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At home, the whole set up from camera's is ready. Jin carries you over the threshold and you run up the stairs. You want to go into your own room, but your hand freezes on the knob. You let go and walk to his room. You'll have to sleep together again tonight... You aren't sure your heart can handle this. Jin enters the room after you. A bit hesitant he closes the door. He is sweating profoundly and seems nervous. He looks around in his room and sees the camera's Namjoon set up. To catch the spiritual activity. He slowly undresses and you sneak up from behind him. You wrap your arms around his naked waist and place a soft kiss on his shoulder. Jin stiffens up but relaxes soon. "We don't need to do this..." He softly whispers under his breath as he turns around and pulls you towards him and almost has his lips on yours. You close your eyes and press them on his anyway. "Wow you are a convincing actor..." He softly murmurs in your kiss while both of you walk to the bed, kissing and making out. You fall on the bed and he is on top of you. He is only wearing his pants and you are in your underwear too. His chest is moving as he is panting. His cheeks are flushed in excitement. He has you locked in with his hands on the side of your head. You can't help but touch his pecs. Even you are getting a hard time to keep it from getting awkward. He leans in again and kisses you again.

Just as he does, the bed vibrates. You can feel his lips on you but they stopped moving. "It's here." He whispers into your kiss, almost unhearable. He lifts his head and looks around. You look too and see nothing. "What's wrong, love?" You pull him back in to kiss, knowing fully well it is working. "I though I heard something." He says and kisses again. A sound of glass shattering is heard in the room. You both look around and see one of the relics that was in a glass dome has fallen on the floor. Jin gets up and grabs something in his nightstand. He grabs a bible and cross. He is up in no time and walking around the room, reciting bible verses and holding the cross. He is blessing the room again. The peace returns and he is confident he has scared away the ghosts. He turns back to the bed and sits on it. "Do you think it is enough?" You ask him. He looks at you and nods. "I think so." You are hesitant to get out of the bed. He notices. "Were you scared?" "N-not really..." He smirks. "You want to sleep in my bed for one night?" You bite your lip and nod ever so slightly. He smiles and takes off his pants, only in his underwear too and slides in the bed. The other relics in his room look very creepy in the little light that comes in from between the curtains. You unconsciously crawl into his arms. He just takes you in them and holds you close.

The night passes without weird phenomena. In the morning, they bring the footage to the others. That day they all look over the footage of that night, and are blushing at the make out session the 2 main actors had. "That looks...damn real...." Hoseok says while slightly worked up from the intensity of the images. Jin and you are flushing too. They notice an orb just before Jin looks up and around. They notice another one near the relic that got thrown off the cupboard. "Definitely ghosts..." Jimin says. "But Jin eradicated them smoothly. We were ghost free for the rest of the night." You say. "Exactly... so why were you guys sleeping so close together the rest of the night?" Namjoon asks, slightly teasing too. "Ehm... comfort?" Jin answers. They all laugh. "So basically the problem manifests when the couple leaves the church. Jimin, did you sense something?" Jimin nods. "I did notice some presence in the church. And then when they left, it was also gone. As if the presence was waiting for them to get attached to them." Namjoon leans back on his chair and is deep in thought. "But outside the wedding, you didn't feel anything in that church, right?" Jimin nods. "Nothing. Everything is quiet..." "We will need to go back to the church.... I feel like the answers are there..." They all get up and go back to the church.

At the church, Jin and Jimin are looking around outside. Namjoon and Hoseok take you inside the church. You are looking at the old paintings, while Namjoon and Hoseok seem to move already down the sacristy behind the church. The church is empty and silent. Suddenly a creepy feeling comes over you. Just then when you want to look around, everything turns black.

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