...to my Fire

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You make it so that you hang out more and more with Alice. She is always there, barely leaves the house. You asked Hobi for some charms to help her calm down when she has poltergeist phenomena. Her complaints keep coming though. It seems like it is getting worse, so you decided to take a free day and decide to see what is up. You told her you would stay over. So you enter her house for the first time. It is modern and organized. It definetely doesn't look like an old, or haunted house at all. It's warm and cozy, all the lights work just fine. You first start to check the house for faults, like lose doors or drafts. To make sure you can debunk anything that happens tonight. Set your base right. You don't have too much devices because you don't want to risk to alarm the others for what you are about to do. Even though you know it's risky, you still didn't want to worry them so much. Better they know of nothing. They would strongly disadvice you but you feel like you are ready to at least low key observe.

You hang out in her room but it's the computer room. There is only a desk so you are very confused about it being her room, since there is no bed in it. You take a seat and chat a bit with her about everything. You've really grown closer over a few days and somehow it clicks. The 2 of you vibe like you have with no one else before. Evening falls and you can hear noises downstairs. "stttt. " You say and you open the door to check the noises, ready to debunk them. When you are suddenly face to face with another person. You turn around to check on Alice, but Alice quivering in a corner, screaming. The person outside the door screams too, and closes the door. "Becky! Call the police! We got a burglar!" And you are confused.

You try to open the door, but it is locked. Now you aren't even sure if it was a ghost that locked the door or the person. You break out in a sweat and Alice isn't helping. You can hear sirens outside and they stop in front of the house. When the door opens, 4 cops bust in the room and pick you up before cuffing you. "Wh-what did I do?" "We arrest you on grounds of trespassing, and attempted burglary. " "B-but Alice invited me in this house!" "Who the fuck is Alice?" The person that locked you in says. The police lets you go and you gesture with your nose to the computer room. "There, in the corner." They all look straight at Alice. "Bullshit. There is no one there. You must be mad!" And the cops grab you again and drag you to their car.

In the holding cell, you try to speak to them to explain yourself, but no one would listen. You get your one phonecall and you have honestly no clue who to call, but the first one that comes to mind is the boss. You call Namjoon. "RM... Help me... I'm in trouble."

You are in the holding cell when someone opens the door. You look up and it's a police officer. He gestures for you to come out and you follow him out. In the office you see RM and Jin waiting for you while talking to the sergeant. You are so happy to see them. RM isn't smiling.

They take you out of the office and to Jin's car. They are quiet and frankly you don't know what to say either. You are just playing with a string on your hoodie and are afraid to look in the rear view mirror. Once you arrived at the office again, Jin opens the door for you and you get out. Last time you felt like this, was when you were going to the principal's office in your school after doing something wrong. RM takes a seat behind his desk and Jin stands next to him, both men look at you and you suddenly feel embarrassed.

"We've bailed you out. Since nothing is stolen, you don't need to pay a fine or won't get charged by theft. But you are getting charged for trespassing on private property. What have you to say for yourself?" "It was Alice... I just wanted to help her." Jin and RM look at each other and then back at you. "The cops mentioned something about that too. Apparently the cops that took you in custody didn't see anyone else in the house. They searched through the whole house but found nothing. They were really close to calling a shrink on you. This is serious. You are facing a court order right now." RM's face is dead serious and even Jin looks disappointed at you. "I am sorry. I mean, I really thought Alice had problems and I tried to help her. We got along so well, it was like she was my soulmate. I can't believe no one saw her. She really didn't look like a ghost. I swear." RM nods. "First I think you should try and apologize to the people who's house you broke into. Even thought they didn't find any traces of breaking in." "Of course not, the door was open and I just followed Alice in." "However it is, I think we might tag along with you since we bailed you out. I'll take Jimin too." You nod and Jin is calling Jimin.

You walk with Jin, RM and Jimin to the house. You ring the door and the guy that called the cops on you opens the door. Startled he looks at you but you are shyly looking down and exuding an aura of regret. RM takes the lead. "Can we come in for a talk? There is someone who would like to apologize." They are baffled and nod. Your party goes in.

