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Namjoon was drowning in cases. Since that TV show aired, the company got free PR and lots of people now started reaching out. So now you are busier than ever. He is browsing through cases and filtering out the not-a-chance ones from the realistic ones. You are eagerly waiting for RM to brief you about the next case, while Jin and V are out of the office, near the kitchenette. Suddenly you hear some noises in the hallway and Jin's voice asking "Who are you", when the door to the office opens. A tall, handsome man is standing in the doorway and his eyes are rushing over everyone's face until his eyes locked their target on you. His eyes grow wide and he runs in big stept towards you. Jhope puts his hand on the man's chest and tries to keep him off, but fails. In a flash, he grabs you by your wrist and pulls you up. "OUCH!" He pulls you with him. This time they all take action and stop the young man. He turns to you and pulls you against him. "We need to talk." Is all he says and he ignores the others while pulling you with him. "O-okay- but please, stop pulling. Let's go into the sceance room." You say calmly while trying to bite through the pain of the bruise forming on your wrist. Somehow this man looks familiar to you.

He follows you without even looking at the others in the room, that are wound up and alerted. Jin and Suga are stunned. "Who is that guy?" Suga asked, feeling threatened. Jin shrugs "I have no clue, but he is looking good." So even Jin is feeling threatened. They all go to the sceance room and are trying to catch the conversation.

The dark room feel stuffy as usual and the man looks around with disgust. You calmly offer him a seat and he takes it. The candles are out and you click on the lightswitch. The room feels less stuffy now and the man seems to breath easier now. "Who are you?" You ask, partially because you are curious and partially because you felt something when he touched you. The young man looks at you and gets up again. He walks towards you and grabs you by the shoulders and you are drowning in his intense blue eyes. "I'm Thomas. I'm your brother." You feel as if the world is shaking under your feet. You stare in disbelief at his face and notice some familiar traits. "B-brother?" You stammer and you could swear there is a ghost of a smile on his lips, as if he is pleased hearing you say it.

The others all look at each other. They are just as shocked. "It was Ami's brother?" JK whispers and the others all nod. "Apparently" Jin and Suga seem to relax.

"T-Thomas? Father told me I had a baby brother, but you are bigger than me. How is this possible?" "I'm a man, I grow taller than women." He snickers and in that laugh you see your mother. "Why did you pull me that roughly? It hurted. Great first impression..." you mumble as you rub your wrists. "Because we didn't even have a f*cking funeral for dad. And you are here, doing all this demonic sh*t and whatnot. I never even got to say goodbye properly. I just had a farewell letter from dad. He just said to not look for him if he would not be back. I figured he just went out on his own to die. But he kept going on about how he met you and how you grew up so marvellous even though he feels like he made a deal with the devil. I figured he meant it as a figure of speech... Until I saw that episode on TV. You are actually fully into doing that shit? Are you for real? Just like dad, obsessing about these, these, quacks?" "Thomas! That's not nice! And who learned you to talk like that? Also they are not quacks. I am not a quack." "You? You should realise that this superstition sh*t-" "Language!" "- Isn't real. You don't have powers and you do not need to hang out with those lunatics!"

V and JK are making fists and are furious. They are about to burst in the door, but they are being restrained by Jimin and RM. The others remain calm. They are smart enough not to meddle with whatever is going on inside that room, since it's a family affair.

"Listen, I am older than you, this is my job. And I do have powers. Somehow." Thomas looks defeated. He drops his head and turns around. "Even if you have them... stop having them..." He mumbles softly, trying to hold back a sob. You can see at his aura that it has been hurt this whole time. He has not once had an evil intention in every word he said. It's hurt, sadness and sorrow you see. You walk towards him and put your hand on his shoulder. "Thomas... It's not something I can choose. I wasn't like this when I first started working here." "Then you should never had started working. Why can't you just come to live with us again, I don't even know you. I just recently found out about your existence. Mom almost never mentioned you, only when she was drunk she babbelled about how her child was a mistake." You can't deny the hurt you feel hearing that, even though your father already mentioned that before too. "A long time I thought she meant me. But it was you. You were the one who broke our parents. And here you are, living your best life, filling your own and everyone elses head with aircastles and tales."

