The legend of the tree (pt1)

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The white robes make soft noises as they brush against her legs. Almost soundlessly she moves through the grounds of the temple. She is the most popular priestess in all of Goryeo. People come from far and wide to see her, get her blessings and divination. She never chose to be like this. She comes from a strong line of divinators. It didn't help that her father is a famous head priest of a special sect. So not only does she predict accurate futures, she also has the shamanic and exorcist powers to go with it. Nobody knows however the toll it is taking on her body.

She falls down at the river side and looks in the water before making a cup out of her hands and rinsing her face. She just healed a little kid from a very serious disease. As she holds the water against her face, her sleeves slip down, revealing big, black bruises or spots on her arms. She drinks the same water and heaves a little out of breath. She still looks at her image in the mirroring of the water. She has gorgeous, ravenblack long hair, nicely tied together with a white ribbon. Her red-white outfit is very noticeable in the green of the forest surrounding her. A small bruise is also already seen creeping up from above her collar. She touches it and pulls an ugly face.

She gets up, takes a few more breaths and lets the calmness of nature take her in completely. She is recharging. "Mistress! Mistress!" A voice echoes through the forest. It's the servant girl. When she finally finds her master, she is out of breath from the running and shouting. "Mistress... A royal convoy is at the temple entrance..." The priestess turns around. She must hurry. It would be improper for the royal convoy to be waiting on her. The king they are under at the moment is a young and ruthless one.

She hurries towards the temple again, followed at foot by the servant girl, who tries her best to keep up with her. Graciously and swift she moves between the tree roots and trippy parts of the forest ground. She knows the forest and has a light tred in her step. She's finally back on the temple grounds and walks towards the entrance hall. The other priestesses below her are standing in line, holding their heads bent down. She expected the king's liaison but to her big surprise she is face to face with the king himself. He has a huge scar running over his face. She falls on the floor immediately and makes sure to do so that her clothing fans out perfectly around her. Her forehead touches the cold stone floor. She waits until the king speaks first. Speaking first would be rude.

The King clears his throat and starts to speak. "Are you the famous and notorious Si Ah?" The priestess raises her head softly to look at the king, still in a laying on the floor position. "I am, Cheonna." "Can we speak privately?" He says while looking around at the other priestesses. "For sure, Cheonna. Please allow me to lead you to our reception hall." She slowly gets up, and her clothes seamlessly fall back into place, not a piece of dust on it. That's how clean the temple grounds are. She gestures in a bow towards a door and the king proceeds to enter the building she pointed at.

She slides the doors closed and offers the only chair in the room to the king. She places the floor pillow on it. She takes a seat on the floor pillow in front of the table of the king, on the floor. Her clothes fanned out automatically in perfection. "What can this puny priestess do for your majesty?" She asks politely. The king raises the eyebrow of his non-scarred eye. "I came because I heard you are the best at what you do. The capital currently has a problem. A very big problem. It even infiltrated court and I'm not having it." "Do tell me, I beg of you, your majesty, what it is that worries our ruler chosen by the Heavens." She pours him a cup of water from their source. It is clear and cleaned by prayers. It also has healing and cleaning powers.

"My prime minister died unexpectedly. He jumped from a cliff. Shortly after his child also jumped, his wife could stop right before she jumped but after bringing her back to her house, she got on the roof and jumped after all. This case isn't a single one. I got in my weekly briefings from court the same news, same situations every day. Over and over again. I, as father of 3 children and owner of 9 queens in my harem, have understandable worries about it. Even for myself I fear if we don't control this or get to know what it is, we won't be able to survive. I can't succumb to this... this... disease..." He says as he seems to be nervously tapping his foot. The priestess notices in his behavior that he is truly unnerved. "Cheonna, I shall come with you to the capital and do research." The tapping of his foot stops. His shoulders perk up again and he regains his royal composure at hearing this. "Very well. I shall treat you as my personal guest. You will want nothing. I want to keep you close to me. Please make sure you can give me already all the charms and protection I need. I am a priority." "Yes, your majesty." She bows and gets up. "Allow me to grab my things that I need. I shall join your convoy." "Yes. Please do. There won't be enough space tho, so I will allow you to join me in my carriage." "Oh no, Cheonna, I would rather be content walking in the convoy." "I insist." He says and she realizes there is no use to shake this ruler's word, he is unshakeable. The nervous man in front of her is completely transformed back to the mighty ruler.

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