You sit at a table and bow to them. "I am so sorry about it all. I didn't mean to break in or trespass. I didn't know you lived here. I was in a wrong assumption that someone else lived here." "Yes, we heard. Alice, you said, right?" You look at them and nod. "She is about this tall, long dark hair and looks very sickly. She told me she lives here and had trouble with ghosts. So I decided to help her find out what ghosts there were in this house, because it's my profe-" But you stop and look at RM with an unsure look as in 'am I allowed to say it, without bringing shame to my job?' RM coughs and takes over. "So it's as suit: We are actually professional ghost hunters. Before you say something, no matter if you believe in it or not, it is a real profession and we are skilled researchers." The people looked like they wanted to say something but RM quickly pitched in before they could say anything. The wife looks at her husband and nods. "Well, actually... Since we lived here, strange things did happen in the house. Doors were open without notice. I replaced locks many times but to no avail. First we thought someone was pulling a joke but things grew louder and louder. The thing is, most of the day we aren't home. We are both full time employees in a big position in a company. Our dayshifts are about 12 hours. So we are only home in the evening. No one would believe us either. So we just gave up. Then yesterday evening our surprise was big when we actually found someone in the room." "Say what. What if we do a free of charge research in your house, and you drop the complaint against our innocent employee. What do you think? 2 birds in one stone." RM proposes. You look at how easily he played the situation out.  The look at each other and the couple nods.

Jimin, you and Jin walk around the house, while RM stays with the couple. Jimin moans. "There is definitely something here. A presence I mean." You guide them to Alice's room. Hoping to see her. When you open the door, for sure she is on the bed, sitting. When she sees you she jumps into your arms. You are hugging her back. Jimin gasps. "Ami... This..." Jin blinks his eyes. "Guys, this is Alice." Jin smirks an 'I told you so' smirk. "Ami, I can't see her." He says. You look at Alice and back at Jin. "She is right here." Jimin snickers and holds his hand out. "Nice to meet you, Alice." "See, Jimin can see her. Why can't yo-" And you stop. You suddenly realized that if only Jimin and you can see her, it means one thing. "You were the ghost all along?" You ask from Alice. Alice looks at you and shakes her head. Jimin touches her shoulder in an consoling way. "I hate to break it to you, but the ones you thought were ghosts, are actual people. You are the ghost haunting them." Alice steps back and shakes her head. "No. Not possible. I have so many things to live for. I will get better and marry. Have kids of my own and inherit this house." Your blood feels like ice running through your veins. She has been a ghost all along. "There must have been some event that you remember. The last thing you remember. Can you tell us?" She runs outside. The 3 of you follow her, but Jin stays behind to brief RM and the couple.

Jimin and you catch her at the well. "Alice! We are trying to help you. Talk to us." She stops and is crying, thick tears fall into the well. "I...I remembered." You carefully go to her and hold her close, because you both share a deep bond. "I was sickly and often suffered from fainting spells. I was engaged to be wed and he was perfect. He told me to wait a bit longer. He wanted me to be healthy first. He wanted a lot of kids, you see. But I got pregnant sooner than later." You blush. She is the same age as you, yet so much further in life than you. Slightly embarrassed about your own life, you focus back to her. "Then one day... I must have fallen in this well... I think... Maybe I had a fainting spell. This was such a romantic spot, I always waited for him to come here. He asked me to marry him here, and we shared many firsts here." She looks shyly away. "But this means I'm...I'm..." And she looks devastated at you. You go in to hug her. "You passed away, dear." Jimin says softly. You are also crying. You really thought you had made a good friend, someone that was like a soulmate to you. "Jimin, can you give me some time?" Jimin nods and gives you both some space.

"I don't want you to move on. I know it sounds selfish, but I really like you. I feel so good with you. I need you. I have never felt more at peace." She smiles through her tears and cups your face. "It's okay, I mean, I should find rest too..." You grasp her tighter. "I really don't want you to leave me." And despair is in your voice. Jimin coughs. He is eager to help her move on so they can solve this case.

Jin comes out with his bible, ready to peacefully give her the last sacraments and let her move on. You can't stand the sight. You turn away while biting your lip. Don't leave me! is the thing you are repeating in your head, over and over again. Just as Jin is about to finish, there is a fresh breeze and she is gone. Jimin looks at you with devastation.

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