Inside my mind

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Suga and Woo Bin storm in the house. They found you on the outer edge balcony of your apartment. Your face looks hollow and you have bags under your eyes for days. You are wearing a pajama's and no slippers. They both grab you and pull you back inside. You start to cry. Woo Bin hugs you close. You grasp the back of his shirt and are crying hard. Suga sighs relieved and wipes the sweat of fear away. He really was scared. He dreamed that you fell down. He has never seen this much horror as you splattered on the ground in front of your apartment. He was terrified. Woo Bin saw you. Jimin sended him because he was really worried about you. When he saw you, he could sense an immediate dread coming from you so he didn't really wander and took semi-forcefully charge of Jimin, to go to you. They hold you close to them. After you calmed down a bit, and your crying got reduced to hiccups, Woo bin picks you up from the ground, and Suga goes inside to grab you a glass of water. They place you on your bed and sit on Woo Bin has his arm around you. Suga squads in front of you, in his trust position and has his hands on your knees, staring straight at you, looking up. You tell him everything.

Both Woo Bin as Suga are shocked to the core. They can't even imagine what you must be going through. "S-so maybe those dormant powers have an origin...?" Suga is thinking. Woo Bin snaps at you. "What made you think to join me like that! You fool! I worried sick because of you!!!" He smacks you on your arm. You hold your hand over the sore spot of his smack and look guilty at him. Both men are focussing on 2 different things. You laugh awkwardly. "He's right, you know. I saw you splattered out on the floor. It's not something I willingly want to see. We are here for you, always, so why didn't you come to us instead of fretting on your own? We are your friends. All of us." "I don't even know who I am anymore..." You look down at your feet. Suga lifts your chin with his finger. "You are our friend. We trust you and you are amazing. All the rest is on the side." You fall around his neck and hug him close. Woo Bin taps your shoulder comfortingly. Both men crawl into your bed with you, sandwiching you between them. You feel so comforted and warm. Safe. You fall asleep with your head on Woo Bin's arm and your arm around Suga's chest.

In the morning they take you to the rest and are quiet about the suicide attempt. You tell them everything your father told you. RM nods. "Quite possible that your powers originate from that event in your life." You somewhat hate your powers, since they took your parents away from you. "But what is the price of the witch doctor?" Jin says, not liking it at all. He hates it when power originates from impure backgrounds. "Maybe the loss of my parents? Maybe the sickeness of my father? Who knows..." You say, hesitantly. "Hmmmm" Namjoon takes a seat on his chair and spins in it. "Whatever it is, it is great you have them. We will train you in them and you will be able to use them for good things." He nods at JK and JK takes you to the couch to let you have a seat. "RM is my limiter, but if you like, I can be yours too. All you need to do is spend one night with me." You fall out of the couch slightly. "W-what do you mean?" "As I said. 1 night. You must be openminded and allow me to do things to you in full submittance." You blush and Jin, Suga and Woo Bin protests. "A-Ami doesn't need a limiter!" He quickly says. "The powers aren't that strong that it would mean a mortal danger so it is not necessary!" JK looks at you. "He's right, but you never know..." You smile and nod. "I'll be fine. It's better to do it first." JK smiles a bunny smile. "Great, tonight, my place. Wear something comfortable and try to sleep today. Because I'll keep you up all night!" He ruffles your hair and gets up. The trio in the back has their jaws on the floor. Shocked they see how you leave for your place, full of new courage. Suga grasps JK's arm thightly. "If you touch one hair on Ami's head, I'll have you raw." He hisses, being very protective about Ami. "I won't do anything that RM didn't do to me." His eyes twinkle as they link with RM, who just smiles a dimple smile and nods approvingly.

