Karen Too?

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Sam laughed at Michael. Both of them walked over to the one, single chair. Michael stood behind her with his hands on her shoulders.

"Do you need a chair, Mr. Jackson?" one of the cops stood up.
"No, thank you!" Michael smiled and shook his head.
"Okay...let's begin?" the other cop smiled.
"Okay. But I already apologized because I'm going to cry a lot." Sam laughed nervously.
"It's understandable. Don't worry! We have all day if needed." he nodded.
"So, tell us about your father." the other cop said.

Sam took a deep breath and started explaining everything. Sam started to bawl her eyes out as soon as she started talking about her childhood. Once she to the deepest part, Michael squat down next to her and held her hand. Michael saw one of the cops getting jealous. Sam told them everything about her father from the day before and from her childhood and both of the cops wrote it down.

"Okay...I'm sorry you had to go through that." one of the cops nodded sadly.
"What about your mother?" the other cop asked.
"She told me that she didn't know anything before she saw him come at me with the knife." Sam shrugged and Michael wiped her tears with his hand.
"Okay... Would you like to meet your father?" one of the cops asked and stood up.
"Yes." Sam nodded.
"Okay, follow me." they walked out.
"I'll wait for you in the hall." Michael smiled.
"Can I uuuh...get an autograph? If you're not busy of course!" one of them asked.
"Sure!" Michael sniffed because he was crying too.

He gave the cop an autograph on his police hat. Then Michael sat down in the hall.

Sam's POV

Sam walked in a room which had a wall with windows and microphones. Sam sat down at one of the windows and saw her dad coming. Sam looked down and slightly saw someone else come in too.

~Mom? Hy is she here? And...why in that side of the wall?~

Sam's parents sat down and her dad picked up the phone, so did Sam.

"What is mom doing here?" Sam asked and Bob handed the phone to Karen.
"Do you really think that I didn't know he was trying to kill you?" Karen laughed.
"What?" Sam's heart sunk.
"I was aware of your father." Karen smiled.
"Then why didn't you do anything?" Sam asked with tears forming.
"I did...I have him the knife and gun." Karen giggled.
"..." Sam began to cry, "But why?" Sam asked in a shaky voice.
"Would you raise unwanted kid?" Karen asked while Bob looked like he regrets everything.
"But you raised me anyway!!!" Sam said while shaking.
"Yeah, because your father was a pus*y and wasn't able to harm you." Karen rolled her eyes.
"So it was all you?" Sam asked.
"Obviously!" Karen laughed.
"Then why didn't you do it yourself?" Sam was hurt.
"Becaose I thought he was strong enough to hold you down in case you run away." Karen  exhaled from her nose.
"Let me talk to dad!" Sam wiped her tears that won't stop flowing.
"I'm sorry!" Bob teared up.
"I thought you hated me so you tortured me when you were high..." Sam sniffed.
"I love you. I used drugs every time your mom told me to do something to you so I don't think it's me." Bob explained.
"So you were treating addiction for nothing?" Sam asked.
"I wasn't treating it because I wasn't addicted. Your mom just sent me away because I wasn't able to do anything to you." Bob looked down.
"But what about yesterday?" Sam asked while looking him in the eyes.
"I had never been so high in my life. Karen told me that this was the last chance to kill you before she killed me." Bob explained while crying.
"Why didn't you tell me?" Sam yelled.
"I didn't want to die!" Bob said quietly.
"So you better kill me instead?" Sam stood up and dropped the phone.

She walked away while crying. She oped the room and walked outside without looking back at them. When she got to the hall where Michael was waiting for her, she moonwalked to him.

"My mom is the one who wanted me dead, not my father. SHAMONA!" Sam did a spin and the high kick.

Michael was shocked. He hugged Sam as she cried on his shoulder. They walked back to the car. While they drove back home, Sam explained everything to Michael. Sam went straight to 3T's house without Michael seeing her. Taj had just finished cooking lunch. All 3 of them looked at Sam with confusion as she entered the house.

"You want lunch?" TJ asked.
"I want to die..." Sam went over the pan and took one chicken leg that was still burning hot.
"Sam, it's still hot!" Taj screamed.
"I don't care." Sam took another bite.
"What happened?" Taryll asked.
"I don't want to talk about it, as Michael." Sam slid down with her back against the fridge.
"Have you seen your mom since she left yesterday?" Taryll asked.
"Don't mention her ever again." Sam murmured.
"What happened?" TJ asked.
"When did you came here?" Michael came in.
"Tell them what happened. I'm going to pack." Sam stood up and threw out the bone from the chicken leg, "It was delicious, thanks!" Sam smiled at Taj and walked away.
"What's wrong?" TJ asked.

Michael explained the guy's whatever Sam told him in the car. Meanwhile Sam went back in her room and packed the bag that she took here. When she packed it, she texted Michael to tell her brothers as well. Then she waited for Michael to come back. Michael came back after a half an hour. He found Sam sleeping in his bed. Michael sighed and stared packing his bag as well. When he was done, it was already time to go to the airport. He took his and Sam's bag and took them to his car. Then he came back up to wake up Sam. Seeing her sleep like a baby, he decided not to wake her up. He picked her up bridal-style and took her to the car. He put her in the back. He run back to lock the house door. Michael got in the back as well because Taj was driving. While driving, they hit a bigger rock and it woke up Sam. She yawned and stretched her arms. She looked up at Michael and sat up.

"When did you take me to the car?" Sam asked.
"While were sleeping." Michael smiled.
"Oh..." Sam rubbed her eyes.
"You can still sleep a bit. We have about 10 minutes." Michael patted his tigh.
"No, no." Sam shook her head.
"I'm sorry to hear what happened, Sam!" Taj looked at her through the mirror.
"Let's not talk about it for now?" Sam said sadly.
"Sorry!" Taj apologized.

They got there quickly. Michael and Sam got out and run to the plane. Meanwhile Taj drove back home. Sam and Michael got on the plane while the fans didn't see them. Sam sat down at the window and Michael sat in front of her. She spent a while looking out of the window.

"Are you okay?" Michael bent closer to her.
"Yeah, I'm fine!" Sam smiled and nodded.
"Everything will be okay! No one is going to hurt you anymore." Michael smiled, trying to comfort Sam.
"I still don't feel like it's true." Sam looked back out of the window.
"Either way, you will be safe with us." Michael put his hand on Sam's, "Of you want, I can make Luke as your bodyguard and I'll get myself a new one." he shrugged.
"You don't need to!" Sam shrugged, "All I need right now is some time away from home." she smiled.
"Okay, but we are going home at Christmas. Will that be enough of time?" Michael asked.
"Maybe! I usually forgive easily and forget the bad memories in about a week, so I'll be good by then." Sam smiled but Michael saw tears in her eyes.
"Do you want a hug?" Michael looked her in the eyes.
"Can I?" Sam looked back at him.
"Of course!" Michael stood up, unbundled his safety belt and sat down next to Sam, "If you ever want a hug, just ask. I will never reject you." Michael hugged Sam.
"Thank you!" Sam melted into the hug.
"If you want, you can cry everything out." minutes started petting her head.
"No, I'm ugly while crying." Sam shook her head.
"I don't care. Nobody is ugly in my eyes." Michael quietly giggled.

Sam and Michael were hugging for couple of minutes. Sam cried out her sadness. Once the plane landed, they hit off and hopped into the van. They got dropped off at the concert hall.

To be continued...

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