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Hoseok is in his room, restless. He is still very surprised from the fire. He can't seem to be able to sleep and wonders if you have problems too. He can sense something from under the burned down temple. He walks back to it, hoping it would have been the thing that escaped, but sees nothing. He can still feel something, so he looks for it. When he pulls away some churned rubbish, he discovers that under the altar there is another box. When he opens it, it holds a bow and some arrows. In awe he takes the bow out and the arrows. They seemed to have some charms tied to the tail. It feels familiar. There is a note.

"If you find this, it would mean that the seal got broken. If that seal gets broken, the one for the bow does too. This is a long lost weapon we priests can use. If you found this, it means you sensed it. If you sensed it, it means you are my descendant or worthy of taking on it's power. Use it scarcely since it is taking lots of your chi to fire the arrow. This is the only weapon strong enough to kill the evil spirit. By the time I found this weapon, I was too old to wield it so I just hid it so it wouldn't fall into the wrong hands. But it must be in the right hands now.

If you are wondering about the Evil, it's in all of us and nothing is what is seems. Be wary, my descendant. Prosper and receive this as my blessing. Continue on my legacy and do what I couldn't do. 

-Jung HoSik"

Hobi's hands are shaking as he reads the letter. "Great grandfather..." His voice breaks. He was the legendary priest that everyone talked about, truly a great man. "Don't leave this responsibility in my hands... please... I don't know how to do this..." He folds the letter back into his robes and looks at the bow and arrows. He grabs it tight and nods.  He walks towards your room and knocks on the door. No response. He opens the door and notices your bed is empty. The muddy clothes are in the corner so for sure you have been in your room, but now you aren't. He scratches his head. "Ami, come on, where did you go? This isn't the time to be wandering around the temple..." He looks around and runs to the places he showed you. He is looking everywhere for you. He looks in the Zen garden, the water garden, the burned out temple, the main temple, the bathroom, the kitchen... He can't seem to find you. He is slightly panicking. "Ami can't just have vanished?" He walks to the graveyard and that is also empty. But there has been some shoveling in the path. He wonders. He follows it. It goes to the wall, then it goes on. It ends at the end of the temple ground, near the forest entrance. The steps change from 2 pairs to 1 pair and lead into the forest. "How is this even possible? Did one disappear? Does the Evil have 4 feet?" He is scared of getting into the forest but grips the bow tighter. "It chose me for a reason, I must trust my great grandfather and make him proud." And he enters the forest.

He comes at the open spot in the forest and sees you standing up and being surprised. He sees himself handing you a knife. You hold it to your hand and he fears the worst. "If it's blood, it's an evil ritual. Ami... please, never before have I longed for your intuition to kick in..." He sees you doubting and holding the knife still above your hand. He sees how himself get angry at you and he puts the arrow in the bow. Almost naturally his arms steady and he draws the bow. "I only got one shot." He says and focuses. He closes one eye and aims, while praying "HIT!" He shouts as the arrow flies off. When he opens his eyes he sees the arrow has hit him in the chest. He is surprised at his own skills and stands up straight, lowering the bow slowly. You look at him in shock.

You can see him make eyecontact and wobbling. He sinks to his knees and you are confused. Who is the real one? Did Hobi get an arrow through the heart? Did Hobi shoot the arrow. Who should you run to? You are panicking but you breath out and focus. You manage to see the bow man hobi having a slightly yellow aura around him, and suddenly get hit by what was missing or off about this hobi. Because it was night, you thought he had no aura at the moment, but it has been there all along. A dark one. You run to the bowman hobi and kneel next to him. "Hoseok!!" He moans and looks very drained. "Oof I'm not doing that again any time soon... I am drained..." He manages to bring out and you try to lift him to take him back to the temple. He leans heavily on you and fades in and out of conscious. You manage to find your way back, using your intuition that helped you navigate through the forest when you came out of the catacombs with Namjoon. You managed to get back to the temple and have no clue where his room is so you bring him to your room. He drops onto your futon and is panting heavily. You go get some fresh water and bring it to him. You notice his constitution is so weak, he is running a fever. You fear the worst so you stay up all night with him, to cool him down with water and a towel. He moans a lot and has a feverish night. He lays on your lap with his head as you stroke his wet hair from his forehead.

