The board

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After your 'union' with JK, you take on your daily life again, feeling at ease since you got JK linked to you. You feel somehow very safe. You learned that he has linked with Jimin too. The end of the summer is near and your old schoolmates invited you to go on a sleepover in a rental cabin near woords. You took a leave from work and joined them. In the day you BBQed, and played with water. You had a rest from all the worries in your mind. They distracted you enough. In the evening one of them pulls out a Ouija board. You stiffen up. You are daily confronted with scary things. So this doesn't scare you that much, but you rather stay away from those things. "Guys, I don't think this is a fun idea." "Oh come on! Don't be such a spoil sport! It's the ultimate thing to do during sleep overs! Are you scared?" You scoff. " Me? Scared? I do this on a  daily base." Your friends don't know about your profession. You rather don't want them to think of you like a freak. So they are confused at your remark. They shrug it off and start to set the board up. You take a seat and sigh. Grateful for the spells and protection you are carrying around and have learned. They swirl the planket and chant. You have your finger on it too. You are also using your sixth sense to sense possible spirits around you. For now it's quiet. You sigh relieved. It won't trigger anything.

"Is anyone here?" The planket shoves towards yes. The others are cooing and excited. You look around and feel nothing. You grin. Someone is triggering the planket, and manipulating it. Suddenly the planket gets ripped from under your finger. Not just your finger but everyone's. It seems to move on it's own, the others are screaming. It spells out your real name. You swallow and look around you but see nothing. "S-stay calm." You put your hand on the planket, stopping it in it's movement. Forcing it, you can feel it being hot to the touch and if you would let go it would fly over the board again. You lift it from the board and look through the looking glass. You look around. "Show yourself!" You hiss. The others are looking at you being so badass and calling out whatever is around. It's not a human soul, you can't sense it. Suddenly you can see a black shadow through the glass. When you look normally to it, you can't see a thing. You look back through the glass and can see it's hideous face. It has horns portruding in his skull and huge tusks. You gasp and put the planket down. You grab the cross from your necklace and start to pray, passionately. You also grab the water and salt and get up. You walk towards the thing and are unafraid. You remember Jin and how confidently he took on demonic powers. You throw the salt and the water at what seems to be nothing. The others are just scrambling to their feet and running inside the cabin. Not that you notice. You lift the glass again and look at your adversary.

"Who are you. State your name. What do you want from me?" The demon smirks and says "boo!" at you before disappearing in smoke. You walk back to the board and put the planket on it. "Goodbye." You say and leave the board for what it is. You hear the crustling of dry leaves from last fall, but don't think about it. You didn't see the red flare between the trees as it moves away from your spot.

Your friends let you in and look at you shakingly. "W-what was that?" "Why do you carry those things?" "I-I thought you weren't religious." You smile comfortingly. "Don't worry, it's gone. And I am not religious. I just... am a careful person... I said goodbye to the board and so it's harmless now. Let's not play this anymore, promise?" You smile and it creeps the others even more out. They all go to bed and sleep. You stay up and text Jin.

"Thanks." "For what?" "For everything." "Why does that sound so final? Are you okay?" "I am, thanks to you." "What did I do?" "I need more salt and water when I come back to work..." "Ami, what happened? Are you okay? You had to use it?" "Yeah, but I'm fine. Don't worry." 

It stays quiet for a moment in the chat.

"Jin? Jin!" 

No response. After about 5 minutes you finally get a message back.

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