Black Swan

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The next day, you hang out some more at the office. There is no one there but you enter with the passcode. RM gave you a fix scolding of your behavior in the first case, but didn't fire you. You hang out in the office and are shaking hands with the skeleton. You named it Roger. You are bored. You were secretely hoping to see Jin here and talk to him some more. You can't believe you got to talk to someone that breathtakingly handsome. But he's a priest. So probably off limits. You sigh. "What a waste..." When suddenly you hear a noise in the hallway. You get up from the couch and walk to the noise. The hallway is eerie as usual and you see that the door to the weird storage is open. You switch on the light and can see all kinds of objects. It's almost like a museum of some sorts. The raggedy doll is in the center and you come closer. You can see all kinds of seals, crosses and salt garnishing the glass box. Whatever it is supposed to be, it is clearly not meant to leave the box. You look into the doll's eyes and are slightly uncomfortable.

You look at other objects and see a range of different ones. A small copper horn, a sharktooth necklace, a stuffed real animal, a fedora hat, old ballet shoes... You are touch a music box with small golden ornaments and open it. A dancing lady pops out and the room is filled with the fine tunes of the music box. Suddenly you gasp for breath and the room disappears. You see yourself, in a mirrorred room. The floorboards are in neat wood and smooth. They show signs of wear at the edges of the room, next to a wooden bar that spreads through the whole wall. It's a dance studio of sorts. There is a piano in the corner of the room and a small window. Everything around you looks as in a filter. Suddenly you hear noise behind you and when you turn around, you see people enter the room. They are wearing classical ballet outfits. They are thwirling around and entering. Some girls are seen laughing and chatting with each other. They don't seem to notice you, standing there in the middle of the room, still holding the music box.

The teacher takes a seat at the piano and the room gets filled with some nice classical music. The girls take their places and start to do their pliers and reverts. You are freaking out. "What is this place? Why can't they see me?" In the break, the girls sit down and are in groups. There is however 1 girl, and you could have sworn she has looked at you a few times, that doesn't hang with anyone. You feel sorry for the girl. You kneel and carefully start to speak to her. "Hi, I'm Ami. Why aren't you chatting with your friends?" The girl surprisingly looks straight at you and answers. "Because they don't like me. No one does. The teacher got me in because she said I was talented, but I can't pay the tuition money. She let me in out of kindness in her heart." You feel your heart breaking for the little girl. Suddenly she looks at the nearest group of girls. They are whispering and pointing at her. "She is talking to ghosts again. Freaky little shit." They are laughing and you feel infuriated. You get up and try to smack the girl but your hand passes through it. The poor girl shakes her head. "They can't see you. You are just like my other friends. But you wear funny clothes. My other friends wear old style clothes, but I never seen clothes like yours." You look at your clothes and it starts to come to you. When you look at the dance teacher, she wears high, classical blouse and long skirt. You are wearing ripped jeans and a baggy sweater. "What year is it?" You ask the girl. "It's November 25th, 1948" You stumble back. You look around you in a panic. Did you travel in time?

You walk to the window and can see the buildings are all about 3 stories high. No skyscrapers or appartments to be seen. There are rails on the streets and you don't see a lot of cars, but the few cars you see are these oldtimers. You start to feel sick. "How can I get back to my own time?" You look around in a frenzy.


In mean time, Hoseok entered the office. He looks around and sees that Roger moved. "Someone was here." He looks around and notices a pillow fell out off the couch. He looks to the hallway and has a weird feeling. He checks the other rooms, and when he gets into the doll room, he runs in. He slaps you on your cheek. "AMI!!" But you don't move. He grabs his phone and calls. "Namjoonah, get Kooks. Ami is down." He hangs up and shakes your body. "AMI! WAKE UP!"

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