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Jin barely slept that night. He kept on guard from Ami, who seemed to want to do things with him, he didn't feel like doing with Ami, well, not this Ami, that's for sure. In the morning he brings Ami to the office, and they all look at how he is only half human. The bags under his eyes are big and he is quite stressed. RM chuckles slightly at seeing the ever so perfect Jin so sluggish. Ami flies off to Jimin. "Jin is no fun to play with... he didn't love me... Let me play with you today." She is pulling his arm and Jimin flushes. He is nervous cause she kisses easily. He still remembers from yesterday. "Hey, so what is your name, If you want me to love you, tell me at least your name." "Oh Hae Sung" "How old are you?" "I am of legal age to do 'that'." Jimin swallows and Jin moans. "How old?" "I was 29 when it happened." "What happened? Jimin tried to get as much information he could from her, but Ami starts to pout cutely again. "Let's go on a date." She yanks his arm. Jimin freaks out and RM just nods at him. The others look with pity in their eyes as both of them walk out.  RM gathers all of them. "Okay, this is getting serious. I'm starting to get suspicion that this isn't a dead person." They all look at him in shock. "But it has to be. It's a ghost." JK says. RM shakes his head. "Not all ghosts are dead. Just like humans have a wide variety of humans, the ghostly realms have them too. We have monsters, demons, spirits, ghosts. And all sorts of them. Good, neutral, evil, chaotic,... Just as humans are diverse, the other worldly things are diverse too." "But how can it not be a dead person?" "I am really not sure about it, but I have a feeling we are dealing with a soul. A lost soul." "No shit sherlock, aren't all ghosts just souls?" RM shakes his head at Jin's remark. "Sometimes the body can be in a dead-like state, it is almost the same as dead, but it isn't. Does it sound familiar?" Suga hums. "I dreamed last night. It was pretty random, but now you say it like that, it might not have been random at all. It might have been 'that' kind of dream." They look at Suga. Suddenly V claps his hands together. "A coma!" RM nods. "Bingo. Now we got her name and age. And the park. Let's go out and find more info about it." They all nod. Suga, V, Jin, JK and Hobi are going to go through all the hospitals in the city. RM is going to go through the newspapers about the park.

After visiting about 3 hospitals, Suga is getting pretty helpless. He is paired up with JK and they are growing desperate. They cross of hospitals on the list. "Hey hyung, do you think you can dream some more info about it? Like a name?" Suga shakes his head. "It doesn't work that way." "Can't you atleast try?" He takes a seat on a low bench and pats his lap. Gesturing Suga can come sleep on his lap. Suga rolls his eyes, but is feeling rather sleepy. So who is he to say no to a nap. He takes a seat and lays down. JK takes out his phone and starts to game a bit.

You can hear the beeping sounds fastening and an alarm going off. A excruciating pain spreads through your body and your left arm feels numb. You can hear the doctors rush in and your body jumps up at the strong shocks it receives. The pain fades and the beeping noises are back to regular. The doctors are talking. "I'm not sure how many more of these she can have. I am afraid that soon it will be her last. She will probably die if she doesn't wake up. We should inform the parents and ask for organ donations." You are panicking. You can't die yet! Why would you! You didn't die! You don't deserve to die. Someone help me! Come to me! Jin! RM! JK! Suga! Someone!!! You call out in your mind.  -New Life Hospital-

Suga gasps awake. "New Life Hospital! I saw the name of the hospital! We need to hurry! She is dying!" JK was startled at the sudden outburst and almost drops his phone. "What do you mean?" "Ami is in that hospital, coma and in danger!" He jumps up too fast and dizzies a bit while falling back onto the bench. JK holds him at his shoulders and tries to calm him down. After the dizzy spell has subsided, Suga gets up and types it into his phone. "Let's go, quickly!" He hails a taxi and they take it to the hospital. It isn't that far and was going to be the 4th on their list. JK texts the others too. They get a message from RM. "A 29 year old woman was hit by the park a few years ago. She has been in the New Life Hospital for all this time, in a comatose state." Suga and JK arrive and quickly run to the room. Once in, they see a strange woman in the bed. She looks like the right age and they look on the form at the end of the bed. It has her name on it. "JK" "On it." JK takes a seat next to the bed and places his hand on her forehead. He closes his eyes and sinks away in sleep, while Suga keeps guard.

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