The Jackson Family Will Have Guests?

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Sam and Michael went outside. She weren't very excited about that tho.

"Sam!" Michael said your name.
"Huh?" Sam was looking at the ground.
"What was that at the dinner?" Michael crossed his arms.
"What are you talking about?" Sam did a fake smile and put her head back down.
"Look me in the eyes!" Michael turned Sam to face him.
"Why?"Sam didn't really want to look at Michael so she kept her head down.
"I saw you kept looking at me and it wasn't any casual look...were you jealous?" Michael laughed.
"I don't care. I know you don't have anything with Billie and Tatiana..." Sam was still holding her head down.
"So you were jealous! Ok, I'm sorry! It won't happen again!" Michael patted Sam's head.
"Oh no, no! Do what you want! I'll support you in any of your decisions! I'm a fan, aren't I?" Sam looked at Michael and smiled but her heart said otherwise.
"Thanks! I can't walk you any further or else someone might see me. Take care!" Michael said goodbye and gave Sam a hug.

After Sam broke the hug, she went inside and there was her brothers and parents standing.

"Where were you? Were you at a boy's house? Did you use protection? Is he cute?" she heard questions from them.
"Oh lord! I was at Scott's house!" Sam answered and went to her room but heard that they were still discussing downstairs.

"Scott is a guy so...a boyfriend?"
"Noo~ Scott is gay."
"But why is she home so late? She went out at 12pm but now it's almost midnight."
"Maybe she was at the neighbor's house?"
"Naah, they wouldn't like Samantha!"
"But maybe...they do?"
"I was about to go talk to the new neighbors tomorrow so I'll ask them about Sam."

Sam heard the last sentence and got worried, what if they see the Jackson family...

Sam took out her phone and immediately texted Michael.

The conversation:

S "Hey Mike! I have kind of a bad news for you."

M "What? Did something happen?"

S "No, I heard my parents said that they will go to your house to talk and meet the new neighbors..."

M "Oh! It's fine tho! You can come with your brothers too!"

S "Are you crazy? She's like one of those old ladies that tell everyone about something new. Your break will be ruined."

M "It's already ruined...Billie posted our address on the internet and now all of the fans know our hiding spot. So your family won't be a problem anymore."

S "Oh! I'm sorry!"

M "Don't be! It's not your fault :D"

S "It's late now...goodnight! I hope my family won't embarrasse me hahahaha"

M "Goodnight! Hehehe"

After talking with Michael Sam got really tired but she remembered that Brandi didn't tell her about the past.

The conversation between Sam and Brandi:

S "Hey! I hope you're not sleeping yet. If you are, I'll text you tomorrow..."

B "Hi! Of course not! I go to sleep at 3am! hahahaha"

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