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"Who are you truly? You aren't a regular person." "Well, aren't we all special?" "Yes, but your talents don't stop. I am getting really suspicious of you now. Your science levels are high, your logic is impeccable, your mood is amazing, your bravery fluctuates so irregularly. You've shown amazing psychic powers. So who are you?" "I don't know. I never had these powers before. It was only when I joined you guys I got open for the supernatural, and somehow by being open to it, I must have awakened some dormant powers. I was always good in science, so ofcourse I started out like Suga, and debunked stuff with a logical approach." He bites the inside of his cheek. "Are you sure there were no signs of this before? Like ever?" You shake your head. Your life has been mediocre at best, before you joined their team. "I was very grey before I joined you. Nothing special, not even my parents were close to me. My grandma used to read me all kinds of magical stories as child, but I lost faith in magic pretty soon. Had almost no friends and it was just...normal, I guess?" "It's so hard to believe... that you never, ever noticed these dormant powers before..." He says, slightly distrusting of you. You shrug and want to drop it, because you are getting uncomfortable by his doubt in you. You can't shake the feeling that he thinks you are lying.

You enter the cathedral again and the others are all over the both of you. "What happened?" " Where did you guys go?" "Why are you coming from the outside?" Both of you look like hot messes, with mud and other brown stuff on your clothes, wet pants and hair that is messy. "You are never going to believe this." You start to tell them everything. " there is a whole netwerk of tunnels that used to be catacombs down the church. And a secret entrance. How did you not notice it?" You look at Suga, judgingly. He shrugs. "I never figured it would be that mysterious. But let's get back to the point. Here in the church we didn't see anything suspicious for the whole night." "Of course not, it was too busy haunting us in the tunnels." You sarcastically say. They look at you with suspicion. "What was?" "The ghoul that attacked me and RM." "Attacked? How did it go away? Both of you aren't good with getting rid of ghosts..." "It fed on fear so we distracted ourselves." RM says with a playful smirk and sinful gaze in his eyes. You slap your hand over your mouth and blush wildly while looking away. The others don't seem to figure it out but you cough and try to recompose yourself again. Jin looks at you with a raised eyebrow. V shivers. "Must have been horrifying to be surrounded by skeletons like that. I can't even imagine."

The priest enters the cathedral again and all of you confront him with the fact there are catacombs underneath the church full of corpses. He nods and seems just as surprised as all of you. "So what does that mean in ghost activity?" "That means that it is high likely there is a lot of activity, also there is water streaming nearby which results into a surge of energy. The church it's foundation is also laid on lime stone which results in an increase of trebble. So we would suggest to do plenty and regular cleaning. Also maybe join hands with an excavation company to empty the catacombs and bury or burn all the bones you find. They will be a-plenty." The priest nods. He looks at Jin. Jin just smiles. They all go to the secret entrance and you look for the stone that triggered the mechanism, but take safe distance this time. When you push it the entrance opens and they get a glimps of the inside before it closes again. Just enough time to see the closest skeletons. V shivers. The priest nods. "I see. I will make haste to ensure that this is been taken care off." "That should help the problem big time, if there should be more problems after all that, you can give us a ring again." RM finishes and shakes the priest's hands before gesturing the others to break up the installations and make way to the van. Everyone is tired from the long night. You sit in the van, and are quiet. Jin is staring at you. He seems to be deep in thought. Suga is looking at you too, still shocked you were suddenly brave enough to start to explore on your own intuition and how you skillfuly used science to save yourself and RM. He smirks slightly impressed.

You crash at home in your own bed. It doesn't take long before you fall asleep. You are dreaming of your parents. They are laughing and it is one of the few times you hung out together. It's all great fun, until suddenly you lose a tooth. You look at the tooth and then up at your dad, to show it to him, but he doesn't smile. He looks at you with disgust and fear. You reach for him but you just sit up in bed, reaching into nothing, gasping and panting. The night has fallen already and you slept through the whole day. You hold your heart and are crying. "Dad..." You pull up your knees and softly sob into them. After you settled yourself again, you reach for your phone and open it on your contacts. Your finger hovers above the words 'dad' but you hesitate. You bite your lip. You scroll to 'suga' instead and dial. 

