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The next few days, Jimin is acting quite awkward around you. You sometimes pop in his apartment, just like the others do. You are starting to belong more and more to their group of friends. Not just co-workers. You play with V and JK, you laugh with Jin and Suga. You began to become part of their family. and they accepted you as one of them. One day you walk into Jimin's house to find him in the kitchen. You just take the 2nd player controller and throw yourself in the couch next to V. He has his glasses on the back of his head and is chewing gum while immersed in the game. You play along. Jimin turns around and is startled, he hasn't heard you come in. "Ami? You're here?" He asks and you just hold up your hand as a way to greet him while mid gaming. "Aaaahhh come on! I was doing just fine before you joined! Now I'm losing!" "Can't help it that I'm so much better compared to you." You gloat and V pouts. Jimin rolls his eyes at the both of you arguing about a stupid game like that. He puts food on the table. "No next game, diner's ready. Ami, you are eating with us?" He asks while he places an extra bowl of rice on the table. "If you have something left... Gladly." You join them at the table. Jimin always makes plenty of food so you aren't a bother at all, and if they wouldn't have enough food, they'd share what they have. That's how they roll.

V is poking his food slightly. "What's up V? Don't tell me you still sad about losing against a pro like me?" You poke your elbow into his side. "No, it's just... My parents... in the countryside..." Jimin places his chopsticks down and looks seriously at V. When it comes to family, Jimin never plays around. "What about them?" "They called me home. Apparently something is going on. Something supernatural." You look at V. You haven't really seen Shinto in action before. You're actually not that sure it is a powerful religion. It looks pretty meek and calm compared to the Catholic religion. V drinks his water. "Why don't you ask RM? He might help out. He is very knowledgeable." You nod. RM is the brains of this organization. V looks at the both of you. "Sure, I mean, it can't hurt, right?" You nod and eat on. The mood is back up now.

"Did we receive an official request?" RM's voice sounds through the room. V shakes his head. "Are there children or students involved?" V hesitates and shakes his head. "Not yet." "Then why would we go out of our way all the way to the countryside for a case we won't even get paid for?" Namjoon turns around to walk to his desk. He is a friend outside the office, but inside the office he is still the CEO. Jin looks at RM. RM purposely avoids his gaze. You step forward. "But don't you get it? His family. This is our friend." Namjoon looks at you and smacks his hand on the table. "And don't you get it? This is still a company, I pay your wages, and that money has to come from somewhere. Don't you think?" You are startled at his snapping at you and fold your hands in front of you and bow your head. Now Jin steps forward. "I think we can make an arrangement, no? Let's go on a trip again?" He suggests. Namjoon looks at Jin and then back at V, who seems to bite his lip and is down. He sighs. "Very well, but it's on your responsibility." Jin nods. You gawk at Jin, not sure what just happened, or why RM yielded just now, while being adamant about it a few moments ago. Again you feel something going on between the 2 of them, just like at the castle. You shiver. You are still not over it.

So the day arrives where the 2 vans are driving outside the city to the rural place under the guidance of V. You share a Van with JK for once. You are singing and having fun. when you arrive at the spot you get out and breath in the fresh air. This is the place V grew up. You look around you and can see why he would be into nature religion. There is a river, sun is shining, trees that make a soft background music from the rustling of their leaves. It feels very at zen. You look around you and can see the same feeling on everyone's faces. You smile contently. You enjoy nature a lot too. The little cabin welcomes you and a friendly lady comes out. "Welcome! Welcome! Come inside! You must be tired from the trip!" She whisks everyone inside the little cabin. When you come inside, it is very rural and old. Colorful mismatching patterns for curtains and sofa, it is a structured chaos. Now you understand V's chaos a bit more. You think it's so cute. V hugs his mom. They all go to sit on pillows on the floor around the little table. She brings a plate with glasses of homemade medical water. It's brown. At first you pull up your nose but after tasting it, it doesn't taste strongly and it actually gives another dimension to the water.

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