A Fight In Starbucks

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Scott and Bruno looked at each other and smiled.

"Oooh! That's romantic!" Scott smirked at her.
"It was either that or me farting on them." Sam laughed.
"Did he tickle you?" Bruno laughed.
"He didn't even dare to move his hand. I started by warming up the top of his hands, I hand use all my strength to turn his hands over to warm up his palms." Sam smiled.
"So he's really that shy? I heard he's a womanizer." Scott looked out of the window.
"Not at all. He can barely talk to someone who isn't his fan at a fan meeting." Sam laughed.
"That's adorable!" Bruno smiled.
"Yeah, it is! Sam is lucky to have him." Scott looked at her.
"I don't have him! We're just friends!" Sam shook her head.
"With benefits?" Bruno teased her.
"Ew, no!" Sam laughed, "The only not so friends-like thing we have done is a kiss...two kisses." Sam laughed.
"That's not fun!" Scott sighed.
"Noo! She's just innocent!" Bruno hit him.
"Babe!" Scott covered his arm where he hit.
"Sorry!" Bruno kissed him.
"You guys are the best couple I have ever seen! After Katherine and Joe of course!" Sam smiled.
"Thank you! And you're the loneliest person I have ever met!" Bruno smiled.
"Thaaaanks!" Sam smiled.
"We're here! You want anything, babe?" Bruno stopped.
"I'll run to Starbucks you get food!" Scott said and everyone got out.
"You're going to run in heels?" Sam asked.
"Why not?" Scott turned away.
"Just asking..." she turned towards the KFC.

Scott run to the other side of the road where was Starbucks. Meanwhile Sam and Bruno went to KFC. Sam bought two buckets to chicken, one just for Michael and other one for his brothers. Sam put the buckets in the car and then run to Starbucks. There she saw an old lady being mean to Scott. Sam got mad and walked over to them.

"What's going on here?" Sam crossed her arms.
"He's being inappropriate!" she pointed to Scott.
"How?" Scott asked.
"He's wearing female clothes while being a guy!" the lady cringed.
"Just because he's wearing heel, a crop top and skirt. Clothes doesn't have a gender. People can wear whatever they are comfortable in! If you want to wear a miniskirt and a bra in public? Do it, other people have no deal with how other look like." Sam put her arm around Scott who was crying.
"But-" the lady was about to say something.
"Listen here, Karen! Just because YOU think that he has to wear 'Men's clothes' doesn't mean that he has to. Let people be themselves and do whatever they feels comfortable doing. By the way, if you didn't know this, men were the first people who were wearing skirts. And if you think that it's only woman's clothes, take off your pants! They are guy's clothes!" Sam smiled angrily.
"He looks disgusting in them..." she murmured.
"He LoOkS dIsGuStInG... Shut the hell up! Look at yourself before coming at someone you don't even know!" Sam was playing with Scott's hair to calm him down while yelling at the lady.
"Who even are you to defend that?" she asked.
"I'm his best friend. And he's not THAT, he's a beautiful guy with a style that not everyone can pull off." Sam smiled at Scott, "Don't you guys think so?" Sam asked everyone in the Starbucks.
"Hell yeah, he is!!!" everyone answe her.
"I'm straight but I'll still smash!" one guy answered Sam.
"See? He's loved and supported. He doesn't need someone to hate on him, but if you have something you disagree in, just shut the hell up and keep it to yourself!" Sam was mad enough to fight her but not with everyone watching.
"Someone looking like that will never find a girlfriend!" the lady was still being mean.
"If he wasn't already married to his loving and supportive husband, I would 100% date him." Sam kissed crying Scott's cheek.
"He's also gay? That's disgusting! You're disappointment." the lady cringed even harder.
"At least he gets more d*ck than you in your whole life." Sam said and everyone started laughing.
"You all are going to Hell!" she turned around and started walking out.
"Well...let's see who gets there first!!!" everyone laughed.

The lady walked out mad. Sam turned to Scott and hugged him.

"Thank you, Samantha!" Scott hugged her.
"You're welcome! I hate judgmental people!" Sam smiled at him.
"What is taking you so long?" Bruno came in.
"A Karen being mean to Scott." Sam explained.
"Aaaw!" Bruno walked over to him and kissed him.
"Your husband is beautiful!" one girl smiled.
"Thank you!" Scott and Bruno smiled.

