Dressed to countess

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The next day you wake up next to Suga. He is also sleeping peacefully next to you, still in his clothes. You carefully slip out of his embrace and go to make some coffee. Black, just as he likes it and lots of sugar for you. Suga wakes up by the smell of the coffee in the small studio apartment. He yawns and gets up too. You hand him a cup while he is dragging himself into your small kitchenette. "You should keep a pair of clothes here, you've been sleeping over a lot recently." He sips it and smirks. "Should I then? Claim a spot in this apartment as mine?" You laugh, but he seems to be serious. "I-I think I still have a shirt V used laying around somewhere and some underwear. If you want to freshen up a bit..." Suga shakes his head. "I'll be fine like this." You take a seat too, right in front of him on the high stool. You still can't seem to forget the view of her falling over the clip, her smile and drop. Jin's devastation, his reaction,... "Do you think Jin is okay? Will he be at work today?" Suga looks to his side. "So worried about Jin... He's a big boy. He will be fine, eventually." "I don't think he loved her..." "How are you so sure?" "I just..." Hope it? "Feel like it was just loveless..." "Hmmm. If you say so." Both of you silently finish up your breakfast.

In the office you can see Jin on post already. He is sitting on his normal seat in the window frame, looking like a picture from a magazine. The others all near you, concerned to why you left so hastily. You smile and try to soothe everyone. "I didn't feel well." Jimin is asking a burning question. "Why did you think it was your fault?" He asks. You scratch behind your head. You don't want to worry them, nor get Jin angry at you. Or have to explain again why you felt that gnawing feeling eating you, or why the thought of Jin marrying hurted so much that it led to you cursing someone in your head. You doubt they'll want to see that ugly image of you. "Oh, I don't remember. Must have been a temporary panic thing. No biggie." Suga raises his eyebrow at this. He hears you blatantly lying like that. You are afraid to face Jin and quickly make an excuse to go make some tea for everyon in the kitchen. The moment you leave the room, you are breathing easily and relaxed to be away. It was harder than you expected to be back in the office. But somewhere you are happy to see the gang together again as one. You are grabbing cups from the cupboard when suddenly you feel a bad vibe. Something calls for you, not with sound. You ignore the whistling of the kettle and walk out. The others are still in the office and you walk towards the storage room.

In the storage room you learned to ignore the creepy doll, but this time a box draws your attention. You open the box and inside is the, with gems finetuned, wedding dress. You can't help but wanting to touch the fabric, enticed with it. As you softly stroke the gems...

The others hear the door slam. They noticed you left. "Where did Ami go?" Hoseok asks. "Dunno, the kettle is whisteling and all." V answers "Must have been something urgent, I guess." They go back inside. "Ah! Jin, that's right. We got the dress here, we forgot to give it back to you!" Jimin yelps out. "What good does a dress do for me? I don't want it, sell it for all I care." Jin turns again. Jimin thinks it probably hurts to see the dress. "Okay, if you are sure." And he gets up to go get it to bring it home with him. After a good minute he bursts in the office again. "IT'S GONE!" They calmly get up. "What do you mean?" RM asks. "The box was in the storage room, in the middle. But the dress was out of it. It must have been stolen!" "Weird. No one knew the dress was there, except for everyone here in the room, excluding Jin. And we all have been here. So who stole it." "All minus one." JK mentions. Suga gets up. "Ami wouldn't ... Steal... I'm sure of it." "Well, how else can you explain it? There is only one person not here." They try to call you but your phone is voicemail immediately.

At home you are looking at the dress. It's so beautiful. You can't feel the bad vibe anymore. It seems like the dress was made just for you. You thwirl around with it in your room and then the naughty thought pops up. What if you would wear it? You giggle. You aren't a dress like person. You hold it in front of you but you look amazing in it. You bite your lip and undress. You slip into it, and it fits you suprisingly well. You can't hear the door opening. "I really didn't take you for a thief." Suga says but you can't hear him. You look in the mirror and smile while touching it. "I am young. I am beautiful. I am-" And you sink to the floor.

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