.
"Michael, I'm serious! You should go now before my body shuts down." Sam was still looking away and crying.
"And I'm serious as well! I won't be letting you slowly kill yourself." Michael squeezed Sam's hand.
"I'm not killing myself." Sam looked at Michael.
"Yes you are. You haven't got any sleep or food! Your body is getting weaker and weaker every minute." Michael explained.
"I know! It's not that I want to do this." Sam looked at her hand that Michael is holding and she bent her finger so she's holding Michael's hand too.
"I know! But there's no other way to keep you from doing that, than taking you with me." Michael patted Sam's arm.
"How will you take me looking like a zombie?" Sam rolled her eyes.
"You're not a zombie! You're just a little tired...or really tired." Michael said while creasing Sam's hair, "Take a proper rest now!" Michael took a chair and pulled it closer to Sam's bed for him to sit down.
"You know that I won't be able to!" Sam sighed.
"I'm here! I'll be sitting here the whole time you'll sleep." Michael smiled and pressed the botton that made Sam's bed flatten down.
"Promise?" Sam help out her pinky.
"Promise!" Michael made a pinky promise.
Sam closed her eyes as to sleep, "Wait! I will go the the bathroom real quick." Michael let go of Sam's hand.
"Okay, I'll wait..." Sam smiled and put her hand in the water cup full of iced water and dried it off.
Michael came back from the toilet, "Go to sleep now!" he was about to take Sam's hand.
"Did you wash your hands?" Sam stared at Michael's hands.
"Of course!" Michael laughed and took Sam's hand again, "Why is your hand so cold?" Michael put them to his face.
"Because you let go of it!" Sam closed her eyes and smirked.

Michael didn't say anything but just smiled. He was happy being next to Sam again. Also he's glad that Sam finally slept and ate something. Sam's mom also came. The guys didn't tell her what happened yet not to scare her. Michael and Sam doesn't know what happened either. Sam was feeling well enough to be let home. Michael took her to his parents house because he wanted to take a rest knowing what Sam is doing. Sam was in Randy's room again. She was a lot happier since at least Michael is home even though she misses others too.

It was about 1am when Sam walks into Michael's room. He jumped right out of the bed and run to the door.

"What is it? Did something happen?" Michael asked.
"Uhhh... I can't sleep." Sam looked at the floor.
"Fiuh!" Michael sighed of relief, "Me neither. I couldn't stop thinking if your alright." Michael shyly looked at Sam.
"Me too... Want to go to my house tomorrow?" Sam smiled.
"What are you going to do to me?" Michael jokingly got scared.
"Nothing, just a sleepover...without your brothers sadly." Sam looked at Michael's one green sock and one blue one, "Whats up with your stylists?" Sam laughed.
"Why sadly?" Michael crossed his arms, "I couldn't find the other green sock..." Michael blushed.
"Why sadly? Because I like them more than you. Can I like uuuuh.... sleep here tonight?" Sam asked shyly.
"No! Go away!" Michael pointed to the door.
"F-fine!" Sam walked out and got door closed behind her back which hurt her feelings a little bit.

After a few minutes, Michael comes out of his rooms and goes into Randy's room. He's fully dressed as if he's going outside.

"Want that sleepover tonight?" Michael smiled, "And sorry I slammed the door behind you, the rejection was meant as a joke." Michael pouted.
"Well, it hurt my feelings!" Sam said as she put her jacket on and took her phone and keys.
"I'm sorry!" Michael hugged Sam.
"I won't forgive you!" Sam doesn't hug him back and walks away.
"Wait up!!!" they both go outside.

Michael keeps apologizing on their way to Sam's house but Sam ignores him. Michael knows that she doesn't mean it because she keeps smiling and biting her bottom lip. As they got to the house, Sam remembered about the posters on the wall. Also Taryll was on the balcony.

"Where are the lovebirds going?" Taryll laughs.
"It's just a sleepover...you wanna come?" Sam smiled.
"Naah, I'll leave you both alone!" Taryll takes a sip of coffee.
"Come on man, come with us...take your brothers too!" Michael says loudly.
"Who's, when, where going?" TJ goes on the balcony too.
"Us, now, to a sleepover part 2." Taryll turns around and goes back inside locking the balcony door.
"Kids!" Michael sighs.
"You're a kid in heart as well!" Sam unlocks the door and both go inside.

To be continued...

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