Priest Jin

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The days are passing slowly, and summer is coming. There aren't any spectacular cases, most of them are getting debunked. As Namjoon already said, almost 90% of the cases are not supernatural at all. You are getting more and more hot and welcome the airco in your apartment. Occasionally you hang out at Jimin's apartment. You take a sip from your iced tea and the ice cubes are ringing in the glass as you put it back down. You are laying down on your bed, as the setting sun is shining into your lonely room. The cicades are making a ruckus outside. Your phone buzzes.

"Hello?" "Ami, thank god you answered the phone." Suga sighs relieved. "What is wrong?" you've gotten a chill just now, even tho it's hot. "Are you at home?" "Yes, why?" "Stay there. No matter what." Now you are sure, your stomach turns to ice and you sit up. "Suga, you are scaring me. What is wrong?" "I had a dream." "Yes, I figured that much." "I can't remember it clearly, but I saw some old paintings and statues. Stay away from museums!" "I will. Don't worry. Thank you, suga." You sound warm and gratefull as you relax again. He hangs up after saying goodbye. Just as you hang up, you hear your airco fail. It makes a raging noise and then suddenly quiet. You hit it but it won't work anymore. "Shit." You call the technician, but he can only come next week. You fall back on the bed, already starting to sweat. "I can't live like this." You post in the groupschat.

"Fuck me. My airco decided to die on me. I will invite all of you to my funeral from sweating to death. Formal wear is mandatory."

Jin: "OMG. Are you for real? Just now it broke? That's horrible! If you want, you can stay over at my place. Until it gets fixed. No one deserves death by melting! *worried smiley*"

 You smile. You'll finally see his house. You text him that you'll be right there. You grab your most basic items for a few days in a bag and throw it over your shoulder. You walk outside and the heat falls on you as thick blanket. You can barely breath. You walk to the subway and welcome the airconditioned air with despair. You get off at a rich area. You look on the phone at the adres given by Jin. He must be loaded... You walk off to the right house. Or rather villa. You are standing in front of a heavy, metal gate and behind that is a huge garden with artistic bushes. The house is huge, like a mansion. A bit nervous you ring the bell. For a priest he lives very rich. A voice is heard from the intercom. It's a woman. "Yes?" "Ehm, Hello? I am a friend of Jin's. He is expecting me." The intercom lady is quiet for a second and the buzzer can be heard. With a loud clang, the gate opened. You walk in the garden and notice it is well kept. You are getting the feeling he isn't living alone. There is even a guard post just in the middle of the path. You can see some very fancy symbols. It starts to dawn on you. The people living here are not only rich, but also have power. You walk on until you get to the big door. It opens for you and servants await you. "You must be the young master's friend. Please come in. Follow me." The main servant walks away and you hurry to follow.

You walk around the house, and see very expensive paintings, furniture, antique artifacts and more. The marble in the house is shiny and untouched. The staircase is smoothly polished too. The main servant opens a double door and you enter it. You have felt nervous ever since you walked in this neighbourhood, but your heart feels immediately lighter when you see broad shoulders. "JIN!" You call out in a relief. He turns around and smiles at you. "Good to see you. Did you find it easily?" He snaps his fingers and there are refreshments coming to you. Some iced drinks. The condensation is dripping on the edges of the glasses. The icecubes are perfect balls. Every detail is well thought off. You reach for a glass and put it at your lips. The cold liquid refreshes you and Jin smiles at seeing this. "I can see you were hot. Relax. You are in good hands." "Jin, are you millionair?" "No. Not really. Everything you see is from my parents." "Who are your parents? I saw some symbols in front..." "They are politicians. Influential. Rich. From a long line of high placed officials. There are even whispers that we are descendant from a king in the far past." Your jaw drops as you hear him talk about it so casually.

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