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The priest greets all of you and gives you a tour of the church. You learn that it is actually a cathedral and are amazed. He shows you even in the back rooms and side rooms. He talks about the manifestations and then shows you around in the catacombs. You look around as you walk through the fundation of the church. The stone walls exuud a certain peace of the ages. The stones are ancient. It does feel a bit stuffy and claustrophobic in there. There are only a few lights and you don't like being in the back of the group. Once you guys are finished looking around you stare up and seem to be in thought. Suga comes to you. "Did you notice it too?" You nod. "The church and the way the basement is arranged don't match. Right?" Suga smiles. "So you are my level smart. Exactly... there is something missing here. It's like the church is rebuilt but differently than it was originally." You nod. The priest leaves and you get paired with RM. You both take the first guard. You walk around in silence. "Shall we go to the catacombs?" RM is shocked at your brazenness. "Sure... I guess there could be something there." You go in front of him, curious about something. 

In mean time, Suga is briefing the others about the math they did about the floorplan that didn't match with the church it's infrastructure. They are all surprised by it but Jin shrugs. "Sometimes that happens... It's not a big deal..." They are following the monitoring.

You are walking in the catacombs and touching the wall, RM is sticking close to you. You come at the place the church should have a side build but it's just a stone wall. "Hey, care to help me out here?" You are touching rocks of the wall. RM is touching too. "What are you looking fo-" Suddenly you touch a stone that gets shoved in and both of you fall inside. The door closes soon and it's dark. You are in a room and feel some sort of branches under you. It's completely dark when you open your eyes again. Darker than dark. RM moans. "Shit... that hurts..." Both of you get up and based on the sound find each other. You can feel his muscled arms and are relaxed. "RM." "Hmmm?" "I have the feeling that I'm being watched... crazy right?" RM nods but you can't see it in the dark. He seems to grab something from his pocket. "Shit." "What is it?" "My broke... must have broken when I fell on it... don't worry, I've got a lighter." "NO!" Your voice echoes all around you, and reveals you are in a smaller room. "Why not?" "Don't you smell that?" "Smell what?" "Methane... It's highly burnable." You grab your phone from your pocket,but can't find it. "Shit. I don't have my phone with me anymore." You can't shake the feeling of being watched. You kneel on the ground. "hold onto me,I'll try and find it" You are touching through the branches until your fingers seem to enter a rock with a hole in it. The rock feels too smooth to be good. You get up again. "Did you find your phone?" He asks. You shakily put on the screen and your flashlight. The first thing you see are empty eyesockets looking at you from the walls. Skeletons are laying sideways in 3 hollows in the wall above each other, and not just 3. All the walls over the whole length and around you are they facing you. Staring at you with their empty sockets. You shreek and even RM gasps in surprise. You look at the ground and see it is layered with bones and skulls too. The smooth rock? A skull. You instantly feel like throwing up. You had your fingers in the eyesockets.

You remember as a teen that your grandma once took you to Paris and you visited the catacombs under the city. "I think the ground water must have flooded the tunnels once and dragged along all these corpses." You hesitantly say and bravely step forward. "If we go into the tunnels...we could get lost. Or we could find a way out..." You look at RM. "Maybe we should wait for the others to come..." He says as he is touching the wall you came through. "Maybe... or we could make use of my cellphone camera to find the exit." "And what if your phone dies? What then?" You bite your lip and see you only have about 40% left. "We can use the infrared of the hand cam corder." "Ami, you do know this isn't a solution, right? If we make the wrong decision, we could die in here." You know that but you can't help it. He sighs. "I got a proposition. Our shift normally ends in 20 minutes, right? Maybe the others will start to search for us then, or maybe because they lost contact with us come to find us. Let's just stay near the entrance for a 20 minutes in the dark before we move. How about that?" RM nods and you make your way back to the wall. You shove some bones to the side and sit down, still unnerved by the staring skeletons. "Mind if I turn off the light now? I prefer Roger to these..." RM laughs dryly. "You really are something, aren't you?" You turn off the light. Pitch darkness falls as a thick blanket over the both of you again. 

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