In the morning, you fell asleep sitting up. He wakes up and notices the bowl next to the bed and the dry towel that is next to his head. He gets up and softly grabs you to lay you gently down onto the bed. He spoons you and hugs you close while covering you with the blankets, burrying his nose into your hair. After a few hours you wake up next to him. You turn around and are still in his arms, but now facing him. His fever seems to have passed so you breath relieved. "Thanks for saving me..." You whisper, but he suddenly opens his honey brown eyes and a soft smile darts on his lips. "Are you sure it's me?" You nod. "You are so beautiful. Your aura I mean...." You quickly correct yourself while you can feel your cheeks burn. "You know, shooting that arrow, it depleted my Chi... You could repay me..." He brings out, weakly. "How?" "By giving me some of yours..." "How?" He closes his eyes and kisses you softly. It starts to deepen and get more intense and you can feel him entering your mouth. You are completely lost in it and your passion flames high again, but in a different way. It kinda disappears quickly too. Hoseok pulls back and he has color on his cheeks too. "Thanks. I have used it well." You are confused, but he just smiles with his eyes closed and gets up. "A-anytime..." You manage to bring out, happy to have helped, even if the way it happened was slightly unorthodox.

The next day, you find him after breakfast at the churned temple. He is holding the bow and the arrows. He seems to be staring at it for a long time. You take a seat on the edge of the outer floor. "Are you okay now?" He nods. "Yeah, it was weird, shooting yourself. I guess this Evil took on the shape of someone. I know why my great grandfather couldn't wield the bow. You need immense Chi for this. Just one arrow almost completely finished me off. And I'm young..." He seems to be deep in thought. You nod. "I'm sorry." "Why?" "For burning down the temple, for not seeing the real you..." "You are not to blame." "What do you mean?" "Yes, your presence must have awoken the Evil. But it doesn't mean you are the Evil. You might have some evil energy in you to have awoken it, but I don't think it's that dangerous. Things just... got out of hand. It was a big pile up of coincidences. Also, I have a feeling that you did feel wary of the fake me sometimes, am I right?" You nod, there were times your gut told you differently. "So, that arrow and bow... they are pretty OP weapens, no?" "OP?" You laugh. "OP. It's game language for Over Powering. It means the weapon alone has enough mele to bring a lot of damage to the enemy." "I guess if you say so." He doesn't really get the reference since he never gamed. You nod. "Also, the mele it uses, depends on the wielder. So to have such a bright white flaming arrow leaving your bow, and the way it completely drained you, must mean that your latent power is huge. White is the hottest." "Guess I will need to practice self preservation too and control. I can't let the arrow drain me completely like that. Guess I know now what I should work on next. I still can't believe my great grandfather left me something like this. It is awesome, and scary." Both of you seem to have fallen quiet.

You pull up your knees to your chest and are deep in thought. You still haven't figured out what you want to do about the lingering feelings you have about your powers, and your relation with the other members of your team. You also look at Hobi in a different way from now. Seeing the power he wields and not to mention the... You blush at that thought... He notices your flushed face and it doesn't take a genius to figure it out. He ruffles through your hair and smiles. "Don't you go falling for me now!" He jokes. "A-are budhist priests allowed to m-marry?" You ask, 90% out of sheer curiousity, and 10% out of personal curiousity. Hoseok looks dreamy in front of him. "Jodo-Shinshu sect ones can." You are surprised. "W-what sect do you belong to?" You slowly and shyly ask, hoping it won't be noticeable. He gets up. "Do you want to meditate some more?" He asks and walks to the water garden. You feel slightly offeneded at the way he avoided the answer. Hoseok walks away, smiling wide and he looks very happy.

On the last day of your retreat, Hoseok hands you a bunch of charms and a necklace. It is in jade and there is some engraving on it. He places it around your neck. "What is it?" You ask curiously. "It's your sigital. The phoenix. Keep it on and be reminded of who you are, and what is part of you. The powers you possess isn't to joke with, but don't worry about us. We are strong on our own as you already know, and we can handle anything you would throw at us. So don't fret, just enjoy your life, and be around us, who accept you as you are." You feel like you are choking up. You throw your arms around his neck and holds him close to you in a hug. He slowly puts his arms around your waist and places his head in the nook of your neck, closing his eyes and also enjoying your hug. "Thanks Hobi, for everything. For showing me how to come to rest and organise my thoughts a bit more. This was amazing. We should do this as a MT sometime with the whole gang." He lets you go and nods. "But who is going to tell Namjoon that?" Both of you laugh and disturb the peace of the temple. "So I'll see you back at work monday?" "Till monday." You wave at him and make your way back home, refreshed. Hoseok looks at your back and sadly shakes his head. He saw something else in your reading, but refuses to believe it.

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