Ghoulish horror

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You got a message in the morning about your aircon that has been fixed. You put your phone back on the night stand and turn around. Jin is still peacefully sleeping while his arm is around your waist. Even tho you have seen his beauty now already so often when waking up, you are still mesmerized by it. You softly strokes those lips who have met yours so often. Never for the right reasons tho. He opens his eyes and attacks you with a handsome smile first thing in the morning. You involuntarily hold your breath. "Morning. Or rather afternoon. We slept by the time the sun was rising." You nod and look at the digital projecting clock on his side of the bed and notice it's already passed 2pm. When you walk out of the bed, you take a quick shower in his bathroom. You use his soap and shampoo because why not? You endulge yourself in expensive perfumes and go down the stairs to get breakfast, or rather linner. As usual you enter the room but notice that there are other at the table. A handsome man looks at you when you enter. He looks judgemental at you up and down and sips his tea. You carefully near him and take a seat to grab a bite. "Are you and my son dating?" Your inner self giggles. "Dating? We actually got married a few days ago." You jokingly say while biting your sandwich. The man chokes on his tea.

"W-what?" You can see the joke didn't land well. "It was fake. It was for our job." You explain yourself. The man grumbles. He gets up and opens his wallet. He throws a few black cards at your plate and some cheques. "Get away from my son. Scum." Now you are getting slightly pissed off. "Listen here. I think you and your son would both benefit if you stopped getting all up in his business. Your son has his own life to live and desires. If he wants to date me, he can do so. If he wants to become a priest, then that's fine for me too. So why can't you just accept him as he is instead of kno-" "AMI!" Jin's voice trumps yours as he storms inside. He pulls your arm roughly and drags you away. "Get this scum out of my house. This is the last time you bring in someone this disrespectful!" The father gets up and turns red in his face from shouting at Jin, who is hurriedly pulling you back. Once outside he hisses at you. "Why did you talk about unneccesary things to him? You should not have talked to him!" "But he's your father..." "I told you about my life, and so I thought you figured what kind of relation me and my father have. Apparently not." Jin seems to be annoyed with you. "Why can't he just approve of you as you are?" You try to comfort Jin, but Jin just shrugs. "Just get going... I'll bring your things after you." he sighs and pushes you out of the door. He goes back inside to confront his father once more.

You look at this mansion of a house and puff your cheeks while pouting. "Who does that man think he is? Blowing me off like that with cash? Djeezz. F*ck that *sshole." You stomp off, back to your apartment. In the apartment you fall on your bed, still boiling inside from the confrontation you had with Jin's father. You can't seem to forget about it. you get up and put on the aircon. You enjoy it's heavenly breeze as you pour yourself a glass of iced tea. "I just want Jin to live freely as he wants... Guess I am not the right person to get involved with the rich people's world." You can't help but feel offened with it all. the sun is already setting at the horizon, the day was slept away. You start up your dinner and slowly are forgetting your anger. In the evening you retreat to your couch to watch some TV when you feel chilly. You turn off the aircon. "Wow he fixed it up really good..." You mumble as you grab a blanket from the couch to crawl under. The chill doesn't go away. Once it gets dark, you are getting sleepy again. Yawning, you turn in for the night. After browsing a bit on your phone, you fall asleep with it in your hands. After about 3 hours you are suddenly wide awake. When you stare at the ceiling you are staring straight into the ghouly face of a ghostly woman, with her black hair falling down towards you. Her face looks half rotten and you can see teeth through her cheek. It's like a zombie ghost. You can barely breath and are frozen in fear.

You close your eyes and start praying. You peek and nothing changes. You focus on communicating with the ghost, but hear or feel nothing. You try to find a logical reason to debunk it but that path runs to a dead end pretty quickly. You ran out of option. You can feel your phone next to you and grab it quickly. You dial the speeddial in your group chat and pray someone picks up even though it's the middle of the night. After about 5 seconds you start talking in good faith someone answered your call. "" you manage to whisper and the ghostly woman drops closer down to you.


Hoseok is grabbing water when he hears the phone go off. "The groupschat? What? Why?" He walks to his phone and sees it's Ami who is calling. He picks up and cheerfully answers. He hears nothing. "Butt dialing? In a group chat?" He scratches his head and hangs up again. He can't shake the feeling that it might not be a butt dial. He grabs his jacket and keys to his car.


