A Week Before Christmas

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Michael stopped tickling TJ and Taryll. Both of them were in tears. Sam and Taj stood and watched them.

"Don't laugh! You're next." Micha turned towards Sam.
"What?" she run away.
"Get back here!" he run after her.

Sam was running around the bottom floor, being chased by Michael. Suddenly Joe popped out.

"CAN YOU FINALLY STOP?" he yelled.
"..." both of them stopped yelling and froze.
"I-I'm sorry, Joe!" Sam dropped her head.
"Get over it! Sam doesn't deserve being tickled." me smiled and walked back to the kitchen.
"I almost got a heart attack!" Sam sighed and sat down on the staircase.
"Me too!" Michael sat down one step above her.
"Feel my heart!" Sam looked at him and turned her chest towards him.
"Uuuh..." he was sceptic about it.
"Just feel it!" she took Michael's hand and pit it on her heart.
"Oh my God! How are you still alive?" he was shocked.
"Ahem?" Janet caughed.
"Oh hey!" Sam smiled.
"What are you two doing?" she smirked.
"Your father almost gave me a heart attack." Sam laughed.
"So you're letting him touch your boob?" Janet cringed.
"Of course not! She just put it on her heart." Michael blushed and explained.
"Okay!" she squinted her eyes, "Where's my boyfriend?" Janet smiled at Sam.
"He's not your boyfriend yet aaaaand, you have to wait till Christmas." Sam smiled.
"Really?" she sighed, "Yes, I'm sorry! They can't get here any sooner. They will be here in 25th because they will be celebrating the first Christmas together with family and friends then with us." Sam shrugged.
"I hope he's better than your brother!" Janet dropped her head.
"If course he is! He's just a couple of years older than you instead of like 10, he's funnier, he's cuter and most importantly, he actually loves you!" Sam got up and hugged Janet.
"Yeah! Eevn though I met him only twice, he couldn't say anything else except Janet, Janet, Janet." Michael smiled.
"I'm glad!" she sighed of relief, "Do you have any gifts for us yet?" she smiled.
"Only for Michael for now but there's still a week till Christmas, so I think I'll get presents for you all too!" Sam smiled.
"Your present for me will be that boy...Kevin!" Janet smiled and run back upstairs.
"You don't need to get us gifts!" Michael smiled.
"Of course I do! What is Christmas without presents?" Sam sighed.
"Christmas isn't about presents! It's about love, family, fun, happiness and being with people that you love!" Michael patted her back.
"Yeah but everyone is going to give gifts and I'll just watch?" she laughed.
"I won't give any gifts! I'm broke!" Michael shrugged.
"Yeah right!" Sam smiled.
"It's true! I have up all my money for a charity. I only have like $300'000." he frowned.
"Only? That's a lot! Gifts don't have to be expensive, they should be from heart." Sam smiled and opened the front door.
"Where are you going?" Michael asked.
"To get y all presents." Sam run out of the door.

It was already late evening when Sam finally returned. She came in with three huge bags, full of presents. She quietly took them all upstairs and put them all in Randy's/her room. Then she run back down.

"What took you so long?" Jackie put his arm around Sam's shoulders.
"Scott messed up the address so I had to go to the other side of the USA to get it." she shrugged.
"Come on, everyone was waiting for us." Jackie pushed her till they reached the dinning table.
"Us? Where were you?" Sam looked at him.
"Getting the presents as well!" he smiled and sat down.
"What are you three doing here?" Sam looked at 3T and sat down next to Taj.
"Eating?" Taj acted confused.
"No! I mean, why aren't you at home" Sam hit his shoulder.
"Just eat with the fam. Why are you, a stranger, here?" TJ put a spoonful of salad in his mouth.
"Just eating with your fam because mine is awful? No offense Josh!" she smiled.
"Good point!" he nodded.
"Anyway, where's everyone else?" Sam looked around the table to see only Jackie, 3T and her brothers.
"They already ate." Taryll stood up to get more food.
"And you are eating just now?" Sam raised an eyebrow.
"Naah! This is our fourth plate." Taj fills his mouth.
"Ah! Gotit!" she laughed.
"Take some while there's any left." TJ pointed at the pans.
"No thanks! I'm on a diet." Sam shook her head.
"What did I told you? You diet, I kiss you!" Michael yelled from the back and sat down.
"You know what? Taryll, can you pass me a piece of chicken?" Sam raised her arm.
"Sure thing!" he threw one chicken leg at her.
"Thanks, bro!" Sam cought it and took a bite.
"Bro-zoned~" he whispered.
"What?" Sam asked as she took a huge bite out of the chicken.
"What?" Taryll laughed.

They had a quick dinner and then talked for couple of hours by an empty table. It was already getting late and Sam was getting sleepy.

"I think- *yawns* I think I'll go to bed, guys!" she yawned.
"Yeah, me too. I have to get in my bed before Randy gets in, then I'll be homeless." Michael looks at Sam.
"Well, I need the whole 2 person bed for me, myself and I, sooooo...Goodnight!" Sam smiled and run upstairs.

It was about 3 am when Sam got up and took the bags of presents downstairs. She quietly walked to the huge and beautiful Christmas tree that's in the living room. She was carefully putting the gifts under the Christmas tree until she heard some footstep behind her.

"H-helo?" she whispered.
"Booooooo~" Jackie whispered back.
"It's just you! I thought you was a ghost." Sam smiled at him.
"I'm sorry for scaring you! I wanted to put down my gifts." he lifted his bag.
"Were going to make them suffer!" Sam giggled.
"That's true! They can't open any of them yet!" he laughed.
"Got one for me?" she looked at the bag.
"Of course!" he smiled.
"What did you got for Michael?" Sam asked "I bet it's something funny." she continued to put down her gifts.
"I got him a Christmas sweater and it says "THE BEST BROTHER IN THE WORLD" on the front." he started to put them down.
"Oh, that's cute!" Sam grinned.
"Yes, but it will have a picture of my face on it." Jackie shrugged.
"You're so evil...I love it!" she hit him on the shoulder.
"Did you get him anything?" he asked.
"Of course! Scott and I made a picture frame with a collage of a bunch of pictures of him sleeping. But not the cute ones! The UGLY ones!" Sam quietly giggled.
"You're just as evil!" they high-fived.
"We should get back before anyone sees us." Sam got up.
"You're right!" Jackie got up as well.
"Good night, Jackie!" Sam smiled at him and run back up.
"Good night!" he smiled.

San run up to her room and Jackie got some water. Sam opened the door and saw Michael that was sleeping on the bed. She took a quick picture of him. She slowly got in, trying not to wake him up. She succeeded. They slept together for the whole night.

To be continued...

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