"They aren't aircastles. It is reality." He turns around and in despair starts shouting again. "I can't seem to get through to you, can I? Even if it is real, don't. Don't play with these kind of things. Turn a blind eye if you see something. If it's money you do this job for, we have enough with Father's inheritance. Is it for having something to do, you can work at my office. We can use people. If it's for love... Well... I have a few older friends-" "Thomas. I'm not quitting this job. It gave me an identity. I actually feel at home here, with them." Tears are shooting in his eyes as he shakes his head. "The more you get involved, the more this will become a reality. Have you ever considered the consequences?" You are quiet. You struggled so long with the fact that your dad died because of you, and your parents' misfortune originated from you and having these gifts. You still struggle. You let the weakness creep in. Thomas senses the change in your attitude and grabs your shoulders. "I'm so lonely. Please. Come back to me. Let me get to know you, but without all this scary stuff that brings misfortune..." 

The others are almost not breathing, trying to follow the conversation. The fact that you stopped fighting and responding, scares them beyond anything.

You are feeling tempted, more and more. He continues. "Let's do a proper goodbye for dad. Let's just live together, as siblings. Please." You keep quiet a bit longer. The guys outside the door are almost dying. You shake your head. "Thomas. I don't mind you getting to know me. I am actually happy to see you, and meet you. But this is who I am. I would love to stay in touch, and hang out with you, but you will need to accept me as I am. And this is something that I can do. That only I can do. I can't not do it. I'm sorry." He looks in disbelief at you and shakes his head. "Mom was right. You are delirious." He calmly says and closes his eyes before opening them and looking at the door. He walks towards it and this time you grab him by his wrist but he throws your hand away. "Let me go. I never had a sibling, and after today I give up on you too." Those words stabbed you right where you were bleeding already. He pulls open the door and sees all these men standing in the hallway, not fast enough to pretend they were accidentally there. Except for RM. RM stares right back at him.

"You look like you have something to say." Thomas says, taken in by RM's gaze. "Ofcourse. The least you can do is come in my office, calmly and talk to me, after barging in like a madman, hurting one of my employees." Thomas nods and seems to agree to follow RM to his office. You come out of the room and look around at what is happening when you see Thomas disappear with RM. 

"He isn't going to kill my brother, is he?" You ask in concern. "Probably not, but what the hell was that about?" Jin asks with a stress on his whispering voice. 

RM takes a seat after giving a seat to Thomas. "Listen, I understand your concerns about Ami working here." "Ami? Why do you give names that don't belong to them?" "Because we like working with nicknames. We are a family here. Does it get dangerous sometimes: yes. But Ami knew what it was before the start. Yet still chose for it. And remember that Ami is older than you and been taking care of themselves since forever. To jump the gun on Ami like that right from the bat is a bit much, no? Even if you are family. To Ami, we are like family too. Family that understands and supports. Feeds the talents. Because boy, does Ami have them..." RM whistles through his teeth. "Thing is, that 'misfortune' you are talking about, is finally finding a controlled form. It is finding peace and quiet without endangering Ami or others around. You can still have your sibling. Just, don't overwhelm Ami with it all. And start to accept who Ami is without presumptions. Also I don't really appreciate the tone of voice you carry yourself with." RM look sternly at Thomas who seemed to be only slightly older than him. RM sighs as he sees Thomas still not being trusting of him. 

He gets up and walks to Thomas, placing his hand on that man's shoulder. "We will take care of everything. We are responsible. If anything happens, we will take our responsibility." "In everything?" "In everything." Thomas seems to breath easy for a second before getting up. He holds out his hand. "That's a promise then." RM grabs his hand and shakes is sternly. Thomas leaves the room and meets up with you, who are playing around and being loved by the other guys. You look at him and walk to him. He bows and apologises to the others. He then resumes by asking your phone and he puts his number in it. "Call me." He says before leaving the office.

You turn to RM in curiousity. "What did you tell him?" RM softly grabs you and pushes you against his body in a hug. "That we will take responsibility for you." Those words are said so softly it almost sounds romantically. The others nod. They agree with the fact that they would rather die for you than let something happen to you. In any way.

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