*knock knock* "AMI?!" You can hear Hoseok knocking on your door and the woman isn't moving. Slightly braver and relieved you yell: "The spare key is under the doormat! HELP!" After a brief second you hear him open te door and storms in. You crawl out of bed and towards him. The woman stares at you, follows you with her eyes. Hoseok helps you up while staring at the anomily. "W-what have you got here?" He swallows slightly. "I don't know, but prayer doesn't help nor does it want to communicate.... She just stares at me and drops closer." You whisper under your breath. "What prayer?" "The our father, Hail mary...." "Let me try." He holds you behind his back and places his hands in a boddhistava position. He closes his eyes and starts chanting. The woman seems to flinch slightly but doesn't disappear. Hoseok opens his eyes and sees nothing happened. "I-I think we should take you somewhere else. Come to my place." You follow him out of your apartment.

Back at his place, he hangs his keys away and you are amazed at how clean and organised his house looks. He walks to the kitchen and makes some tea for you. Slightly less afraid you take a seat at his kitchen table. "I have no idea what it is. It didn't react to your prayers or mine. I think we will need to ask the advice of the others for this." You sip your tea and feel the warmth spread over your whole body. He walks to his room and comes out with some blankets and a pillow. He places them on the couch and you walk to the couch. "What are you doing?" He asks as you take place. "S-sleeping?" "You can sleep in my bed. I'll sleep here." You feel like you are imposing and refuse at first, but he keeps holding on. So you follow him to his simple but colorful room and get some more sleep.

The next morning you both go back to the office. The others are confused about what the late night call was about but are more surprised when the both of you show up together. Hoseok goes to explain the situation. "The scariest part was: it never even looked at me. Even after hitting it with the chant it never even looked at me. It just kept looking at Ami." The others are nodding and Namjoon is seen thinking. "Did you recognize the ghost?" He asks you. You shake your head. "It was like a zombie... stuff straight from nightmares. I got so scared I froze completely." "Well for now I would suggest that you stick to a member. Maybe Jimin can also stay with you. He will be able to identify the ghost. Get some wards and charms from V, and holy water items from Jin." He looks at the said persons and they obediently nod. You receive all the items and Jimin sticks to you. "Thanks, Hobi, for acting quickly when I called. I was so afraid." You bow to him. He shyly scratches his head and shakes it. "No, no don't mention it. We are all your friends, so everyone is always here for each other." You feel warm inside and look at all of them. JK and V returned from their holiday too and are back at it with some bickering. "So, your place or mine?" You ask Hoseok. "Well, if the ghost is place bound, your place. But let's first rule that out by having you stay at my place one more night." Jimin nods. "Also I think Hobi's apartment is bigger. I can stay there too." You agree and the 3 of you leave for the apartment.

Namjoon walks to the storage room. He holds onto the rosary and seems deep in thought. "I should go research some more. He refused to tell me where he got a dangerous item like this..."

Back in Hobi's apartment, you cook to show your appreciation for them. Just as you turn the fire on the stove on, a big flame lights up. Startled you scream and stumble backwards while accidently leaning on a cutting board that was on the counter behind you. The board slides and in a reflex you catch it. Unwillingly you graze the knife that was on it and it cuts you, but your body is still in defense from the sudden fire scare. Hobi runs into the kitchen and turns of the fire to calm the flame. He then looks at you and sees the blood on the floor. His eyes grow wide as he squads beside you. "Are you okay? You are bleeding! Did you get burned?" Jimin runs in the kitchen too, only wearing a towel and still dripping. He was in the shower. "I-I think I'm fine. It was just an accident." You get up and walk to the tap to let the cut be rinsed by the water. Hoseok grabs the first aid kit. He helps you to bandage your arm and take care of the wound. "Didn't figure you were a clumsy person." "That's the thing... I am not... Maybe it's because it's a kitchen I'm not used to?" You smile uncomfortably to not worry him further. "Well, I'll just stay with you during cooking. To make sure. I know my kitchen very well." You nod and start cooking again. Jimin shrugs and walks back to the bathroom to finish up with his shower session.

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