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Suga softly strokes your hair and boops your nose. He is shoving closer to you and you try not to be weak so you flirt back, as hard as you can. You push your forehead against his and rubs your nose to his cute, flat nose. His eyes widen at your bravery and guts, but only for a small second. You can feel the tension rise. He won't kiss me for real, would he? Just as you were thinking this, you feel his lips on yours. You can feel a shiver over your spine, next to the feeling of fireworks exploding in your belly. He deepens it and suddenly both of you feel cold and wet. He looks around immediately, and the shiver on your spine doesn't go away. Your lips and stomach are burning tho. But you can sense something nearby. You try to forget about the feeling you just had with Suga. "Something is here." You inform Suga. Suga is looking for a source of water nearby to maybe debunk it. He seems to be not at all infected by the kiss. You and him are completely soaked. You are looking around too. Jin and RM are running towards you. Jin's eyes pierce yours, and you can feel some sort of betrayal in them. "Did you see something?" RM asks and you shake your head. "I just felt a presence. It was here." Jimin and JK join the group too. "It's malevolent. It is growing more and more violent by the minute." They look at Jimin but it's not him. "Wo Bin! You're back?" You ask with a smile and he smirks at you. "At your service." and winks while smiling a killer smile.

Hobi throws you a towel and you gratefully accept. "Something is here, that's for sure." Wo Bin is serious and looks around. "You felt it too?" You ask him. He nods. "That's why I came out. Also what was the big idea of this guy being so touchy feely with me?" He is nudging his head towards JK, who slightly is flushing around the nose. "It only attacks couples. So we needed to draw it out." Wo Bin shivers. "I'd rather take on the ghost. And next time I would like to couple up with Ami." He grabs you around your waist and pulls you into him while staring into your eyes with his golden hued eyes and a lock of his hair falls over his forehead, making him look so irresistable. "Enough flirting... Let's get to business." Suga pushes us apart, with a slight annoyed undertone in his voice. While he lets go of Wo Bin, he is still holding your arm significantly longer before also releasing you. "What did you find?" RM asks. Suga starts to explain. "The nearest body of water is on the other side of the park, there are no taps or drinking fountains nearby. There is no rain, and if you look at the waterspot it is very narrow, so a sun shower is out of the question. Which leaves me to believe that this is not human made. There are no mechanisms nearby either." He finishes his conclusion. "Guess we'll need to rely on Jimin and Ami's abilities then." Jin says. "Guess we should." "Should we pair up then?" Wo Bin smirks. Suga wants to protest but Jin is just a fraction of a second faster. "No. We got our prove. Enough baiting it. Let's search it out, actively now." He rolls up his sleeves and shows muscular underarms. You softly gasp and it doesn't go unnoticed. Jin, Suga and Wo Bin heard it. Suga looks sad at his pale, thin arms and Wo Bin starts to roll up his sleeves fast too. You can't help but smile at their cute reaction. You put your arm around Suga and Wo Bin and ruff up their hair. "Aigoooooo Cuties" The others aren't really following but just shrug since it's not of importance.

RM,JK, Hobi and V are going to do research about gnarly and sad events happening at the park. Jin, Suga , You and Wo Bin are walking around in the park, trying to sense the spirit. "It's only one, right?" You ask Wo Bin, who has more experience sensing ghosts. He nods. The evening is falling and the people are leaving the park. The spring wind is still chilly and you shiver a bit. Suga notices and puts his arm around you. You can feel a warmth around your shoulders and are grateful. Jin glances at you 2 and his lips form a straight line. He remembers holding you in his arms when the room got chilling cold that night too, in the castle. RM and his group rejoin you too. "So we got news. It might have something to do with the case. A few years ago, a woman suicided herself here in the local pond." They nod. Suicide victims are the most common causes of hauntings. "We will need to talk to her and give her some peace then..." Hoseok says. "So it might not be a malevolent ghost..." V says, but Wo Bin shakes his head. "I definitely felt some hostility in it." He seems pretty sure about it. "How about we do a sceance?" You ask. Wo Bin looks sadly at you. "You really want to send me away?" You realized what you just asked and felt sorry. Wo Bin grins. "I guess I need to bounce then." You look up at him when hearing that, but he pulls you to him. "Not without this." And he places a kiss on your cheek. When he opens his eyes again, the golden hue is gone. Jimin looks in a panic at you and releases you quickly. "Oh no... did he do it again?" The others are hitting his back and are being loud, but you turn around. You can see something looming in the back. Something notices something about you and the relationship you have with the others. You can also feel the hostility. You walk towards it.

