Michael Has A Crush On Tatiana?

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Michael and Sam were hugging in the bathroom for a couple of minutes.

"I'm sorry Michael! I meant to do a quick prank on you." Sam apologized with her face on Michael's chest.
"Never do this again! You know I feel pain when someone next to me is hurting too. I thought it was real." Michael said with tears still in his eyes.
"I know, I know." Sam broke the hug and wiped Michael's tears.
"Want something to eat? I think your mom made chicken." Sam asked smiling.
"I'm starving!" Michael said as his stomach made a weird noise.

Sam and Michael walked out of his room. They walked downstairs and to the dining room.

"Sam...that was the worst prank you could ever done! You not only hurt Michael's feelings but also your own." Nick said to Sam.
"I know!" Sam looked at her feet, "I'm sorry!" Sam apologized.
"Everything's fine if you're okay!" Josh smiled.
"I am..." Sam shrugged.
"That's good! Now come eat!" Katherine smiled at Sam and Michael.

Sam was sitting next to Michael and Tito. After a couple of minutes of eating, the door bell rung. Michael stood up and opened the door. Tatiana and Elizabeth had visited. Sam almost screamed when she saw Elizabeth.

"Oh my Goooood!" Sam stood up and greeted Liz, "I thing I'm going to pass out!" Sam turned red.
"No, my child! Don't do that!" Liz smiled at Sam.
"You weren't this excited when you saw me..." Michael pouted and looked way.
"Because you tried to kill me." Sam smiled and turned back to Liz.
"So you must be Sam, right?" Liz smiled.
"Y-yes ma'am!" Sam smiled and bowed a little.
"Oh, call me Elizabeth or Liz." Liz smiled at shook Sam's hand.
"Now go away and the guests sit down!" Michael said jokingly pushing Sam to the side.
"Don't push her!" Tatiana said to Michael.
"No, no! It's okay." Sam smiled, "And I'm pleased to meet you again!" Sam shook Tatiana's hand.
"Me too!" Tatiana smiled.

Everyone sat down. Now Tatiana and Elizabeth were sitting next to Michael. Secretly Sam was shipping Michael with Tatiana...more that with Michael and herself. Michael was talking with the guests while Sam was sitting with Taj and TJ.

"They are cute together..." Sam said and the 3T and Brandi looked at her.
"What's wrong with you?" Taj poked Sam's shoulder.
"What are you talking about?" Sam looked at him.
"You just said that they looked cute together." TJ was confused.
"Yeah, so? I ship them." Sam smiled at him.
"Girl, you are crazy! You were just crying over that Lisa and Mike could be dating..." Taryll scratched his head
"Yes I did. But I like Tatiana." Sam shrugged.
"You know that she has a crush on Michael, right? You can't like someone who can try to get your man." Brandi smiled nervously.
"Yes, I know, but he's not my man." Sam looked at Michael and down at her plate, "He doesn't love me like I do, so she can try I guess. I know he likes her too since the music video." Sam smiled but the pain was obvious.

Michael coughed to get Sam's attention. Sam looked at him and he gestured "What's wrong?" to Sam. Sam just mouthed nothing. Tatiana looked at both of them with confusion. When Tatiana looked back at Sam, Sam pointed to both of them with a finger and then made a heart. Tatiana smiled and showed her a wedding ring. Sam pouted because she didn't get together with Michael. When Sam looked at Michael, she saw that he was sitting and staring at her with anger and confusion.
Sam mouthed "What?" and Michael gestured her to stand up and to follow him. Sam stood up and went upstairs to Michael's room.

"Yes? What's the problem?" Sam asked.
"No, what's your problem?" Michael asked Sam with crossed arms.
"Chill! What are you talking about?" Sam was confused.
"Why were you showing us two in a heart? You know I don't like her, nor she likes me." Michael is angry.
"I mean...you would have made a cure couple! Sadly she's already married." Sam pouted.
"Stop!" Michael yelled at Sam.
"S-stop what? I just showed that the two of you looked adorable together. Why do you have to start screaming at me?" Sam crossed her arms trying not to get emotional.
"I know what you wanted to do. You did that just because you are jealous I don't sit with you." Michael smirked.
"Why would I get jealous? I genuinely ship the two of you since TWUMMF." Sam smiled at Michael.
"But I don't like her that way and she is married, so she doesn't like me neither!" Michael got angry again.
"We don't know that! I saw the way you looked at each other. I know you love her!" Sam smiled and hit Michael on his shoulder.
"Samantha, stop! You know damn well who I love and it's definitely not her." Michael grabbed Sam's shoulders.
"Oh, you don't have to lie to yourself. I even saw how she kissed your cheek and you blushed. Just admit that you like her, for God's sake!" Sam smiled and turned around.

As she turned around and started walking, Sam began to cry. She ships Michael and Tatiana really hard but it still broke her heart seeing them flirt and touch at the table. Sam went to her room saw Tatiana standing there.

"T-Tatiana?" Sam asked and wiped her tears.
"Yes... Why are you crying?" Tatiana walked over to Sam.
"No, no! I'm ok." Sam smiled still sniffing.
"Is it because of me and Michael?" Tatiana smiled.
"Maybe..." Sam looked away.
"Oh, girl! You know that I have a husband. And I have never hand anything with Michael. I had a crush on him, yes, but it was in the past. By the way, we weren't flirting, we were just remembering our music video. And if you're wondering what we were talking about...it was you." Tatiana comforted Sam.
"M-me?" Sam was shocked.
"Yes. Actually Michael-" Tatiana was about to tell something to Sam but was cut off by Michael entering her room.
"I'm sorry I yelled at you and that it looked like we were flirting...Tatiana?" Michael stared to apologize.
"Yes, it is I. We were just talking about the situation." Tatiana put her arm around Sam's shoulders.
"Y-yes! And I'm sorry for saying that you love Tatiana...you two are cute though!" Sam smiled looking at both of them.
"Shut up!" both of them said to Sam jokingly.
"Okay, okay! Let's go back." Sam grabbed Tatiana and Michael by their arms and walked out of the door.

To be continued...

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