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You are stunned, and mesmerized by this stranger's eyes. It's not Jimin, that's for sure. The Jimin you know would never be this brazen. "Are you Jimin's brother?" You ask. The guys blinks his eyes. "He told you about me?" The guy is taken aback slightly at hearing this. "He did. He really feels sorry for you, every single day." The guy seems to gather himself again and smirks. "Does he now? That's not how I know it." He looks around at the others and sees JK who is slowly sneaking up on him. "Don't even think about it, boy." He raises his hand and JK is met with an invisible barrier. He then turns again to you. "I see things became more interesting now..." While looking at you from head to toes and back. "If he feels so sorry for me, he should at least give me some play time too." He grabs you by the hand and runs out. Before the others could follow, you were long gone. Running though the hallways of the building, seeing Jimin's back and holding his hand, while he drags you with him. "Where are you taking me?" He doesn't reply. You take the lift to the basement where the underground parking lot is. You hear a beep and see a black bike its lights flash. He throws a helmet at you and puts one on himself. He then places you on the bike and starts it before you can protest. You drive off, away from the building. The others follow a few minutes after but are just in time to see the taillight of the bike while the tires are shrieking. "Damn... He got Ami. Where are they going?" RM scratches his head. "Should we follow them?" JK says while beeping the Van. RM sighs. "I don't think we can catch up on them. Let's just hope Ami will be fine." The others look at him and are worried too.

You see the car lights flash by you and all the other lights are just lines. You're going at a hellish speed and freightend you grasp onto Jimin's body tighter. Eventually he stops and when you look around you, it's a big park, somewhere outside the city. He gets off and takes of the helmet while pushing his hand through his hair, and looks at you. You shakily get off the bike too and pull of the helmet. He comes closer to you and you walk back until your back hits a tree. He comes really close and you gasp for breath while his hand slides in your pocket. He then retreats and turns something off.  You notice he pick pocket your phone. "Let's not get disturbed, shall we?" And he smirks while shaking the phone in front of your nose. You reach for it but he holds it high up. He is laughing. He really is enjoying toying with you. You stop it and reach for your cool self. "Whatever..." And walk away. Seeing how he can't tease you anymore, he lowers the phone and puts it in his own pocket to follow you. "Daw, it's not fun if the toy isn't playing with me..." you turn around. "I am not a toy. People are not toys." You scold him. He is taken aback but soon he is back in the game. "Yes they are! They play with you and then throw you away when it's not convenient anymore." You can detect a slight hint of hurt in this statement. You turn around. He definitely has something to say.

You take a seat on a bench that looks out over the city. He hesitates but eventually takes a seat beside you. You decided to listen to him and be interested in him. Maybe you can find a way to get through to him. So he won't be a bother to Jimin anymore. "Somehow I am feeling a lot of frustration from you. You feel like nothing, don't you? A toy, only to be occasionally played with and for the rest been left unbothered." Jimin looks at his hands. "Been years since he let me come out and play. But I have been growing stronger. I ultimately am planning on taking this body over." "Why would you want this body?" "Because I can make better use of it." Somehow it reminds you of what Jimin told you before. "Listen. Jimin is Jimin, but he needs you, his brother. But he is the owner of this body, not you. You can borrow it, time from time, but you know, other ghosts borrow it too sometimes, but none of them are allowed to stick around. None, except for you. Why? Because with you he isn't lonely. He has his brother with him, all the time, giving him strength. Even when you are dormant, he is soothed by the knowledge you are with him, always." Jimin's golden hued eyes are piercing yours, but he can't detect a lie. You decide to talk on and place your hand on his leg. "Yes, you are stronger than him, and yes, you deserve to live, but you died. Even before you could live. Even now you are living on borrowed time. Don't get me wrong, you should not leave him. But you should not want to take him over too. Don't kill your brother, who was born alive. He is the one living, not you." "That's just it! It should have been me living!" "Listen, if you die in the womb, it's mostly nature telling that you would be too weak to live in the real world. The only reason you are so strong now, is because you haven't truly lived in this world. Jimin's body wears out, he gets tired, he gets hungry, he gets sick. Yes, Jimin might look weak but take in consideration that he has to live in a real body, and live it day by day. You are dormant most of the times. You got lots of energy. He doesn't." Jimin seems to be thinking about what you said.

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