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After recovering, you say goodbye to the temple and go back home. Your back has been well taken care of by Hoseok and you didn't think about how he changed your clothes when you were K.O.-ed, and took care of your bruises on your back for you. Slightly sore you enter your own apartment and it feels like home. You kick off the shoes and lay down on the bed. You aren't tired because the temple recharged you. Hoseok faithfully took you with him to the Zen garden to get some meditation sessions in that messy head of yours. RM gave you the day off to recover some more, but you were fine already, and decided to sit that one day out at home, not wanting to disturb Hoseok any longer. Jin promised to go back to the asylum and try to get rid of that evil spirit. And so he did, but he failed to find it. So they decided to just file that case in the unfinished bussiness drawer (that isn't that full) and leave it for when they have a solution. 

You are browsing a bit on your SNS and come across something disturbing. It's a forum that talks about a scary mail. The urban legends of the modern age. You know, the mail chains that you needed to forward to at least 10 others or bad luck would fall upon you. It's a thing of the 00's but you can't believe people today are still falling for it. You read up.

"I had a friend that ignored it because we all know it's b*ll, but a week later she was taken into the hospital. For no good reason did she get a stomach ulcer and it was in a bad condition."

"I know of a story of a picture. And if you see that picture, bad things happen to you within the week!"

"Don't start! It's scary enough already online with all those catfish and sollicitors, I don't want to be scared of this too!"

"I thought this was so 2003, but apparently it's still around I see... Scary...."

You nod and close the tab. "That is so 2003 indeed..." You browse away and go to the happier side of the internet. You check your emails and clean out your spam folder. Most of them are "Congratz you won..." "Check this out!" "Don't miss the sale!" so you easily remove them.

Suddenly you get a new mail. It has no sender nor title. You want to drag it to get it removed but accidentally opened it. "No harm done, as long as I don't click on links I'm fine." But suddenly a pop up comes up on your screen. You can hear a childrens song play. It's a picture of an empty playground. A balloon is hanging idle at a swing when suddenly the balloon seems to take off and into the air. Mesmerized you stare at the balloon when suddenly a horrid face comes on your screen and you yelp loudly. You instantly close your screen and your heart is beating fast. You sit up on your knees on the bed, and are staring at your laptop with disbelieve. "W-what... Just one of those jumpscare videos... Nothing to be shocked about." You take deep breaths and calm yourself down. You open the laptop and the screen is still on the pop up but it is now just an empty playground. No balloon, no scare face, nothing. You quickly close the pop up and try to forget about the whole ordeal.

At night you are tossing and turning in your bed. It can't seem to let you go. You open your laptop again and google it. 

'Empty playground pop up window scary balloon face' and press 'search'. You get a few, but they only contain one word of all your search words. And after clicking a few you can't seem to find any that are close to what yours was. "Thanks for nothing, google..." You mumble under your breath and go back to sleep. Or at least try too.

The next day you go to the office and you see Suga. He seems to be a bit out of it. "What's wrong?" you ask and he looks at you with a disturbed look on his face. "It's almost that time again..." He mumbles and looks down at his hands. You shrug, he clearly isn't telling you what is up so you give up on it. You go to find Jimin in the sceance room. He is there the most ffrequent, if you are looking for him during working hours, he is in that room. "Hi Chimmy!" His face lights up at seeing you. He gets up and is excited to see you. He grabs your hand to pull you but pulls off again. "Ouch!" He waves his hand as if he just burned it. "What's wrong?" He holds his wrist and looks at his hand and then back at you. "N-nothing... I think I must have gotten shocked by you. It might be the static." And he turns around and walks back to his table. You did notice that he is wearing a polyethylin shirt and figure it must have been him when he got up from the velvet chair he was sitting on. You shrug and take a seat at the table with him. You start to chat about random things and Hoseok calls you. You excuse yourself with Jimin and follow Hoseok. 

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