"Did you kill yourself and just bully couples now? Why do you bother the living after ending your life like that?" By the time the others notice, you are already a few meters away from the group. RM reaches out with his hand while yelling your name, but the spirit darts quickly toward you and hits you hard.

You are standing in the park, somewhere in spring. It's not near the pond, and not where the other were. You want to run to the spot the others were at last you remembered but then you notice something. It is sunset, while it was night when you were gathered last time. When you tried to move, you couldn't. You suddenly step forward and walk towards a guy. You can feel happiness. The guy is waving at you. Your heart feels like it's going to burst. When you get closer, you can see it's Jin. You want to call out his name but suddenly his face changes. He looks annoyed at you. You can't seem to call out his name, but keep running towards him, involuntarily. The moment you near him, you look behind you to someone else. It's a woman. For a moment it suddenly becomes clear. He wasn't waiting for you, or waving at you. Your heart feels like it's breaking into a million pieces. You try to ask for an explanation, but he looks annoyed at you. He takes out a bottle of water and splashes it in your face. You are engulfed with a sense of shame, and sadness. You realize he never loved or liked you. He just wanted you for some sort of superficial gain. You run away, and realize you aren't in reality. The ghost took you with her in her memories. Not looking forward to dying again, this time by drowning, you try to wriggle free and back awake, but to no avail. But strangely enough, you aren't running towards the pond. No, she is running away from the park. You are relieved. She doesn't feel like suicidal at all. Just really hurt, sad and embarrassed. You are curious to see what is next in her story, relaxing, when you hear loud honking. You, or rather she, looks to her side and sees a bus heading full speed towards her. You realize you are in the middle of the road, even tho the light is green for you. Next thing you know, you are hit by a bus, feeling bones in your body break.

You hear steady peeping noises and try to move. But you can't. You try to talk, but you can't. It smells like hospital. You can hear voices talk but your mind is hazy and can't understand.

Ami's body jerks in Suga's arms and they are smacking Ami's cheeks, but Ami isn't waking up. RM is panicking. "If it is a suicide victim, Ami might be trapped now. I told Ami multiple times not to venture alone. Damnit!" He curses. Suddenly Ami opens the eyes and looks at the others. Ami blinks and looks at Suga. Suga notices for a moment that Ami's gaze is confused. Ami lifts the hand up and softly strokes his cheek. Then Ami cups his face and kiss him all of a sudden. His small eyes grow wide at the sudden launch. The others all gasp. "Did you guys have this kind of relationship?" V asks, surprised. Suga hums and for a second enjoys the kiss before he pushes Ami off. "Who are you?" They look at him. "Ami, this isn't like you. Who are you?" Ami's voice sounds gigglish. "I thought you loved me?" The voice sounds overly cheery and girly. "A-are you the suicide victim?" Ami gets up and stretches. "Suicide? Why would I suicide? Just because of a guy?" The others are confused. If it isn't the suicide victim, then who is she? "But I would want to receive some love from you guys, I mean, who wouldn't." She walks to Jin. "I recognize you..." Ami's finger is softly brushing against Jin's jaw in a flirty way. "Ami showed you..." But she doesn't finish her sentence. "Give Ami's body back. Where is Ami?" Jimin calls out for her, hoping it's a bit like Wo Bin and him, and Ami is somewhere still inside, dormant. "Don't bother. If you can't handle loving me, I'll find it somewhere else." She runs off in the body of Ami. Jin grabs Ami's body and locks it in his strong arms. "I'll love you." He says on a serious tone. Ami smiles. She knows how Jin feels about Ami and Ami about Jin. "Will you now?" A smirk darts on her lips. "But only for a day, give Ami back then." "Ami isn't here, you know..." She answers. "Where is Ami then?" Hobi asks. Ami shrugs. "I don't care. Now come here..." She pulls Jin in for a kiss. She whispers in his ear after that. "Does a day mean 24 hours? Doesn't it start tonight? Let's spend the night together...." Jin shudders. He feels as if he is cheating on Ami. His eyes look panicking at the others, but the others are too busy trying to figure out what they should do. Jin looks at the body of Ami in his arms and his head droops. "Fine. But just sleeping. Nothing more." Ami's face produces a pout, and that never was produced on Ami's face before. "Come on, no fun!" Jin can't help but wonder what this woman meant by saying that Ami showed him to her.

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