Sam and Scott ordered their drinks. Sam got herself a cup of tea as well. They drove Sam back to hotel. She said goodbye to the guys, got her buckets of chicken and went back to Michael. At first she put one of the buckets in the mini-fridge at the other room and wrote "This one is for you. I bought Michael one too but he would eat everything alone! >-< - Sam" and then went to Michael. She came in slowly and quietly not to wake him up. She took off her overcoat, hat and shoes. She put the bucket and tea on the table and got in bed with him.

"You're back?" Michael wake up.
"Yeah! Sorry for being so late. I called Scott to come with me I had to deal with someone being mean to Scott for being gay and how he dressed." Sam sighed.
"I hate rude people! Is he okay?" Michael asked.
"He cried but now he's fine." Sam nodded.
"Are you okay?" Michael turned to her.
"Just tired." Sam closed her eyes.
"Did you really go to KFC and Starbucks?" Michael asked after looking at the table.
"Maybe..." Sam sat up and got put of the bed.
"I told you that you didn't need to." Michael rolled his eyes.
"Shut up and take your chicken and tea!" Sam smiled and gave him the buckets and got in the bed.
"Thank you!" Michael rested his head on Sam's shoulder.
"You're welcome!" Sam smiled and patted his head.
"You want some?" Michael turned the bucket to Sam.
"It looks delicious but I'll pass." Sam shook her head.
"I haven't really seen you eat." Michael looked at her.
"I'm on a diet. I'm mostly fasting but when I do eat, I eat so little." Sam smiled.
"Why are you doing that. You're perfect just the way you are!" Michael sat up and looked at her.
"No. I don't like how I look like after I got out of the hospital. I gained a bit of weight from the medicine and stuff." Sam shrugged.
"You're perfect!" Michael pulled her into a hug, "Now eat a piece of chicken!" Michael pulled out one from of the bucket.
"Okay!" Sam smiled and took it.
"Want another one?" Michael offered her more.
"No, thanks! They're yours." Sam shook her head and got the tea.
"I can share! And don't even dare to go on a diet." Michael pointed at her.
"What if I do?" Sam smiled and gave him the tea.
"Then I'll have to kiss you..." Michael sipped his tea whole glancing at Sam to se her reaction.
"No, thanks! I better die than kiss you again!" Sam cringed and got in the bed.
"What? Was it that bad?" Michael got hurt.
"I'm just joking!" Sam laughed.
"Oh..." Michael leaned towards Sam.
"Ey! I'm not on diet anymore!" Sam pushed him away.
"Fine! You won't another chance to kiss me!" Michael smiled.
"Thank God!!!" Sam put her hands together and looked up.
"Well, damn!" Michael looked at her and showed a whole chicken leg in his mouth.
"How's it going?" Jermaine walked in.
"Fine!" Sam shrugged.
"I feel like dying..." Michael shrugged.
"Shut up and eat your chicken!" Jermaine laughed.
"Speaking of chicken, I got yall a bucket as well. It's in the mini-fridge." Sam smiled.
"Thanks, Sammy!" Jermaine smiled and walked out.
"You got two buckets?" Michael asked.
"Yeah, because I know you wouldn't share with them." Sam smiled.
"But it's expensive!" Michael looked at the bucket.
"As I said, I still have money. And I start working again right after Christmas!" Sam shrugged and sat down on the couch.
"Where will you work?" Michael put the bucket aside.
"Obviously at McDonald's! I don't have any talent nor education for something better." Sam smiled and got her phone out.
"But you can sing. And you don't have to be smart to get a better job than that." Michael smiled.
"But I get nervous and mess up. And I won't bet anything better with my 9 year education. I stop going to school after that." Sam shook her head, "And I don't want anything better. I will work with two of my former classmates." Sam looked up her phone.
"What are their names?" Michael asked.
"Mia and Harry...why?" Sam raised her eyebrow.
"So another guy friend?" Michael hit jealous.
"Don't be jealous! Mia and Harry are Dating since the 1st grade." Sam smiled and shook her head.
"I'm not jealous!" Michael sighed of relief.
"Oh really? Take a nap now. You will get better soon." Sam looked back at her phone.
"Then come here!" Michael patted the bed.
"Ugh!" Sam got up, "What?" she git in the bed.
"Just cold." Michael his head on Sam's stomach and rolled up in a ball.
"What the... Forget it! Sweet dreams!" Sam patted his head.

To be continued...

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