You nervously ring JK's bell and hwen he opens the door, he is wearing sleek, black silken clothes. Leather pants with silken shirt, slightly open so you can see his collar bones stick out. His hair is parted to one side and he looks very serious at you, not a smile in sight. "Come in. I hope you have your mind open for tonight. We will become one. Melt into each other." You fluster at his speech. It brings a shiver to your spine and results in goosebumps. He guides you to the living room, that is dark and only has random candles light up everywhere. It looks so damn romantic. He sits in a velvet dark couch and taps on it next to him. You take your seat and he has a few glasses of wine in front of him. He hands you one. Your heart is fluttering at the mood he is setting. "What is the meaning of all this?" He smiles secretely and just clings his glass to yours. "Just setting the mood. For our union." You blush again. "Y-you did this with RM too?" He sips his wine while his eyes look twinkling with misschief over his glass. You sip it too. The wine has a slight aroma of herbs and fruit. He starts to slowly chat a bit up and nears you, having his arm over the back of the sofa around you. He is not breaking eye contact with you and makes a joke. It is going smoothly. You start to feel drowsy. Maybe it's the wine? Or the smell of the candles? Or the comfort you feel of chatting leisurly with JK? You don't know but your blinking becomes slower. "Feeling sleepy?" He asks in a husk voice. You yawn and nod. "Did you...roofy me?" "Not at all... Or maybe a little..." He smiles mysteriously and you panic. He can see you panicking but touches your shoulder and face. "Don't panic. Now it's important for you to have an open mind. Open it fully for me. Do you trust me?" He asks. You nod slightly. His voice sounds slightly far away. "Is it open?" You nod and close your eyes, thinking of nothing and you sink into his chest.

You are floating in clouds. Everything is warm and fluffy. It feels like heaven. You can see the ground below you. "Jump." A familiar voice sounds from everywhere and you hesitate. "Trust me." The voice says again and you close your eyes and jump down from the cloud. Instead of flying you feel ground firmly below you and you didn't even drop or feel pain. You are on the ground and look around. It's a dark place. You hear someone whistle between his teeth. "Dear god... what a grim place..." Suddenly from the shadows emerges JK. He looks just like he did before you fell asleep. His silken blouse moves as if it's alive on it's own. He kneels and helps you up. "Where is this place?" "This is your mental safe place. It's your inner core. The fluffy clouds were your emotional place. But what happened here?" He looks around at the darkness. "I don't think it has always been like this... Did recently contemplated suicide?" You see that a room is full of normal things, except for a dreading feeling. The pillows still look soft, but somehow it feels off. The lights won't turn on no matter how much you turn on the switch. You are showing him too much... "Too much? Careful now. We are now united. I am inside your mind. In your inner core. I can hear your thoughts." He grins and grabs your shoulders. You feel violated and at rest at the same time. "Ouch, that hurts. I would never violate you. You willingly gave yourself to me like this." He looks around and walks to your desk. He places something on it. It's a glowing bunny statue. "There, it fits right in. Perfect, no?" "Why is it glowing?" "Cause it is a part of my subconcious. I will leave this here, because I will be linked with your inner core from now on. And no matter how dark it gets in this place, this bunny lives on my energy. It's not influenceable by anything you will throw at it. Because it's not yours to do with as you please." He pets it and walks back to you. 

He grabs your hand. "We did what we needed to do. Is there anything else you care to show me?" You freeze for a second and shake your head no, but the moment you think about the thing you don't want to show him, it appears around you. It's in the bed with Jin. And then with Suga. It's the kiss you shared with RM and WooBin. It's you standing on the balcony that evening and looking down. You are suddenly in a park with your parents, you see your sickly dad. It is all flashing by like a movie. In a daze you look at JK who is just taking it all in. Your first kiss in high school, the bullying in elementary, the ghost woman, the storage room with the weird items. "Stop!" But by the time he said it, it already zapped to the next memory. "Was that the shop you talked about? Can you go back?" You look at him and try. The moment you try to focus on it, the image flickers and it turns dark again. "What the...?" He mumbles as he grasps your hand thighter. Suddenly you are surrounded by gnawing skulls, and father death, and other grim signitals. As if something or someone blocks your view. You hide into his chest and arms and can feel his strong muscles around you. For a moment you feel safe and at rest. "Can we go back?" You look up to him and into his face. He carefully cups your face with one hand and places a soft kiss on your forehead. Then your nose. He hesitates for a moment but pecks your lips too. You sink away into fluffy clouds again and are getting lost in sweet dreams.

JK softly carries you to his bed. He places you in it and softly strokes the side of your face. He gets up and walks back to the living room. He blows out the scented candles and turns on the lights. The morning is already dawning itself at the night sky. They've been under for 6 hours. It was mentally draining him too. He is still surprised by all the things he saw. The kisses with the others and most importantly, the shop's back room. Even tho it's only a glimpse, he still felt the same dread that you felt that moment.  It is freaking him out. He felt uncomfortable about it, and it passes into his concious too.

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