The Rehearsal For Tomorrow

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Both of them got out of the van. Since they were at the other side of the concert hall, nobody saw them, so they weren't in a rush and were able to walk slowly.

"Do your brothers know?" Sam asked.
"Sorry I didn't tell you before, but yes. I told them." Michael apologized.
"It's okay. I was going to tell them anyway." Sam smiled.
"Wait!" Michael stopped walking and grabbed Sam.
"What?" Sam was confused.
"Your mascara..." Michael licked his finger and wiped Sam's cheek.
"Eeeew! You're like my grandmother." Sam cringed.
"Sorry!" Michael laughed.
"Is it so smudged?" Sam pouted.
"Its not that bad. But..." Michael squinted his eyes, "Close your eyes." Michael said to Sam.
"Can't your make up artist fix it?" Sam asked but still closed her eyes.
"She's not here because it's just a rehearsal." Michael licked his finger again and wiped down the ruined mascara under her eyes.
"I- I'll do it myself..." Sam moved away and laughed.
"Okay!" Michael laughed.
"Can you give me your mirrored glasses?" Sam asked.
"Sure!" Michael took his glasses out of his front pocket.
"Thanks!" Sam wet her own finger and wiped it off herself, "There are mine for now." Sam smiled and put on the glasses.
"Just don't lose them." Michael smiled.

They got in and went to the back stage. There were Michael's brothers already sitting there and drinking coffee. Randy run to them and hugged Sam as soon as he saw her come in. He was followed by others as well.

"I'm sorry! You have been through a lot for all of these years." Jackie pulled Sam in for another hug.
"What's going to happen to them now?" Marlon asked.
"I don't know. They will have like 3-4 years in prison for murder attempt." Sam shrugged and looked at the ground.
"Samantha? I'm so sorry! How are you?" Luke hugged Sam as soon as he opened the door.
"You were supposed to wait for us at the door!" Michael slapped his head.
"I apologize, Mr. Jackson!" Luke bowed and dropped his head.
"Don't hit my brother, Mike!" Sam laughed and patted Luke's head.
"So now you're calling me Mike? Where did Michael or Applehead go?" Michael looked upset.
"You're really getting upset by that" Sam laughed.
"I'm not!" Michael looked at Luke, "Don't be late again or you're going to see your sister more often." Michael poked his shoulder and walked away.
"What is that supposed to mean?" Sam put her hands on her sides.
"Nothing!" Michael shrugged.
"Oh you little!" Sam run at him.

She run behind Michael at put her hands around his torso. Since Michael was really skinny and light, Sam easily lifted him up and wiggled him in the air.

"Let me go, kid!" Michael wined.
"Kid?" Sam queezed his stomach tighter.
"Yes, you're a kid!" Michael laughed.
"I'm a 18 year old!" Sam put Michael down and pouted.
"I'm glad you're smiling again." Michael smiled.
"Will you shut that door, you fat headed rascal?" Sam smiled.
"You know that both of us are saying it wrong, right?" Michael went to the mic guy to get his mic box.
"I know! It's a mix of yours and Latoya's quotes. I love it though!" Sam nodded.
"Okay. It's time for us to go and rehearsal now." Michael waved.
"I'll just take a nap then. I'm tired." Sam smiled and waved at the guys.
"Sweet dreams!" Michael smiled.

Sam went to the coach and sat down. She moved around the coach until she found the best place to fall asleep. Sam fall asleep pretty quickly. Once again, she woke up in a van with her head on Michael's THICC thigh. She sat up and removed her legs from Jackie's and Tito's laps.

"How did you sleep?" Frank asked.
"It was great, I had the best dream in a while." Sam smiled.
"Was it about me?" Michael smirked.
"Hahahaha, no!" Sam laughed.
"Oh..." Michael sighed.
"What was it about?" Jackie smiled.
"My future!" Sam smiled but it quickly disappeared and a tear rolled down her face.
"What's wrong?" Tito poked Sam's thigh and made Michael look at her.
"No, no! Everything is fine!" Sam smiled and wiped her tear.
"Are you sure?" Michael asked.
"Yeah!" Sam sniffed and nodded, "Dont you sometimes have moments you just start to cry?" Sam looked at the guys.
"I do!" Jackie shrugs and looks way.
"You do?" Tito looked at him surprised.
"I'm a human too!" Jackie hits his shoulder.
"Ouch! I'll tell mom." Tito covers his shoulder and whines.
"Don't fight, guys!" Sam laughed.
"They haven't even started yet." Randy murmured as he woke up too.

They got back to the hotel. When everyone

"Can you shut that door, you fat headed Rascal?" Michael said loudly.
" do know that both of us were mixing your and your sister's line together, right?" Sam pasted Michael's shoulder.
"I know. I like this better!" Michael smiled and stared walking.

Since tomorrow is the last show in Vegas, the guys needed to go sleep earlier so they are full of energy. Everyone went to the room, except Randy and Sam. They went to get coffee first. They took out their change and bought coffee from the coffee machine.

" you like my brother?" Randy suddenly asked.
"Umm... Doesn't every girl like him?" Sam smiled.
"You know what I mean!!" Randy smiled.
"I guess. Why?" Randy looked down and sighed.
"Aaaw!" Sam ruffled his head, "You're jealous?" Sam smiled.
"No...I just don't want anyone to take him away from us." Randy pouted.
"What? You really think I will take him away from his dear brothers? I'm not that kind of a person. Even though I'm here, you can do whatever you want!" Sam put her arm around his shoulders.
"You're my favorite out of all of his girlfriends!" Randy's face light up.
"But I'm not his girlfriend!" Sam smiled sady.
"Why not? The two of you are really close." Randy asked.
"It's just that Lisa and Brooke kind of ruined my feelings by trying to get me away from him." Sam explained.
"But everything is alright now!" Randy tir. Ed his head.
"I'm not sure about that! I can feel something bad coming." Sam smiled.
"Like what?" Randy asked.
"For example... Maybe my mom isn't the only one who was trying to get away from me?" Sam shrugged.
"Noo! That's not true!!" Randy hugged Sam.
"I hope so but every time I see something in my dream, it always comes comes true." Sam sighed.
"So it wasn't the best dream?" Randy petrs Sam's shoulder.
"I lied. It was the worst nightmare in a while." Sam smiled sadly.
"Why didn't you tell the the true?" Randy poked her.
"I didn't want to bother you all. Micheael already didnt6 believe me in when I told him that I don't think I'm 100% safe here." Sam nodded.
"Whaaaaat?" Randy was surprised.

To be continued....

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