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You didn't sleep a wink last night. Only by daybreak you managed to fall asleep. V slept the same as you: not. After 4 hours your alarm goes off. Sleepily you lean over V, semi hugging him while you try to reach for your alarm. You can smell your shampoo and soap on him and his sleeping sweat. It smells, intriguing. He smacks his lips and wakes up too. "Will you tell the others about the haunting?" "No." "Why not?" "I think I'll just wait and see where it goes. I'll just eat my food with disgust even if it kills me. I won't let it intimidate me further. I'll overcome it by myself." "Will you tell them I am in your place?" "No." "Why not?" You think about it. "Do you want me to?" V thinks for a few seconds and shakes his head. "I don't want them to worry about me either." You get out of bed, but V pulls you back in. It feels so comfortable in his arms.  "V, I need to get ready for work." His breath touches the back of your neck and in your hair and he moans "Just 5 more minutes..." You sigh and stop struggling. After about 3 minutes you get up forcefully and get ready.

You are annoyed to go to work. Things haven't been the same since that arrival of the new one. You just want things to go back to where they were. You are in the kitchen, grabbing a cup of joe's. "Did you sleep well?" A female voice suddenly wakes you from your daydreaming. Oh no, you are alone with her. "I didn't. Thank you for asking, Lia." You sip your coffee, to give yourself a posture for the awkwardness of you ending conversations like that. She leans against the counter next to you after closing the door. "Let's have a chat." You feel irked again and take a seat on the chair to avoid being close to her. She sits on the table in front of you, seducing you with her long legs as she usually does. You stare at her and for a moment she smiles, thinking you like her. "Can you please not sit on a place where we eat? It's highly unhygienic of you." You sneered and smiled in your cup of coffee so she can't see how that sneer made you so happy. Her smile melts for a second before jumping off the table and taking a seat with grace. She tries to put her hand on your hand but you pull it back. "Why do you act so weird around me?" She asks you. "Weird? What do you mean?" "Are you scared of me, luv?" She smiles again and it irks you again. "Not really..." "The others told me you are normally more social. What happened to you, luv?" "Stop calling me luv. I don't like it." You keep shooting her down when she tries to make conversation. She pouts with her red lips.

"Tell me what I did wrong?" You can't help but bite your lip, you are unsure on how to answer her. You can't just say it's your gut... "Nothing." "Then will you at least be a bit more hospitable to me? I really want to get along with the whole team. You've been new before too, how did they treat you?" You got no other choice as you reflect on the memories. "They welcomed me without any predjuce." "There, I want the same. Can't you at least give me a chance?" You look into her eyes and can't find any reason to why not. "I'll try harder." You just say the diplomatic thing and she smiles again. "Great! I look forward to working with you!" She gets up and takes a cup of tea and walks off again. You are left behind in the kitchen, feeling awkward and frankly a bit like you are the bad guy.

When you hang with the others, they notice you haven't been sleeping well. "You okay?" Jin worriedly asks. You nod. You see Jimin, staring out of the window. You walk to him and put your arms around him in a back hug. "Do you miss him?" Jimin nods. "Why don't you come to my place tonight? It's been a while since we hung." He places his hands on yours and turns around. "Thanks!" And hugs you close. Jin and Suga just stare at how you are hugging. Lia is also looking at you. She walks to the toilet. 

As you are chatting with Jimin and JK, you suddenly are aware of a strong pinching in your side. At first you think it's just a nerve that is triggered, but soon after, it starts to hurt, deeper inside. As if someone is poking you with a knife. You moan and bend forward. You try to grab Jimin's hem of shirt but another stab floors you. The pain is so intense you black out. The others are in no time around you, slapping your cheek. 

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