Haunting Ghosts pt1

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It's been a few calm days and you are sitting under a bridge. The cold wind is pulling at you and the day is gray. You've been pulling yourself more and more away again. The scratches healed perfectly fine, but the thoughts are still scarring your heart. You still feel like a bad luck charm. You come to the temple, and suddenly an old monster is released. You get kidnapped, scratched, hurt. You lost your father. In a sense you lost your closest family a long time ago because of your gifts. Even though Namjoon keeps telling you that your gifts are a blessing, why do they feel like a curse? You lean your head into your knees and sigh. You used to cry, but you've ended up with no tears anymore.

You can feel something under the bridge with you, but decided to not pay it any attention. You got used to presences everywhere you go. The bar, the restaurant, the club, parks... they are everywhere. Somehow it gives you a soothing feeling. Knowing that death doesn't necessarily mean the end. Under a bridge is a bottleneck of ghosts mostly. All of them are passing through to make it to the other side, rebirth or afterlife. Suddenly you can feel a presence that is a bit more familiar. You look up and notice Wo Bin standing in front of you, in Jimin's body. "Jungkook sended me. He felt the disturbance in your mental state." Wo Bin squads in front of you and leans on your knees. He lifts your chin up and makes him face his golden eyes. "Why are you sitting here alone between these lost souls?" Wo Bin looks around him, slightly nervous, tho safely from inside Jimin's body, he is pretty sure he won't get pulled into the draft.

"It's nothing." Wo Bin clicks his tongue and hisses. "Come on. They all noticed your shift." You are quiet for a minute and he is just waiting patiently and open. "Why is it always me? Why did it pick me?" You let it go in a burst. Wo Bin slightly takes aback before recovering. "What do you mean?" "I feel like my gifts are poisoned. Everyone around me is brought to harm, they die, I attract all bad things." You turn your head away, fighting back tears that just won't flow anymore. Wo Bin scratches behind his head and seems to think. "Jimin never wanted to have his gift too. I kinda just forced myself upon him." "But you are different. You actually help him. He is never alone and he can't bring harm to you by his gift. You just are enabled by it." "Really? Is that why he was scared of me, is that why he asked Jungkook to subdue me every time before you joined? Can't you see what your presence has already accomplished? You brought unity to me and my brother." You shake your head, and wave it away.

Your and Jimin's phone ping at that time. When you open the phone, you read the message that calls everyone back. Cutting your conversation short he pulls you up. You look in the golden eyes of Wo Bin in Jimin's body and he smiles comfortingly at you. He holds your hand while he walks with you from under the bridge, to his bike. He throws a helmet to you and you catch it. Almost on autopilot you do as you are assumed to and put it on to get the back of the bike. You hold your arms around his waist tight as he kickstarts the bike. The roaring of the bike drowns out all your thoughts. In a flash you arrive at the office and he gets off the bike. When you hand him your helmet, you are still looking into his golden hue eyes. "Isn't Jimin supposed to be in the meeting?" He smiles. "I think it's fair that you'll tell him afterwards, and I just want to stay with you a bit longer, if that's okay with you?" You smile and nod. He puts a hand around your shoulder and together you walk into the office.

When the 2 of you arrive, everyone else is already there. They look up and some of them are visibly confused but some are okay. "Ami, Wo Bin, glad you joined. Please let us start." Namjoon briefly acknowledges Wo Bin.

"A couple has bought a house. They are about to start a family, the mom is about 4 months pregnant. They are currently renovating it, because the pipes are old and basically the whole building needs a refresh. They've put all their savings in the renovations. But there are sightings. Things happening. Workers don't last long there." Jin steps forward. "It is often seen and heard that renovation works in a house kick up paranormal activity." Namjoon nods and Hoseok hums affirmatively. "So we are called in to check it out. For free. I occasionally take on pro deo work for the needy. I see it as my charity. Of course all of you will get paid if needed to." He looks around. Jin shakes his head. "I am fine." Suga nods too. "Me too." Namjoon looks around but next to those 2, all the rest seem to need their money. Just like you do. "Very well, thank you. And don't feel bad for having needs. We are almost like family here. We are here for you." And while saying so, RM glances at you, as if he tries to get the message through. You turn your eyes away to Roger, feeling his words.

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