"Yes?" "Hey Suga, you know a lot about premonition dreams, right?" "yes. why?" "What does it mean when you lose a tooth in your dream?" "It means you are in danger of losing someone close to you." He calmly says and you are quiet. You can hear his soft breathing. "Ami?" You can't fight the gnawing feeling inside your stomach. RM told you before that you are gifted and have great intuition. Maybe this is again that same thing. "Ami?!" Suga starts to persist a bit more and sounding more pressured. "That's it. I'm coming over." And before you can say anything you hear the dry click of him hanging up on you.

20 minutes later he is at your door. You open and let him in. "What is it? Who are you going to lose? What did you dream? Tell me in detail." He takes a seat in the kitchen and acts as if he's at home. "Guess you are the specialist." He nods and folds his hands. "I'm listening." You tell him about the dream. About your dad. He nods. "It's clear, you should definitly go check up on your dad. What are you waiting for?" You have your phone in your hands but again your finger is hovering above the button. Suga looks not understanding at you. "Just call him?" You shake your head. "I don't think that's a good idea.I told you before, I have not a good relation with my parents. There is a reason I am living alone at this age already." "What happened?" "I don't know." "Come on, there must be something. You can tell me." He puts his hand on yours, and squeezes it comfrotingly. You are biting the inside of your cheek.

"I really don't know. Ever since I was a kid, I have little memories of my parents. Especially happy ones. It's like I've always known to live with my grandmother. I remember being on a picknick once. Or a schoolplay I was in and they were watching. But around my 8 years it all changed. I stayed with grandma more and more and saw them less and less. When I asked my grandma about it, she was always mysterious about it. She just told me my parents really loved me a lot and are just a bit busy. But as I grew older, I requiered less care, so I thought even if they are busy, I can fetch for myself and be independent. So I could maybe move back home since I am less maintenance now than since I was a kid. But my dad kept finding excuses. I don't know why. But as a teenager I took it quite personal and it weighted down on my self esteem a lot. I really am in the suspicion I am unwanted. No matter how much my grandma tried to tell me I belonged. I felt so lonely. I really thought something must have been wrong with me." Your voice turns smaller and smaller. Suga isn't even touching his coffee anymore. He looks at you with big eyes and shock. He was also without parents since a young age but to him, his parents were forced to leave him. This is a whole new thing. "But you made it somehow, and that's what matters most. You are really appreciated by us and we are amazed at your skills and talents." He smiles and wraps his hands around the cup to warm them up. Then he places them on yours. "Look at me." He says and you look up from the table. "You are loved. Don't overthink it. There must be a good reason for them to ignore you like that, but I am sure you are wanted and loved by them. No parent ever hates his child. Not really. No matter what they say or do. Your mom even took care of you for 9 months. That says something. That means you were at least loved for 9 months. At least." He smiles his pearly smile and you relax.

"Sorry for telling you something so sad." You smile while trying to hastily wipe your eyes from the settling tears. "That's okay. I'm happy you trust me this much. But have you tried to contact him ever since your teens?" "Well, of course I tried, but it went to voicemail so like when I went living on my own, I left a voicemail message. Or when I found this job. But voicemail only. Guess they are really busy..." Suga bites his lower lip. "Call him. Call him now." "And say what?" "Just start with a 'Hi'. That never killed a conversation before. And let the rest follow suit." He takes a sip from his coffee. You are still hovering above the button. After a solid minute, Suga grabs the phone out of your hands and presses the call button. You tried to get the phone back but he kept running with it. He puts it on speaker while running. You are 100% sure it is going back on voicemail but you stand still as you hear a dry click. He and you both look at each other in shock when a male voice comes through the speakers. He quickly hands you the phone back and you are frozen like a deer in the headlights. "Hello?" He says. "H-hi dad... It's me..." "Yes, I know. Why are you calling?" You look at Suga. He just gestures for you to go ahead. "H-how are you doing, dad?" You hesitantly say. "Actually... Not that well... I'm sick. Very sick." You can feel your stomach drop. Suga's eyes widen and he pretends to be intrigued by a plant on the side of your room. "What do you mean, sick?" "..." The silence is deafening. "Dad?" "It's 4th stage cancer...." Suga stiffens up and never wished more than to just be a fly on the wall right now. It's quiet. Both you and your father are quiet. After about an eternity or in reality a minute you seem to get the news. "C-can I...Can I s-see you?" You ask. He coughs. "Sure. When?" You arrange a date with him and say your goodbye's. After hanging up you look at Suga, who is still touching the Ficus in the corner of your room. "So it was true... my dream..." He looks sad at you. "Guess your talents keep on growing..." But his voice sounds sad, almost pitiful.

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